blob: 6c6115af009b1a8f46a6db26a395cd1b8cceba50 [file] [log] [blame]
<?php require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); $App = new App(); $Nav = new Nav(); $Menu = new Menu(); include($App->getProjectCommon()); # All on the same line to unclutter the user's desktop'
$pageTitle = "New Project Provisioning Request Result";
$pageKeywords = "projects";
$pageAuthor = "Bjorn Freeman-Benson Jan 2006";
<div id="maincontent">
<div id="midcolumn">
<h1><?= $pageTitle ?></h1>
$EMailHeaders = "From: \"Eclipse WebMaster (Automated)\"<>\n";
$EMailHeaders .= "X-Mailer: automailer process\n";
function mail_string($committer_number){
$committer_name = "committerName" . $committer_number;
$committer_email = "committerEmail" . $committer_number;
$committer_website = "committerWebsite" . $committer_number;
$committer_packages = "committerPackages" . $committer_number;
$committer_lead = "committerLead" . $committer_number;
$committer_download = "committerDownloadPrivileges" . $committer_number;
$tmp_str .= "
Name: " . $_POST[$committer_name] . "
Email: " . $_POST[$committer_email] . "
if ($_POST[$committer_lead] != ""){
$tmp_str .= "Project Lead: " . $_POST[$committer_lead] . "
if ($_POST[$committer_website] != ""){
$tmp_str .= "Website: " . $_POST[$committer_website] . "
if ($_POST[$committer_download] != ""){
$tmp_str .= "Download: " . $_POST[$committer_download] . "
$tmp_str .= "Packages: " . $_POST[$committer_packages] . "
return $tmp_str;
function mail_committers($committer_number){
global $EMailHeaders;
$committer_name = "committerName" . $committer_number;
$committer_email = "committerEmail" . $committer_number;
$committer_packages = "committerPackages" . $committer_number;
$committer_website = "committerWebsite" . $committer_number;
$cmailstr = "
Committer Request
Name: " . $_POST['yourName'] . "
Email: " . $_POST['yourEmail'] . "
Committer Info: ===================
Has been elected: initial project creation: " . $_POST['yourProject'] . "
Name: " . $_POST[$committer_name] . "
Project: " . $_POST['yourProject'] . "
Email: " . $_POST[$committer_email] . "
CVS package List: " . $_POST[$committer_packages] . "
Web Package List: " . $_POST[$committer_website] . "
Dear " . $_POST[$committer_name] . ",
If you do not already have a unix account,
please do the following:
1. Create a Bugzilla account for yourself using your same
email address: " . $_POST[$committer_email] . "
If you do not use this same email address, your Bugzilla
permissions will not be set correctly.
2. Follow these instructions (especially item 4):
If you have not already done so, you need to fill out a web
form questionnaire and possibly one or two paper agreements.
Your committer account cannot be processed until these
forms are received.
Thank you.
$CEMailDest = "";
if ($_POST[$committer_email] != ""){
$CEMailDest .= "," . $_POST[$committer_email];
$CEMailSubject = $_POST[$committer_name] . " - New Committer Request Form";
mail($CEMailDest, $CEMailSubject, $cmailstr, $EMailHeaders);
function committers(){
$committer_name = "committerName".$i;
if ($_POST[$committer_name] != ""){
$tmp_str .= mail_string($i);
if (($_POST[$committer_name] == "") && ($i == 1)){
$tmp_str .= "* ERROR: No committers listed *
return $tmp_str;
function website(){
$committer_website = "committerWebsite".$i;
$committer_name = "committerName".$i;
$committer_email = "committerEmail".$i;
if ($_POST[$committer_website] != ""){
$tmp_str .= "
Name: " . $_POST[$committer_name] . "
Email: " . $_POST[$committer_email] . "
if (($_POST[$committer_website] == "") && ($i == 1)){
$tmp_str .= "* ERROR: No committers were given website access *
return $tmp_str;
function download_privileges(){
$committerDownloadPrivileges = "committerDownloadPrivileges".$i;
$committerName = "committerName".$i;
$committerEmail = "committerEmail".$i;
if ($_POST[$committerDownloadPrivileges] != ""){
$tmp_str .= "
Name: " . $_POST[$committerName] . "
