blob: a3c845403ae992f83f09d2a3e5ad71d3abbace76 [file] [log] [blame]
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/projects/common/project.class.php");
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/projects/common/xml-to-array.class.php");
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/projects/common/release.class.php");
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/projects/common/blog.class.php");
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/projects/common/ships.class.php");
require_once "/home/data/httpd/eclipse-php-classes/system/dbconnection.class.php";
* Project Information parsed from projec-info/project-info.xml and the eclipse foundation database.
* This Class parses the project-info/project-info.xml of a given project, and creates an object
* to handle the project information easily. Basic information of the project is obtained from
* the Eclipse Foundation Database, extended information is parsed from the project's xml description
* file. The XML schema used is described in
* @license Eclipse Public License - v 1.0
* @author Bjorn Freeman-Benson
* @author Eduardo A. Romero Gomez
* @example project_info.php An Example of the usage of <b>project-info.class.php</b>, using the Eclipse Visual Style, CSS, Layout and Navigation
* @link /projects/common/doc/examples/project_info.php Working example using Eclipse Visuals & Layout
* @example simple_project.php A less sophisticated example
* @link /projects/common/doc/examples/simple_project.php Results of the less sophisticated example
class ProjectInfo {
var $dom = "";
var $project;
var $downloads_url = "";
/* simple vars */
var $shortname = "";
var $xml = "";
var $name = "";
var $project_id = "";
var $parent = "";
var $description = "";
var $index_url = "";
var $level = "";
var $isArchived = false;
/* tags with multiple options */
var $releases = array();
var $lists = array();
var $bugzilla = array();
var $newsgroup = array();
var $blogs = array();
var $shippings = array();
var $cvsmodules = array();
var $articles = array();
var $errors = array();
/* multiple options counts */
var $num_releases = 0;
var $num_lists = 0;
var $num_bugzilla = 0;
var $num_newsgroup = 0;
var $num_blogs = 0;
var $num_shippings = 0;
var $num_cvsmodules = 0;
var $num_articles = 0;
/* is serialized */
var $serialized = 0;
var $xmlArray= array();
/* fetch from URL and temporary? */
var $fetch_temporary = false;
var $fetch_temporary_only = false;
var $local = false;
/* Dashboard information */
var $dashboard_fetched = false;
var $dashboardinfo = null;
var $exclude_dashboard = false;
var $dashboard_week = "";
/* time stamps */
var $timestamps = array();
/* xml source */
var $xmlsource = "";
* Constructor, it takes the Project Key (as in the Foundation Database) as a parameter
* Create a new ProjectInfo object.
* The ProjectInfo object aggregates data from a number of sources
* into one convenient object.
* @param string $projectkey the project's key as in the Eclipse Foundation's database
* of projects. These keys are assigned by the EMO.
* @param integer $temporary Defines wether to get the project-info data from the temporary repository,
* from web or both. When set to 0 the data will be gathered from the project's web page. When set to 1
* it will be fetched from the local repository <u>only<u/>. When set to 2 it will try from both, first from
* web, if there's no project-info.xml on the page it will fallback to the temporary repository. This is the
* default behavior. This is intended to be used only for a while, just until every project has its project-info.xml
* on web and updated.
* @return ProjectInf A brand new ProjectInfo object
function ProjectInfo( $projectkey, $temporary = 2) {
if($temporary == 1 || $temporary === true)
$this->fetch_temporary_only = true;
$this->fetch_temporary = true;
if($temporary == 2)
$this->fetch_temporary = true;
$this->fetch_temporary_only = false;
$this->project = new Project_Project();
$this->project->selectList( $projectkey );
/* Following vars are retrieved from the fundation db */
$this->downloads_url = $this->project->getUrlDownload();
$this->index_url = $this->project->getUrlIndex();
$this->parent = $this->project->getParentProjectID();
$this->description = $this->project->getDescription();
$this->project_id = $this->project->getProjectID();
$this->name = $this->project->getName();
$this->level = $this->project->getlevel();
$this->isArchived= $this->project->getIsArchived();
if($this->isArchived == 0)
$this->isArchived = true;
$this->isArchived = false;
/* timestamps */
$this->timestamps['downloads_url'] = time();
$this->timestamps['index_url'] = time();
$this->timestamps['name'] = time();
$this->timestamps['level'] = time();
$this->timestamps['isArchived'] = time();
$this->timestamps['description'] = time();
$this->timestamps['project_id'] = time();
/* timestamps */
* This method gets the XML from the proper source, if no XML is found
* it will call the getFromDatesFile() method. The XML will be available
* from the $this->xml variable since it's used in several place in this
* class. XML Comments will be excluded.
