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* Copyright (C) Eclipse Foundation, Inc. and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
require_once ($_SERVER ['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
require_once ($_SERVER ['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
require_once ($_SERVER ['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/");
$App = new App ();
$Nav = new Nav ();
$Menu = new Menu ();
$pageKeywords = "";
$pageTitle = "Eclipse Foundation Committer Training";
$pageAuthor = "Wayne Beaton";
include ($App->getProjectCommon ());
ob_start ();
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<div id="maincontent">
<h1>Eclipse Foundation Committer Training</h1>
The rules of engagement defined in the <a
Foundation Development Process</a> are the foundational principles
that underpin how we believe that open source should be done.
Eclipse projects must be <strong>transparent</strong>. To operate in a
transparent manner, Eclipse project teams need to ensure that the
community has the ability to understand what the project team is
doing. This means that all development plans, issues tracking and
resolution, discussion, and more happens on open channels where people
who are not a part of the project team can follow along.
Eclipse projects must be <strong>open</strong>. Transparency is
concerned with letting people know what you’re doing, openness is
concerned with letting them participate as an equal player. As an
Eclipse project committer, you have to be open to new ideas and work
with contributors to ensure that their contributions have an equal
chance of becoming part of the project. Project teams should have
well-defined rules for participating that apply to everybody
regardless of who they work for or factors other than the quality of
their contributions.
Eclipse projects must be <strong>meritocratic</strong>. Project
participants earn their way to additional responsibility. A regular
contributor of quality code should be invited to become a committer
themselves. A committer who shows leadership may one day become a
project lead. We have a well-defined process for turning somebody into
a committer that requires a statement of merit; very often that
statement of merit is just a bunch of pointers to contributions that
the individual has made to the project.
<p>In these videos, we discuss certain key elements of life as a
committer on an Eclipse Project.</p>
<div class="video">
<h2 id="roles">Eclipse Project Roles</h2>
<div class="description">
<p>The Eclipse Foundation Development Process defines multiple roles.</p>
<p>Committers are the primary gatekeepers for the project. Committers
are the ones who decide what code goes into the repository, what
gets included in builds, and what ends up in the open source
project’s products.</p>
<p>Project Leads are the first link in the project leadership chain
and the primary liaison between the project team and the Eclipse
Management Organization, or EMO. The EMO will, for example, ensure
that the project leads are looped in in all matters regarding
project governance. In cases where public channels should not be
used, for example in the case where the security team receives a
vulnerability report, the project lead is the first point of
<p>The Project Management Committee (PMC) provides oversight and
overall leadership for the projects that fall under their top Level
project. The PMC’s role is, fundamentally, to maintain the overall
vision and operation of the top level project and all of the
projects that fall within its purview. Very often (though it really
depends on the nature of the top level project), the PMC will take a
very active role in determining how its projects fit together, and
how they communicate and interoperate.</p>
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allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"
<div class="video">
<h2 id="git">Eclipse Projects and Git</h2>
<div class="description">
Eclipse committers live in Git repositories. They push their own
content to project repositories, and review and merge content
contributed by others. The Eclipse Foundation supports Git by way of
the Eclipse Foundation's <a
instance</a>, <a
and our <a
Code Review</a> infrastructure. Committers need to know how
resources are structured on these platforms, how we manage
privileges, and their role in the intellectual property due
diligence process
The purpose of the <a
Contributor Agreement</a> (ECA) is to provide a written record that
contributors have agreed to provide their contributions of code and
documentation under the licenses used by the Eclipse project(s)
they’re contributing to. It also makes it clear that contributors
are promising that what they are contributing to Eclipse is code
that they wrote, and that they have the necessary rights to
contribute it to Eclipse projects. And finally, it documents a
commitment from the contributor that their open source contributions
will be permanently on the public record.
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title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0"
allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"
<div class="video">
<h2 id="elections">Committer Elections</h2>
<div class="description">
<p>For Eclipse projects, and the open source world in general,
committers are the folks who have the real power. Committers decide
what code goes into the code base, they decide how a project builds,
and they ultimately decide what gets delivered to the adopter
<a href="/projects/handbook/#elections-committer">Committer
elections</a> are the means by which new committers are added to
the project.
<p>Like every process that we have at the Eclipse Foundation, the
committer election process has been defined, and tools have been
created, to support important underlying principles.</p>
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title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0"
allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"
<div class="video">
<h2 id="ip">The Eclipse Foundation Intellectual Property Policy</h2>
<div class="description">
The Eclipse Foundation has a well-defined Intellectual Property
Policy, corresponding <a
href="">IP Due
Diligence Process</a>, and a dedicated team of professional IP
specialists who perform the heavy lifting in the due diligence
process. Eclipse Committers, the software developers who ultimately
decide what will become Project Code and how an Eclipse open source
project will leverage Third Party Content, are responsible for
bringing IP issues to the attention of the Eclipse IP Team.
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<div class="followup">
<h3>More information</h3>
<li><a href="/projects/handbook/#ip">Eclipse Intellectual Property
Due Diligence Process</a>
<li><a href="/projects/handbook/#ip-cq">Contribution
<li><a href="/projects/handbook/#ip-initial-contribution">Initial
<li><a href="/projects/handbook/#ip-project-content">Project
<li><a href="/projects/handbook/#ip-third-party">Third Party
<li><a href="/org/documents/Eclipse_IP_Policy.pdf">Eclipse
Foundation Intellectual Property Policy</a></li>
<div class="video">
<h2 id="dash">The Eclipse Dash License Tool</h2>
<div class="description">
The <a href="">Eclipse Dash
License Tool</a> is a tool that is intended to help Eclipse
Committers assess the license status of the content that their
project leverages.
<p>The tool really only knows what you tell it. While it does have
some rudimentary functionality for rooting out content, we very much
depend on committers &mdash; who form the first line of defense in
our intellectual property due diligence process &mdash; to
understand the content that their project contains and leverages and
to ensure that all content is identified and fully vetted.</p>
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title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0"
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