Email: " . $_POST[$committerEmail] . "
if (($_POST[$committerDownloadPrivileges] == "") && ($i == 1)){
$tmp_str .= "* ERROR: No committers were given download access *
return $tmp_str;
function mailing_lists(){
$mailing_list = "mailingList".$i;
$short_description = "shortDescription".$i;
if ($_POST[$mailing_list] != ""){
$tmp_str .= "
Name: " . $_POST[$mailing_list] . "
Short Description: " . $_POST[$short_description] . "
if (($_POST[$mailing_list] == "") && ($i == 1)){
$tmp_str .= "* ERROR: No mailing lists specified *
return $tmp_str;
function components(){
$component = "component".$i;
$component_description = "componentDescription".$i;
$component_owner = "componentOwner".$i;
if ($_POST[$component] != ""){
$tmp_str .= "
Name: " . $_POST[$component] . "
Description: " . $_POST[$component_description] . "
Owner: " . $_POST[$component_owner] . "
if (($_POST[$component] == "") && ($i == 1)){
$tmp_str .= "* ERROR: No Bugzilla components specified *
return $tmp_str;
# Main Code #
$EMailDest = ",,";
$EMailSubject = "New Project Validation Phase Provisioning Request Form";
$_STATE = $_POST['state'];
if ($_STATE == "submit"){
echo "
Thank you for submitting this form. You have submitted the following.
There are TODO items in this email for:
1. the webmaster
2. EMO legal
3. EMO process
4. You, the submitter
Note that your project will not be completely provisioned until you
have finished your to do items.
$mailStr .= "
New Project Validation Phase Provisioning Request
Name: " . $_POST['yourName'] . "
Email: " . $_POST['yourEmail'] . "
Phone: " . $_POST['yourPhone'] . "
Process: " . $_POST['yourDevelopmentProcess'] . "
New Project: " . $_POST['yourProject'] . "
Host Project: " . $_POST['hostProject'] . "
_____ Committers _____
1. This is the list of committers. They will be provisioned with
UNIX accounts after they have filled out the online and paper
forms and agreements.
2. [webmaster] Use this list to create the unix groups.
3. [EMO legal] Use this list to mark project leads.
$mailStr .= committers();
$mailStr .= "
_____ Initial CVS Components _____
" . $_POST['initialComponents'] . "
# Project Websites #
$mailStr .= "
_____ Project Database ______
1. [EMO process] Set the proposal database to 'creation review successful'
2. [EMO process] Create the project entry in the Foundation database
_____ Project Website ______
1. [webmaster] Create the /cvsroot/org.eclipse website CVS component.
2. [webmaster] Create the initial \"intentionally blank\" default index.php file in that component.
3. [webmaster] Create the[shortname] directory
4. [webmaster] Set up the auto-update mechanism from the CVS to the directory
5. [webmaster] Grant CVS access for the website to:
$mailStr .= website();
# Downloads #
$mailStr .= "
_____ Downloads ______
1. [webmaster] Create a downloads area. Provide access to:
$mailStr .= download_privileges();
# Mailing Lists #
$mailStr .= "
_____ Newsgroups ____
1. [webmaster] If the project-specific newsgroup has not been
created, please do so now.
_____ Mailing Lists _____
1. [webmaster] Create these mailing lists.";
$mailStr .= mailing_lists();
# Bugzilla Components #
$mailStr .= "
_____ Bugzilla Components _____
1. [webmaster] Create these bugzilla components.";
$mailStr .= components();
$mailStr .= "
_____ Project Status Information _____
1. [" . $_POST['yourName'] . "] After the project website CVS is provisioned,
create the project status infrastructure files. See
These files are used to surface the newsgroups, mailing lists, and other
information on the website.
$EMailSubject = $EMailSubject . " (" . $_POST['yourProject'] . ")";
if ($_POST['yourEmail'] != ""){
$EMailDest .= "," . $_POST['yourEmail'];
mail($EMailDest, $EMailSubject, $mailStr, $EMailHeaders);
echo "<pre>
" . $mailStr . "
# Paste your HTML content between the EOHTML markers!
$html = ob_get_contents();
# Generate the web page
$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);