* @access private
function getXML()
$source = $this->getXMLSource();
echo $this->project_id .": xmlsource $source <br>";
$xml = "";
$xml = @file($source);
if(is_array($xml) && count($xml) > 0)
$xml = implode('',$xml);
$this->timestamps['project-info'] = time();
$this->xmlsource = $source;
if(strlen($xml) <= 0)
/* no xml found, let's try dates */
} else {
$this->dom = $xml;
$this->dom = preg_replace( "/\<\!--.*?--\>/s", "", $this->dom );
$this->xml = $this->dom;
* The XML can come from two sources, the project URL or the temporary files. This behavior is controled
* by $this->fetch_temporary and $this->fetch_temporary_only. The behavior of this goes as follows:
* When $this->fetch_temporary is set to FALSE, the XML will be fetch from the project URL <u>only</u>
* When $this->fetch_temporary is set to TRUE, we'll try to fetch the XML from the URL, if it fails it will
* fallback to the <i>temporary</i> directory.
* When $this->fetch_temporary_only is set to TRUE, We will fetch the local copy from the <i>temporary</i>
* directory
* @access private
function getXMLSource()
$uri = "";
$url = $this->getUrlIndex();
$projectkey = $this->project_id;
$url = str_replace("index.html","",$url);
$url = str_replace("index.htm","",$url);
$url = str_replace("main.html","",$url);
$url = str_replace("main.htm","",$url);
$url = str_replace("main.xml","",$url);
if( substr($url,-1,1) != "/" )
$url .= "/";
$projectinfo_path = "project-info/project-info.xml";
$project_path = str_replace(".", "/", $projectkey);
/* Go Web */
if (eregi("",$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) || eregi("", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']))
/* if on eclipse */
if(eregi("", $url))
$sites = array("", "");
$oldurl = $url;
$url = str_replace($sites, $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], $url);
if ($buffer = @file($url . $projectinfo_path))
if(is_array($buffer) && count($buffer) > 0)
$buffer = implode('',$buffer);
if(stristr($buffer,"404 file not found") || strlen($buffer) == 0)
$this->errors[] = "project-info.xml not found, please see";
echo $this->project_id .": project-info.xml not found, please see<br/>";
$uri = $url . $projectinfo_path;
$this->errors[] = "couldn\'t open $url$projectinfo_path";
echo $this->project_id .": couldn\'t open $url$projectinfo_path<br/>";
/* Go Local */
$localfile = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/projects/temporary/" . $project_path ."/" .$projectinfo_path;
if($this->fetch_temporary_only || (strlen($uri)<= 0 && $this->fetch_temporary))
if( $projectkey == "tools.cdt" )
$cdt_localfile = "";
$uri = $cdt_localfile;
$this->local = true;
$uri = $localfile;
$this->local = true;
return $uri;
* This Method is called whenever no project-info.xml is found, it parses the old
* format found in the .dates.txt file. This is an old format and is intended to be
* deprecated by the new project-info.xml format. The old format only has the project name,
* project url and releases informaton, thus only those will be available when using
* .date.txt
* @access private
function getFromDatesFile()
$url = $this->getUrlIndex();
$projectkey = $this->project_id;
$url = str_replace("index.html","",$url);
$url = str_replace("index.htm","",$url);
$url = str_replace("main.html","",$url);
$url = str_replace("main.htm","",$url);
$url = str_replace("main.xml","",$url);
if( substr($url,-1,1) != "/" )
$url .= "/";
/* XML NOT FOUND =( */
/* We will try the old .dates.txt format before giving up */
$project_path = str_replace(".", "/", $this->project_id);
$file_found = false;
$releases = array();
if (eregi("",$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) || eregi("", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']))
/* if on eclipse */
if(eregi("", $url))
$sites = array("", "");
$oldurl = $url;
$url = str_replace($sites, $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], $url);
* First, we go to the project's URL
if ($buffer = @file($url . ".dates.txt"))
$strbuffer = implode("", $buffer);
if(stristr($strbuffer,"file not found") || strlen($strbuffer) == 0)
$this->errors[] = "dates.txt not found";
echo $this->project_id . ":dates.txt not found";
$this->timestamps['dates'] = time();
$this->xmlsource = $url . ".dates.txt";
$this->name = $buffer[0];
$this->index_url = $buffer[1];
$file_found = true;
for($i = 2; $i < count($buffer); $i++)
$releases[] = $buffer[$i];
/* If not found, we try the local version of the file */
