blob: 9f87c16c4ff02b37095d83aa820865f5a8d6b7d3 [file] [log] [blame]
; Brands apply to a project and all of its subprojects.
brands[locationtech] = LocationTech
brands[polarsys.polarsys] = PolarSys
; Describe project moves. In the past, we duplicated records when
; we moved a project. This configuration should be relatively stable
; as we now just change the records in place.
move[technology.ecf] = rt.ecf
move[technology.dash.athena] = technology.athena
move[technology.buckminster] = tools.buckminster
move[rt.equinox] = eclipse.equinox
move[modeling.gmt.epsilon] = modeling.epsilon
move[technology.flux] = rt.flux
move[technology.gyrex] = rt.gyrex
move[technology.bpel] = soa.bpel
move[stp.bpmnmodeler] = soa.bpmnmodeler
move[technology.californium] = iot.californium
move[technology.wakaama] = iot.wakaama
move[technology.xsd] = modeling.mdt.xsd
move[technology.photran] = tools.photran
move[technology.eclipselink] = rt.eclipselink
move[technology.dali] = webtools.dali
move[rt.concierge] = iot.concierge
move[technology.mat] = tools.mat
move[technology.krikkit] = iot.krikkit
move[technology.kura] = iot.kura
move[soa.swordfish] = rt.swordfish
move[] =
move[modeling.mdt.uml2] = modeling.uml2
move[technology.smarthome] = iot.smarthome
move[dsdp.sequoyah] = tools.sequoyah
move[] =
move[technology.eclipsescada] = iot.eclipsescada
move[technology.riena] = rt.riena
move[technology.ponte] = iot.ponte
move[technology.ptp] = tools.ptp
move[technology.paho] = iot.paho
move[technology.om2m] = iot.om2m
move[modeling.emft.net4j] = modeling.emf.net4j
move[tools.mylyn] = mylyn
move[] =
move[technology.mosquitto] = iot.mosquitto
move[technology.mihini] = iot.mihini
move[modeling.gmt.modisco] = modeling.mdt.modisco
move[dsdp.mtj] = tools.mtj
move[technology.jwt] = soa.jwt
remove[] = galileo
remove[] = polarsys
remove[] = technology.soc
; Some project names are registered trademarks.
; TODO This isn't implemented yet.
registered[] = rt.jetty
registered[] = technology.microprofile
; Some extra names
; TODO Support multiple names
trademarks[tools.gef] = Zest
trademarks[modeling.emf.emf] = Ecore