blob: 949d2bef77ec7741e583d6716ba87182db4a7fc1 [file] [log] [blame]
<?php require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); $App = new App(); $Nav = new Nav(); $Menu = new Menu(); include($App->getProjectCommon()); # All on the same line to unclutter the user's desktop'
$pageTitle = "Committer Infrastructure Requests";
$pageKeywords = "committers";
$pageAuthor = "Bjorn Freeman-Benson Nov 20/05";
<div id="maincontent">
<div id="midcolumn">
<h1><?= $pageTitle ?></h1>
<p>This list of infrastructure requests was collected from the
committer community by Committer Board Representatives John Wiegand and Bjorn
Freeman-Benson. Weighted votes were tallied and <a href="slides.pdf">presented at the Dec 8th Board
Meeting</a>. (For your reference, the "item#"s are the original numbers given to the
list items for voting reference.)</p>
<li>1. (item# 1) <b>Project Dashboard/Statistics.</b> Number of bugs, number of new bugs, number
of fixed bugs, downloads, page views, mailing list messages, et.</li>
<li>2. (item #19) <b>Bugzilla.</b> The current bug tracking mechanism/tool imposes lots of
work on the committers doing the bug triage. Given that most of us spent a
noticeable amount of time in Bugzilla there should be improvements to make
committer's live easier.
<li>Bugs are often incomplete or duplicates of existing bugs. Other projects
for example have mandatory fields (e.g. the build id) and show a list of
possible related bugs which the bug reporter can check for duplicates before
reporting a new one. </li>
<li>Searching is also a problem since stack traces are often in attachments
which aren't searched. Stack traces are good means to find duplicates.
However stack traces are often attached. So search in attachments must be
supported as well.</li>
<li>Better UI so that bug reporters don't forget to report essential
information (build number, log entries, reproducible steps, ....)</li>
<li>In general Bugzilla should find duplicate candidates and should present
them to the bug reporter before the bug gets committed.</li>
<li>3. (item #16) <b>Newer Faster Hardware.</b> Implement new, faster hardware with a
scalable architecture and redundancy for core services. The current hardware is not sufficient for the for current services provided.
In addition, it is not scalable for increases in traffic. Nor is it highly
available in the in the event of hardware failure. This new hardware needs to
be implemented before additional services can be implemented. This will
improve the performance of several core services such as Bugzilla
and cvs.
<li>And more bandwidth. Lags of a minute or more on bugzilla and CVS are
hurting productivity and changing the very nature of the interactions that
have been so successful in creating Eclipse so far.</li>
<li>4. (item #20) <b>Committer Control Over Web Content</b>. Whatever form: blogs, wikis, or
other web content flavour of the month. We just want to be able to create a
page for some current issue or plan item, and be able to create a reasonably
short URL for it. This current issue list is a good example. I had to stick
that list into the webtools project space even though it is unrelated to web
tools. Similarly, the &quot;RCP&quot; home page is in the platform UI team's web site
viewable only through viewcvs. There are many cross-component, and sometimes
cross-project, issues that need web space. These currently have to be hosted
within a single component's web space and only that team will have commit
rights to it.</li>
<li>5. (item #11) <b>Subversion.</b> In addition to CVS</li>
<li>6. (item #7) <b>Short URLs</b>. Direct (short) URLs to project sections, a.k.a., no
frames. Definitely no frames.</li>
<li>7. (item #18) <b>Additional Sysadmin/Webdev.</b> Acquire additional system administration
resources. Currently, the Eclipse Foundation currently has only one system
administrator to manage all the servers, respond to all user requests and
implement changes. This is a tremendous amount of work for one person. In the
event of illness, vacation or other issues, there isn't anyone to back him up.