if ($buffer = @file($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/projects/temporary/" . $project_path ."/.dates.txt"))
$strbuffer = implode("", $buffer);
if(stristr($strbuffer,"file not found") || strlen($strbuffer) == 0)
$this->errors[] = "local dates.txt not found";
echo $this->project_id . ":dates.txt not found";
$this->xmlsource = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/projects/temporary/" . $project_path ."/.dates.txt";
$this->timestamps['dates'] = time();
$this->local = true;
$this->name = $buffer[0];
$this->index_url = $buffer[1];
$file_found = true;
for($i = 2; $i < count($buffer); $i++)
$releases[] = $buffer[$i];
/* If we're fetching temporary only, then overwrite the .dates.txt with the local copy */
if ($buffer = @file($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/projects/temporary/" . $project_path ."/.dates.txt"))
$strbuffer = implode("", $buffer);
if(stristr($strbuffer,"file not found") || strlen($strbuffer) == 0)
$this->errors[] = "local dates.txt not found";
echo $this->project_id . ":local dates.txt not found";
$this->xmlsource = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/projects/temporary/" . $project_path ."/.dates.txt";
$this->timestamps['dates'] = time();
$this->name = $buffer[0];
$this->index_url = $buffer[1];
$file_found = true;
for($i = 2; $i < count($buffer); $i++)
$releases[] = $buffer[$i];
/* clear releases added by fetch_temporary */
$this->releases = array();
$this->shippings = array();
$this->num_releases = 0;
$this->num_shippings = 0;
/* Now let's process the releases */
$num_releases = count($releases);
if($file_found && $num_releases > 0)
for($i = 0; $i<$num_releases; $i++)
$rel = explode(" ", $releases[$i]);
$name = "";
$name = $rel[0];
$date = "";
$date = $rel[1];
$status = "";
$status = $rel[2];
$url = "";
$url = $rel[3];
$plan = "";
$plan = $rel[4];
$status = strtolower($status);
if($status == "completed")
$shipping = new Shipping($name, $date, $url);
$this->shippings[] = $shipping;
$release = new Release($name, $date, $status, $plan , $url);
$this->releases[] = $release;
$this->num_releases = $this->num_releases + 1;
$this->timestamps['releases'] = time();
* The Project Name
* Returns the full name of the project.
* Source: Foundation database.
* @access public
* @return string The name of the Project as on the Foundation Database
function get_name() {
return $this->project->getName();
* HTML fragment with the project name and a link to
* to the project's home page.
* Source: Foundation database.
function linked_name() {
$url = $this->project->getUrlIndex();
$projectName = $this->project->getName();
$this->timestamp['linked_name'] = time();
if( $url != "" ) {
return "<a href=\"$url\">" . $projectName . "</a>";
} else {
return $projectName;
* The Project IP Log URL
* Each Eclipse project is required to maintain a current Project IP Log.
* See
* URL to the project's current Project IP Log.
* An absolute URL of the page (e.g., "/webtools/jst/index.php"),
* or NULL if there is no current Project IP Log.
* Source: project-info.xml
* @return string The URL of the Project IP Log.
* @access public
function ip_log_url() {
if($this->serialized == 0)
$url = $this->xmlArray['project']['ip-log attr']['url'];
//$url = _getXpathValues($this->dom, "//project/ip-log/@url");
$this->timestamps['ip_log_url'] = time();
if(strlen($url)> 0 && !(stristr("http://", $url)))
$url = "". $url;
$url = _un_encode_url($url);
return $url;
* The Project Bug's URL
* Some Eclipse projects have a separate web page describing how to submit
* a bug, how bugs are prioritized, and other useful information.
* This is the URL of that page, if there's no such page, it will default to
* the first bugzilla product of this project.
* @return string The URL of the project's bugs
* @access public
function bugs_url() {
if($this->serialized == 0)
if(isset($this->xmlArray['project']['bugzilla attr']['url']))
$url = $this->xmlArray['project']['bugzilla attr']['url'];
//$url = _getXpathValues($this->dom, "//project/bugzilla/@url");
if( isset($url) ){
$url = _un_encode_url($url);
return $url;
$product = $this->getBugzillaProduct(0);
$this->timestamps['bugs_url'] = time();
if( isset($product) )
return "" . $product . "&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED";
return NULL;
* The Project Committers URL
* Committers and non-committer Contributors are the raison d'etre of
* an Eclipse project, thus each project should list and acknowledge these
* developers. This is the URL of the project's page listing its committers.
