blob: 39f4db1ba797d965e5c9c14fb475a0bfb25aec58 [file] [log] [blame]
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../classes/';
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../classes/TestRunner.class.php';
* These tests require a Bugzilla instance as follows:
* - URL: http://localhost/bugzilla
* - username:
* - username: password: blahblah
class BugzillaClientTests extends TestCase {
var $client;
function setUp() {
$this->client = new BugzillaClient('http://localhost/bugzilla');
function tearDown() {
function testSuccessfulLogin() {
$this->client->login('', 'blahblah');
function testInvalidPasswordLogin() {
try {
$this->client->login('', 'blahblahblah');
$this->fail("An exception should have been thrown!");
} catch (BugzillaInvalidCredentialsException $e) {
$this->assertEquals("Invalid Username Or Password", $e->getMessage());
function testInvalidHost() {
$client = new BugzillaClient('http://localhost/bogus');
try {
$client->login('', 'blahblah');
$this->fail("An exception should have been thrown!");
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->assertTrue(preg_match('/404/', $e->getMessage()));
function testCreateABug() {
$this->client->login('', 'blahblah');
$bug = $this->client
->startBug('TestProduct', 'TestComponent', 'A test bug')
->addParagraph('Now is the time for all good folks to come to the aid of the party')
function testCreateABugWithAttachment() {
$this->client->login('', 'blahblah');
$bug = $this->client
->startBug('TestProduct', 'TestComponent', 'A test bug with an attachment')
->addParagraph('Now is the time for all good folks to come to the aid of the party')
echo "**** Bug created: $bug->id \n";
$attachment = $bug->startAttachment()
->setDescription('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog')
echo "**** Attachment created: $attachment->id \n";
$runner = new TextTestRunner('BugzillaClientTests');