blob: 872dde5dc26ad13b30c837dd829b3d01418e6960 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018 The Eclipse Foundation
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
require_once dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/../';
function chart_ip_cq_time_typeA(ChartContext $context) {
return ChartBuilder::named ( 'ip_cq_time_typeA' )
->title ( "Time to Resolve Third Party \"Type A\" CQs (:start to :end)" )
->description ( "The time required to resolve \"Type A\" third party CQs by quarter." )
->query ('ipzilla', "
concat(year(created),'-',quarter(created)) as period,
count(distinct id) as count,
avg(timestampdiff(DAY,created,certified)) as average
from (
b.bug_id as id,
b.short_desc as summary,
b.bug_severity as state,
b.bug_status as status,
b.resolution as resolution,
date(b.creation_ts) as created,
max(date(certified.bug_when)) as certified
from bugs as b
join keywords as k on b.bug_id=k.bug_id
join keyworddefs as kd on
join bugs_activity as certified
on b.bug_id=certified.bug_id
and certified.added in ('license_certified')
where in ('thirdparty')
and b.creation_ts between date(':start') and date(':end')
and b.short_desc not regexp '\((Orbit|PB( Orbit)?|ATO)\s*\d*\)'
and b.bug_severity = 'license_certified'
group by b.bug_id
) as candidates
timestampdiff(DAY,created,certified) > 2
group by concat(year(created),'-',quarter(created))
" )
->substitute ( ':start', $context->getStart()->format('Y-m-d') )
->substitute ( ':end', $context->getEnd()->format('Y-m-d') )
->column ( 'Quarter', 'period', 'string')
->column ( 'Count', 'count', 'number' )
->column ( 'Average', 'average', 'number' );