* @access public
* @return string The URL of the project committer list.
function committers_url() {
if($this->serialized == 0)
$url = $this->xmlArray['project']['committers attr']['url'];
if(strlen($url)> 0 && !(stristr("http://", $url)))
$url = "". $url;
$url = _un_encode_url($url);
$this->timestamp['committers_url'] = time();
return $url;
* The Project Contributors URL
* Committers and non-committer Contributors are the raison d'etre of
* an Eclipse project, thus each project should list and acknowledge these
* developers. This is the URL of the project's page listing its contributors.
* @access public
* @return string The URL of the project contributors list.
function contributors_url() {
if($this->serialized == 0)
$url = "";
if(isset($this->xmlArray['project']['contributors attr']['url']))
$url = $this->xmlArray['project']['contributors attr']['url'];
//$url = _getXpathValues($this->dom, "//project/contributors/@url");
if(strlen($url)> 0 && !(stristr("http://", $url)))
$url = "". $url;
$url = _un_encode_url($url);
$this->timestamp['contributors_url'] = time();
return $url;
* The Project CVS URL
* The source code of each Eclipse project is stored in CVS. Eclipse maintains
* a number of CVS repositories, this returns the URL this project's
* source code.
* @access public
* @return string The Project CVS URL
function cvs_url() {
if($this->serialized == 0)
if(isset($this->xmlArray['project']['cvs attr']['repository']))
$repository = $this->xmlArray['project']['cvs attr']['repository'];
//$repository = _getXpathValues($this->dom, "//project/cvs/@repository");
if(!isset($repository) )
return NULL;
if( substr($repository,-1,1) != "/" )
$repository .= "/";
$viewrepository = "";
if( $repository == "/cvsroot/eclipse/") $viewrepository = "";
if( $repository == "/cvsroot/tools/") $viewrepository = "?cvsroot=Tools_Project";
if( $repository == "/cvsroot/webtools/") $viewrepository = "?cvsroot=WebTools_Project";
if( $repository == "/cvsroot/birt/") $viewrepository = "?cvsroot=BIRT_Project";
if( $repository == "/cvsroot/technology/") $viewrepository = "?cvsroot=Technology_Project";
if( $repository == "/cvsroot/tptp/") $viewrepository = "?cvsroot=TPTP_Project";
if( $repository == "/cvsroot/dsdp/") $viewrepository = "?cvsroot=DSDP_Project";
if( $repository == "/cvsroot/datatools/") $viewrepository = "?cvsroot=Datatools_Project";
if($this->num_cvsmodules >= 1)
$viewrepository = $this->cvsmodules[0] ."/". $viewrepository;
$this->timestamp['cvs_url'] = time();
return "" . $viewrepository;
* The Project Description URL
* The URL with the description of this Eclipse project, there you can find the full description
* of the project.
* @access public
* @return string The Project Description URL
function description_url() {
if($this->serialized == 0)
$url = "";
if(isset($this->xmlArray['project']['description attr']['url']))
$url = $this->xmlArray['project']['description attr']['url'];
//$url = _getXpathValues($this->dom, "//project/description/@url");
if(strlen($url)> 0 && !(stristr("http://", $url)))
$url = "". $url;
$url = _un_encode_url($url);
$this->timestamp['description_url'] = time();
return $url;
* The Project's Description-in-a-paragraph URL
* The URL with the description of this Eclipse project in just a paragraph
* @access public
* @return string The Project's Description-in-a-paragraph URL
function description_paragraph() {
if($this->serialized == 0)
if(isset($this->xmlArray['project']['description attr']['paragraph-url']))
$result = $this->_get_paragraph($this->xmlArray['project']['description attr']['paragraph-url']);
$this->timestamps['description_paragraph'] = time();
if( isset($result) ) {
return $result;
} else {
return $this->linked_name();
* The Project's Summary URL
* The Project Summary in a Paragraph. Each Eclipse project is required to
* provide an up-to-date status summary. This URL points to a file containing a number of
* simple HTML paragraphs with an executive summary of the project status.