Given the importance of these servers to community, this is not a
sufficient allocation of resources. This would also improve response time to
committer requests. (see also 25)<ul>
<li>To quote one of the many committers who voiced this opinion &quot;I've always
found our website to be an embarrassment -- but I've accepted its current
state since I value a kick-ass platform more than a nice website! But it is
time this changes, we don't have a choice. The community is getting too
large and our tooling is getting in the way of our productivity.&quot;</li>
<li>8. (item# 2) <b>Wikis</b>. Per-project would probably be best. (also see 20)</li>
<li>9. (item #8) <b>Per-project navigation bars.</b> Managed by the project.</li>
<li>10. (item #15) <b>
Self Management</b>. Creating new components, managing mailing
lists, adding/removing committers, ..., more sourceforge-like… Use workflow management for IP crucial tasks like
adding new committers (requires EMO
interaction, but parts can be self-managed)<ul>
<li>It sure would be nice if whatever system we use/produce could be
packaged like <a href="">GForge</a>, the software that
ObjectWeb uses, and made available for others who want a collaboration
system like we have built.</li>
<li>Or maybe just work with GForge to build whatever enhancements we need
into their system. We would benefit by having something to start from. They
would benefit from whatever enhancements we build for them...</li>
<li>11. (item #21) <b>Moderated Mailing Lists</b>. A small set of mailing lists (eclipse-dev,
platform-ui-dev, possibly swt-dev) could benefit from a moderator. High
density of traffic on the newsgroup means that many people have trouble
getting their questions answered there. They have begun to turn to the mailing
lists as an alternative to newsgroups for getting answers. This is not
surprising - questions on the mailing list are often answered within minutes.
However, if the larger volume of traffic catches on to the idea of using the
mailing lists for user questions, then we will lose a valuable communication
tool for commiters. Perhaps a visible user mailing list would help, but I
think having the ability to switch to moderated lists (starting with
eclipse-dev) is the easiest solution. This moderation would not have to be
stringent - just turn away obvious user questions and point them to the
appropriate newsgroup. There are many committers who would be happy to
participate in a rotating moderator position for eclipse-dev. Better one
committer dealing with the spam than wasting the time of hundreds of people by
letting these messages through.</li>
<li>12. (item# 3) <b>Blogs</b>. Per-project or per-component or per-individual? (also see
<li>13. (item #6) <b>Reputation System</b>. No community can function without a reputation
system. Online communities with large growth rates are especially vulnerable
because the new members do not have the history that helps them filter the
good from the bad. A reputation system (like E-bay's seller ratings) is
necessary. (also see 21)<ul>
<li>The idea here is to capture the communities trust in specific
individuals in a formal way so that other people can view that trust.
Obviously, committers would have to be in a high trust/high reputation space
in order to be committers. So this is more applicable to non-committers on
the newsgroups and mailing lists.</li>
<li>There have been at least three (one very recently) disruptive individual
on the newsgroups. To a newbie, there is no way to tell whether this vocal
person is knowledgeable or just noisy; whether I, the newbie, should trust
them or ignore them.</li>
<li>The EMF system has a
<a href="">trivial
version of this</a>.</li>
<li>14. (item #9) <b>Proposals Section</b>. A “proposals” section (Eclipse Labs?) to nurture
new proposals instead of hosting them at other companies or at sourceforge.</li>
<li>15. (item #12) <b>Servlets and JSP</b>. For active, rather than static, project web pages.<ul>
<li>Which quite naturally also means MySQL and read/write file-system space
for configuration and/or data files in case a servlet isn't complicated
enough to justify using a database.</li>
<li>16. (item #14) <b>Central Password Authentication System.</b> Implement a central
password authentication scheme such as ldap for as many services as possible
(download server, Bugzilla, cvs etc). Currently, each user authenticates
against separate password files on each server. </li>
<li>17. (item #17) <b>Leverage Mirrors.</b> Leverage the mirrors to reduce bandwidth. (see
also 26)
<li>One idea Bjorn had was to limit the bandwidth available to each person
per time unit (suggestions available) and then to charge a nominal fee ($1?)
for an extra download.&nbsp; Use Paypal to clear payments. Structure this to
hit only those who download three copies of the SDK in a single day.</li>
<li>Give the mirrors higher QoS than straight downloads and then encourage
high use clients (companies such as IBM and HP) to have internal mirrors.
