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<h1>Callisto M5 Status Call (February 10, 2006)</h1>
<div align="center">
<table border="0" cellspacing="3">
<td align="center" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><b>Attending</b></td>
<td align="center" >&nbsp;</td>
<td align="center" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><b>Regrets</b></td>
<td align="center" >&nbsp;</td>
<td align="center" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><b>Missing</b></td>
<td>Dave Orm (VE)</td>
<td>Randy Hudson (GEF)</td>
<td>David Williams</td>
<td>Kevin Haaland (Platform)</td>
<td>Doug Gaff</td>
<td>John Duimovich</td>
<td>Doug Schaefer (CDT)</td>
<td>Ed Merks (EMF)</td>
<td>John Graham (DTP)</td>
<td>Bjorn Freeman-Benson</td>
<td>Rich Gronback (GMF)</td>
<td>Paul Styles</td>
<td>Sri Doddapaneni</td>
<td>Tim Wagner (WTP)</td>
<td>Tyler Thessin (TPTP)</td>
<td>Ward Cunningham</td>
<td>Wenfeng Li (BIRT)</td>
<h2>Action Items From Last Week</h2>
<p>ACTION ITEM: [all] send David &lt;david_williams {at}; the list
of features and their current URLs that you want listed in the Callisto update
site by COB Tuesday 7<sup>th</sup>. David will create the skeleton Callisto
update site just to prove that the update site works, but not that the updates
themselves work. David will do this by COB Thursday 9<sup>th</sup>. - <i>only
three of the ten projects (BIRT, GMF, WTP) have submitted their list of
features; David created and is testing the prototype update site.</i></p>
<p>ACTION ITEM [Bjorn]: create an <a href=""></a>
mailing list.<i> - completed.</i></p>
<h2>Status By Project</h2>
<p>WTP migrating from M4 to M5 I-build this weekend, on track with one known
issue to resolve (see GMF notes below), VE on track, DTP 3.2 update site ready
and on track for M5 date, TPTP in code freeze for M5 this week and on track, CDT
currently working against M4 and has some known issues with M5 I builds, but
still expect to meet the M5 deadline. BIRT building and tests passing on M4, on
track. GMF already on weekly I-builds, discovered property editor issue with WTP
(which is still written against M4). David Williams to investigate and hopefully
expedite to unblock GMF’s I-builds.</p>
<p>David Williams: Some projects sound like they won’t actually attempt platform M5 until it’s ready; need to be working against I-builds to ensure that deadline can be met.</p>
<h2>Update Site</h2>
<p>David Williams: Have all the projects migrated to the 4-part version numbers? This will be needed by the Callisto update site. (The new 4th digit represents a build number or date/time stamp and cannot be correctly defaulted by the update manager if it’s missing.)<br>
DTP: Not there yet, will be by M5.</p>
<p>See <a href="">plugin-versioning.html</a> for information about versioning and
<a href="">keeping-up-to-date.html</a> on feature/plugin versioning policies. Other information is available from the links at the bottom of the
<a href=""> Callisto Update Site Wiki
<p>Ward: Can we have a deadline for meeting the 4-part version number requirement:</p>
<p>ACTION ITEM: [David] provide a rolling schedule of deadlines to comply with requirement.</p>
<p>David: All projects must have their own update site, and these update sites <b>must</b>
be functional before the Callisto update site can incorporate your project. The Callisto site will not replace these update sites, but will refer to
<p>ACTION ITEM: [Bjorn] Please add the 4-part version number and per-project update sites to the Callisto requirements list.</p>
<p>Update site update: Good news is that the update site prototype is working, bad news is that it doesn’t work on David’s home machine. David investigating with help from the update site team.</p>
<p>David Williams: Version number interpretation:</p>
<li>1st digit: breaking API changes.</li>
<li>2nd digit: Major functionality change; usually a major (non-service pack) release.</li>
<li>3rd digit: Maintenance or service pack release.</li>
<li>4th digit: Build # or timestamp</li>
<p>Platform is currently using “3.2.0” with an advancing fourth digit; WTP is currently using the convention of “1.0.1” with a fourth digit that advances with the builds.</p>
<h2> Callisto Commitments for Cross-Project Testing and Fixing</h2>
<p>Ward: Test requirement: Member projects need to ensure that we verify installation and that there are no obvious blockers (not asking for serious commitment to lengthy interop testing). We need to avoid serious snafus so that the unveiling at EclipseCon and the bug contest will be meaningful.</p>
<p>EclipseCon will be a venue for announcing Callisto and requesting community assistance with testing. Will be using contest to help drive bug reports.</p>
<p>Suggest: Create a Callisto testing site/mailing list to bring attention and share information on donated interop test results. (Tim: Can we just create a mailing list and add a link to it to the Callisto home page?)<br>
Bjorn (post-note): we can use the newly created (<a href=""></a>)
mailing list for this. And the Callisto web page has been updated.</p>
<p>David: Let the minutes reflect that we are 100% committed in spirit.</p>
<h2>Future Calls</h2>
<p>Will resume this call in this time slot through EclipseCon.</p>
<p>ACTION ITEM: [Bjorn] update Callisto site to reflect these meetings and send reminders.</p>
<h2>EclipseCon Face-to-Face</h2>
<p>Sunday 19th face-to-face meeting in Santa Clara: 10-noon (AC meeting is 1-4; no word on when RC meets).</p>
<p>ACTION ITEM: [Bjorn] Tell this group where to meet at the SCCC.</p>
<h2>Common Navigation Items</h2>
<p>There were no comments on <a href="">bug
125276 &quot;Common Navigation Items&quot;</a>.</p>
<p><font size=-1><i>Minutes posted by Bjorn Freeman-Benson February 10, 2006.</i></font></p>