* @access public
* @return string The Project's Summary URL
function summary_paragraph() {
if($this->serialized == 0)
if(isset($this->xmlArray['project']['summary attr']['paragraph-url']))
$result = $this->_get_paragraph( $this->xmlArray['project']['summary attr']['paragraph-url'] );
$this->timestamps['summary_paragraph'] = time();
if( isset($result) ) {
return $result;
} else {
return "<i>No Status Information</i>";
* The Project Download URL
* The URL of the project downloads section
* @access public
* @return string The project download URL
function downloads_url() {
return $this->downloads_url;
* The Project <i>Getting Started</i> URL
* It is important to help new users get started with an Eclipse project
* because most Eclipse projects are solving some difficult technical
* problem and thus are somewhat complex. This URLpoints to a web page on
* the project's site that describes how to
* get started using and extending the project's tools and frameworks.
* @access public
* @return string The project getting started URL
function getting_started_url() {
if($this->serialized == 0)
$url = "";
if(isset($this->xmlArray['project']['getting-started attr']['url']))
$url = $this->xmlArray['project']['getting-started attr']['url'];
$this->timestamps['getting_started_url'] = time();
// $url = _getXpathValues($this->dom, "//project/getting-started/@url");
if(strlen($url)> 0 && !(stristr("http://", $url)))
$url = "". $url;
$url = _un_encode_url($url);
return $url;
* The Project Leaders URL
* Committers and non-committer Contributors are the raison d'etre of
* an Eclipse project, thus each project should list and acknowledge these
* developers. Some of the Committers are 'special' in the sense that
* they are the project leaders.
* This is the URL of the project's leader page.
* @access public
* @return string The URL of the project leader page.
function leaders_url() {
if($this->serialized == 0)
$url = "";
if(isset($this->xmlArray['project']['leaders attr']['url']))
$url = $this->xmlArray['project']['leaders attr']['url'];
$this->timestamps['leaders_url'] = time();
//$url = _getXpathValues($this->dom, "//project/leaders/@url");
if(strlen($url)> 0 && !(stristr("http://", $url)))
$url = "". $url;
$url = _un_encode_url($url);
return $url;
* The Project Mailing Lists home page
* Each Eclipse project has one or more mailing lists.
* Some projects also have a separate web page describing these lists
* while others rely on the main Eclipse mailing lists page.
* If there's no such page, the url will default to the Eclipse mailing lists page.
* @access public
* @return string The project mailinglist home page URL
function mailing_lists_url() {
if($this->serialized == 0)
if(isset($this->xmlArray['project']['mailing-lists attr']['url']))
$url = $this->xmlArray['project']['mailing-lists attr']['url'];
$this->timestamps['mailing_lists_url'] = time();
//$url = _getXpathValues($this->dom, "//project/mailing-lists/@url");
if( isset($url) ) {
$url = _un_encode_url($url);
return $url;
$name = $this->getlist(0);
if( isset($name) ) {
return "" . $name . "/maillist.html";
return NULL;
* The Project Plan URL
* Each Eclipse project needs to have a plan both for its internal purposes
* (to guide development and resource allocation) and for the larger Eclipse
* community and ecosystem to understand what will be delivered and when
* it will be delivered. This is the URL of the plan.