IBM already does this.</li>
<li>Automatically redirect users to a geographically close mirror based on
the locale setting in their browser. They can only download from the main
apache site as a last resort. This is what the Apache project
<a href="">does</a>.</li>
<li>Mirroring of <i>all</i> projects, not just the platform.</li>
<li>18. (item #10) <b>RSS and Atom.</b> For all blogs, wikis, and web pages.</li>
<li>19. (item #13) <b>PHP/MySQL.</b> Some projects would prefer to use PHP rather than
servlets and JSP.</li>
<li>20. (item #24) <b>QoS Bandwidth Throttling</b>. Allow certain people/machines higher
bandwidth. For example, mirrors and build machines should have higher priority
access to the bandwidth than an average download. (see also 26)</li>
<li>21. (item #26) <b>BitTorrent.</b> Eclipse's Update Manager should support BitTorrent
protocol. Eclipse's download servers ideally should too.<br>
It doesn't matter how many mirrors we have because if we are successful
getting people to use Update Manager, UM is hard-coded to go to the main download site. This obviously won't scale. But enabling a
peer-to-peer protocol like BitTorrent within Update Manager would alleviate
this, since BitTorrent causes the clients to also serve the content while
they are downloading. So, your main download server sees roughly constant
bandwidth utilization as as the number of downloads increases rather than
linear or geometric utilization...</li>
<li>22. (item #25) <b>Distributed Infrastructure Monitoring and Trouble Tickets</b>. During
the most recent milestone, we had problems with both Bugzilla and CVS going
down. Redundancy would be nice, but ultimately, committers need to be able to
bring these services back up if things go wrong. Right now, we feel like we
don't have the tools we need to communicate with the infrastructure team. We
don't know what to do if we notice a service has gone down, and we never hear
whether the infra team is aware of a problem or when it is fixed. It also
might be nice to distribute some system administrator accounts to
<li>23. (item #23) <b>CVS Mirroring</b>. Mirror the CVS tree as well as the downloads tree.</li>
<li>24. (item #22) <b>CVS Proxy Support</b>. Support for proxy support for accessing CVS from
inside a firewall. SourceForge already supports this and is very useful for
helping committers/contributors from other companies to work with us. </li>
<li>25. (item# 4) <b>Hierarchical Blogs.</b> The blogs should be linked hierarchically so
that big news items can bubble up like they do on the SourceForge news system.
The idea is that when someone in, say, VEP publishes a blog entry, John D
(over in Tools) would be notified, and with the click of a button, could
promote the entry to be visible on the Tools project's weblog. And if John D
promotes it, it would then be forwarded to an content manager who
could then click a button to make it visible as an Eclipse front-page news
item. (also see 20)<ul>
<li>This would subsume an event repository for project-specific “What’s new”. Can be tagged
and queued for the home page.</li>
<li>26. (item #5) <b>EMO Web Content. </b>In particular, presence (website, wikis, blogs,
mailing lists, cvs, ...) for processes, councils, etc.</li>
<p>If you are a committer or contributor, we encourage you to
let us know what your
infrastructure requests are so that we can lobby for them at the Board meetings.
What are your additional requests that are not on the list?</p>
<p>P.S. The <a href="/emf">EMF</a> project seems to have a
few of these features. For example:</p>
<li>Our site's What's New is an XML file which is written to automagically
with every new build promoted to Eclipse. Code for this automagic process is
in CVS in /home/tools/, emf-home/emf-builds/scripts/. See</li>
<li>We also have a What's New, CVS? application that takes one-week snapshots
of deltas in CVS, generates those snaps as XML, and then styles that with
PHP+XSL in order to make it searchable/sortable/filterable.</li>
# Paste your HTML content between the EOHTML markers!
$html = ob_get_contents();
# Generate the web page
$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);