blob: 97c4baf15efc9410b11afa29e39e67474f7a1efb [file] [log] [blame]
<h1>Callisto M5 Status Call (February 24, 2006)</h1>
<div align="center">
<table border="0" cellspacing="3">
<td align="center" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><b>Attending</b></td>
<td align="center"></td>
<td align="center" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><b>Late</b></td>
<td align="center" >&nbsp;</td>
<td align="center" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><b>Regrets</b></td>
<td align="center" >&nbsp;</td>
<td align="center" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><b>Missing</b></td>
<td>Bjorn Freeman-Benson</td>
<td>Doug Schaefer (CDT)</td>
<td>David Orm (VE)</td>
<td>Ed Merks</td>
<td>Dave Steinberg (EMF)</td>
<td>Sri Doddapaneni (TPTP)</td>
<td>Doug Gaff</td>
<td>John Duimovich</td>
<td>David Williams</td>
<td>Kevin Haaland (Platform)</td>
<td>Randy Hudson (GEF)</td>
<td>John Graham (DTP)</td>
<td>Tyler Thessin</td>
<td>Rich Gronback (GMF)</td>
<td>Tim Wagner (WTP)</td>
<td>Ward Cunningham</td>
<td>Wenfeng Li (BIRT)</td>
<h2>Action Items From Last Week</h2>
<h2>Status By Project</h2>
<li>Tried Platform M5, waiting for prereqs (today) and then move over to
<li>Build is done. Sent update information David.</li>
<li>Have a build that we have worked with M5 posted Wednesday. Today we
built an update site.</li>
<li>Adding the four digit plug-in numbers. Waiting for the M5a to
smoke-test against because the M5 build caused us problems.</li>
<li>GEF - no report <i>(rumors - via David - that it should be available
<li> Waiting EMF and EMFT to build.</li>
<li>Platform - no report
<li>Have been testing with the Platform and EMF M5. Should be able to
finalize our milestone by the middle of next week. Need to add four
digit version numbers but won't have that as part of M5.</li>
<li>Working on the M5 release. The Platform and EMF issues are delaying us
a little, but we should still make the date.</li>
<li>VE <i>(report by email)</i>
<li>VE's status is that we're overall doing well, but today the team
reported that there is a delay with delivering EMF's milestone build.
Since VE depends on EMF's milestone, the VE build will be delayed until
EMF's build gets delivered.</li>
<h2>Update Site</h2>
<p>The update sites are not yet functional. David has identified a bug with
mirrors and the update manager (<a href="">bug
127290</a>) which we don't know how to solve yet. There are a number of proposed
solutions, but nothing definitive.</p>
<p>ACTION ITEM [David] - will get the Callisto update site(s) in multiple
schemes done today.</p>
<p>ACTION ITEM [David] - post URLs for the update site (multiple schemes) before
Monday morning (and send email to the mailing list)</p>
<h2>Discussion Topics</h2>
<p>Some discussion about how to automatically update the fourth digit of the
plug-in versions.</p>
<p>ACTION ITEM [Richard] - will update the wiki page with instructions</p>
<p>The Planning Council will meet at EclipseCon on Sunday from 4:30pm-6:30pm</p>
<p><font size=-1><i>Minutes posted by Bjorn Freeman-Benson February 24, 2006.</i></font></p>