* @access public
* @return string The URL of the project's plan
function project_plan_url() {
if($this->serialized == 0)
$url = "";
if(isset($this->xmlArray['project']['project-plan attr']['url']))
$url = $this->xmlArray['project']['project-plan attr']['url'];
$this->timestamps['project_plan_url'] = time();
//$url = _getXpathValues($this->dom, "//project/project-plan/@url");
if(strlen($url)> 0 && !(stristr("http://", $url)))
$url = "". $url;
$url = _un_encode_url($url);
return $url;
* new function needs documentation
function team_url() {
if($this->serialized == 0)
$url = "";
if(isset($this->xmlArray['project']['team attr']['url']))
$url = $this->xmlArray['project']['team attr']['url'];
//$url = _getXpathValues($this->dom, "//project/team/@url");
if(strlen($url)> 0 && !(stristr("http://", $url)))
$url = "". $url;
$url = _un_encode_url($url);
return $url;
* new function needs documentation
function legal_url() {
if($this->serialized == 0)
$url = "";
if(isset($this->xmlArray['project']['legal attr']['url']))
$url = $this->xmlArray['project']['legal attr']['url'];
//$url = _getXpathValues($this->dom, "//project/legal/@url");
if(strlen($url)> 0 && !(stristr("http://", $url)))
$url = "". $url;
$url = _un_encode_url($url);
return $url;
* new function needs documentation
function contributing_url() {
if($this->serialized == 0)
$url = "";
if(isset($this->xmlArray['project']['contributing attr']['url']))
$url = $this->xmlArray['project']['contributing attr']['url'];
//$url = _getXpathValues($this->dom, "//project/contributing/@url");
if(strlen($url)> 0 && !(stristr("http://", $url)))
$url = "". $url;
$url = _un_encode_url($url);
return $url;
* new function needs documentation
function newsgroups_url() {
if($this->serialized == 0)
$url = "";
if(isset($this->xmlArray['project']['newsgroups attr']['url'])) {
$url = $this->xmlArray['project']['newsgroups attr']['url'];
if(strlen($url)> 0 && !(stristr("http://", $url)))
$url = "". $url;
$url = _un_encode_url($url);
return $url;
$name = $this->getNewsgroup(0);
if( isset($name) ) {
return "" . $name . "/maillist.html";
return NULL;
* @access private
function generate_common_nav( $thenav, $users = NULL, $integrators = NULL, $contributors = NULL ) {
global $Nav;
$Nav->setLinkList( array() );
$Nav->addNavSeparator( $this->getShortName(), $this->getUrlIndex() );
$Nav->addCustomNav("About", $this->description_url(), "", 1);
if( $this->team_url() != ""
|| ($this->leaders_url() == "" && $this->committers_url() == "" && $this->contributors_url() == "") ) {
$Nav->addCustomNav("Team", $this->team_url(), "", 2);
} else { /* old-style */
$Nav->addCustomNav("Team", "#", "", 2);
$Nav->addCustomNav("Leaders", $this->leaders_url(), "", 3);
$Nav->addCustomNav("Committers", $this->committers_url(), "", 3);
$Nav->addCustomNav("Contributors", $this->contributors_url(), "", 3);
$Nav->addCustomNav("Plan", $this->project_plan_url(), "", 2);
if( $this->legal_url() != "" ) {
$Nav->addCustomNav("Legal", $this->legal_url(), "", 2);
} else { /* old-style */
$Nav->addCustomNav("Legal", $this->ip_log_url(), "", 2);
$Nav->addCustomNav("Users", $this->getting_started_url(), "", 1);
$Nav->addCustomNav("Getting Started", $this->getting_started_url(), "", 2);
$Nav->addCustomNav("Downloads", $this->downloads_url(), "", 2);
$Nav->addCustomNav("Newsgroups", $this->newsgroups_url(), "", 2);
$Nav->addCustomNav("Bugs", $this->bugs_url(), "", 2);
if( !empty($users) ) {
$Nav->addCustomNav("Integrators", "", "", 1);
$Nav->addCustomNav("API Plan", $this->project_plan_url(), "", 2);
if( !empty($integrators) ) {
$Nav->addCustomNav("Contributors", $this->contributing_url(), "", 1);
$Nav->addCustomNav("Contributing", $this->contributing_url(), "", 2);
$Nav->addCustomNav("Mailing Lists", $this->mailing_lists_url(), "", 2);
if( !empty($contributors) ) {
* Gets The HTML from the given URL or file.
* @access private
function _get_paragraph( $url_from_xml ) {
#$xx .= "<p>(1) <code>$xpath</code></p>";
$url = $url_from_xml;
$url = _un_encode_url($url);
#$xx .= "<p>(2) <code>$url</code></p>";
if( isset($url) ) {
$localfile = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $url;
#$xx .= "<p>(3) <code>$localfile</code></p>";
if (file_exists($localfile)) {
$result = "";
$file = fopen($localfile,"r");
$buffer = fgets($file,2048);
$result .= $buffer;
return $result;
} else {
# Special cases for looking in older viewcvs directories
if( preg_match("/cdt/", $url) ) {
$url = preg_replace( "/\/cdt\//", "", $url);
$localfile = "$url?cvsroot=Tools_Project";
#$xx .= "<p>(4) <code>$localfile</code></p>";
return implode("\n", file($localfile));
# End special cases
return NULL;
* Parses the XML into an Array so we can handle it "easily". It also populates the ProjecInfo object
* with the information parsed from the XML file.
* @access private
function parseToArray()
if($this->serialized == 0)
$this->serialized = 1;
$this->xmlArray= XML_unserialize($this->xml);
$this->xmlArray= array();
// El XML esta en el arreglo. a procesar se ha dicho!
/* Project Basic Information */
$this->shortname = $this->xmlArray['project']['short-name'];
$this->timestamps['short-name'] = time();
$this->errors[] = "The shortname of the project is missing, please add it enlcosed between <short-name></shortname> tags";
/* Project Basic Information Ends *
/* Releases */
if(isset($this->xmlArray['project']['releases']) && count($this->xmlArray['project']['releases']) > 0)
$arr = $this->xmlArray['project']['releases']['release'];
$num_lists = count($arr);
if($num_lists == 1)
if(isset($this->xmlArray['project']['releases']['release attr']) && is_array($this->xmlArray['project']['releases']['release attr']))
$arr[0] = $this->xmlArray['project']['releases']['release attr'];
$arr['0 attr'] = $this->xmlArray['project']['releases']['release attr'];
for($i=0; $i<$num_lists;$i++)
$name = "";
$date = "";
$status = "";
$url = "";
$plan = "";
// Check if it has attribs
if(isset($arr[$i .' attr']))
if(isset($arr[$i .' attr']['name']))
$name = $arr[$i .' attr']['name'];
if(isset($arr[$i .' attr']['date']))
$date = $arr[$i .' attr']['date'];
if(isset($arr[$i .' attr']['download']))
$url = $arr[$i .' attr']['download'];
if(isset($arr[$i .' attr']['plan']))
$plan = $arr[$i .' attr']['plan'];
if(isset($arr[$i .' attr']['status']))
$status = $arr[$i .' attr']['status'];
$status = strtolower($status);
$release = new Release($name, $date, $status, $url, $plan);
if($status == "completed")
$shipping = new Shipping($name, $date, $url);
$this->shippings[] = $shipping;
if(strlen($release->getName()) != 0)
$this->releases[] = $release;
$this->num_releases = $this->num_releases + 1;
$this->timestamps['releases'] = time();
$this->errors[] = "No <releases> information was found, Releses are used to generate your project's timeline\n" .
"Please refer to and";
/* Releases ends */
/* Mailing Lists */
if(isset($this->xmlArray['project']['mailing-lists']) && count($this->xmlArray['project']['mailing-lists']) > 0)
$arr = $this->xmlArray['project']['mailing-lists']['list'];
$num_releases = count($arr);
$this->timestamps['mailing-lists'] = time();
if($num_releases == 1)
if(isset($this->xmlArray['project']['mailing-lists']['list attr']) && is_array($this->xmlArray['project']['mailing-lists']['list attr']))
$arr[0] = $this->xmlArray['project']['mailing-lists']['list attr'];
$arr['0 attr'] = $this->xmlArray['project']['mailing-lists']['list attr'];
for($i=0; $i<$num_releases;$i++)
$name = "";
// Check if it has attribs
if(isset($arr[$i .' attr']))
if(isset($arr[$i .' attr']['name']))
$name = $arr[$i .' attr']['name'];
$this->lists[] = $name;
$this->num_lists = $this->num_lists + 1;
$this->errors[] = "No mailing list where found, The Dashboard is generated using this value\n" .
"please refer to and";
/* Mailing Lists ends */
/* Bugzilla Products */
if(isset($this->xmlArray['project']['bugzilla']) && count($this->xmlArray['project']['bugzilla']) > 0)
$arr = $this->xmlArray['project']['bugzilla']['product'];
$num_products = count($arr);
if($num_products == 1)
if(isset($this->xmlArray['project']['bugzilla']['product attr']) && is_array($this->xmlArray['project']['bugzilla']['product attr']))
$arr[0] = $this->xmlArray['project']['bugzilla']['product attr'];
$arr['0 attr'] = $this->xmlArray['project']['bugzilla']['product attr'];
for($i=0; $i<$num_products;$i++)
$name = "";
// Check if it has attribs
if(isset($arr[$i .' attr']))
if(isset($arr[$i .' attr']['name']))
$name = $arr[$i .' attr']['name'];
$this->bugzilla[] = $name;
$this->num_bugzilla= $this->num_bugzilla+ 1;
$this->timestamps['bugs'] = time();
/* Bugzilla Products ends */
/* Newsgroups */
if(isset($this->xmlArray['project']['newsgroups']) && count($this->xmlArray['project']['newsgroups']) > 0)
$arr = $this->xmlArray['project']['newsgroups']['newsgroup'];
$num_newsgroup= count($arr);
$this->timestamps['newsgroups'] = time();
if($num_newsgroup == 1)
if(isset($this->xmlArray['project']['newsgroups']['newsgroup attr']) && is_array($this->xmlArray['project']['newsgroups']['newsgroup attr']))
$arr[0] = $this->xmlArray['project']['newsgroups']['newsgroup attr'];
$arr['0 attr'] = $this->xmlArray['project']['newsgroups']['newsgroup attr'];
for($i=0; $i<$num_newsgroup;$i++)
$name = "";
// Check if it has attribs
if(isset($arr[$i .' attr']))
if(isset($arr[$i .' attr']['name']))
$name = $arr[$i .' attr']['name'];
$this->newsgroup[] = $name;
$this->num_newsgroup = $this->num_newsgroup + 1;
$this->errors[] = "No mailing list where found. The Dashboard is generated using this value\n" .
"please refer to and";
/* Newsgroups ends */
/* Blogs */
if(isset($this->xmlArray['project']['blogs']) && count($this->xmlArray['project']['blogs']) > 0)
$arr = $this->xmlArray['project']['blogs']['blog'];
$num_blogs = count($arr);
if($num_blogs == 1)
if(isset($this->xmlArray['project']['blogs']['blog attr']) && is_array($this->xmlArray['project']['blogs']['blog attr']))
$arr[0] = $this->xmlArray['project']['blogs']['blog attr'];
$arr['0 attr'] = $this->xmlArray['project']['blogs']['blog attr'];
for($i=0; $i<$num_blogs;$i++)
$name = "";
// Check if it has attribs
if(isset($arr[$i .' attr']))
if(isset($arr[$i .' attr']['rss']))
$rss = $arr[$i .' attr']['rss'];
$this->blogs[] = new Blog("", $rss);
$this->timestamps['blogs'] = time();
/* Blogs Ends */
/* CVS Modules */
if(isset($this->xmlArray['project']['cvs']) && count($this->xmlArray['project']['cvs']) > 0)
$arr = $this->xmlArray['project']['cvs']['module'];
$num_cvs= count($arr);
if($num_cvs == 1)
if(isset($this->xmlArray['project']['cvs']['module attr']) && is_array($this->xmlArray['project']['cvs']['module attr']))
$arr[0] = $this->xmlArray['project']['cvs']['module attr'];
$arr['0 attr'] = $this->xmlArray['project']['cvs']['module attr'];
for($i=0; $i<$num_cvs;$i++)
$name = "";
// Check if it has attribs
if(isset($arr[$i .' attr']))
if(isset($arr[$i .' attr']['path']))
$name = $arr[$i .' attr']['path'];
$this->cvsmodules[] = $name;
$this->timestamps['cvs'] = time();
/* CVS Modules ends */
/* Articulos */
if(isset($this->xmlArray['project']['articles']) && count($this->xmlArray['project']['articles']) > 0)
$arr = $this->xmlArray['project']['articles']['article'];
$num_blogs = count($arr);
if($num_blogs == 1)
if(isset($this->xmlArray['project']['articles']['article attr']) && is_array($this->xmlArray['project']['articles']['article attr']))
$arr[0] = $this->xmlArray['project']['articles']['article attr'];
$arr['0 attr'] = $this->xmlArray['project']['articles']['article attr'];
for($i=0; $i<$num_blogs;$i++)
$name = "";
// Check if it has attribs
if(isset($arr[$i .' attr']))
if(isset($arr[$i .' attr']['url']))
$url = $arr[$i .' attr']['url'];
$this->articles[] = $url;
$this->num_articles = $this->num_articles + 1;
$this->timestamps['articles'] = time();
$this->errors[] = "No articles list where found. The Dashboard is generated using this value\n" .
"please refer to and";
/* Articulos ends */
//$error = "No Project Found";
$this->serialized = -2;
//$error = "No se pudo Serializar el XML";
$this->serialized = -1;
* This method fetchs the Dashboard information from the database, this is
* called by all the dashboard_* methods and shouldn't be used by itself
* since it may cause unnecessary overhead.
* @access private
function getDashboard($_date = "")
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/projects/common/dashboardinfo.class.php");
$this->dashboard_week = $_date;
$this->DashboardInfo = new DashboardInfo( $this->project_id, $_date);
$this->dashboard_fetched = true;
$this->timestamps['dashboard'] = time();
/* Accessors */
/* easy getters */
* @access public
* @return string The name of the project (from the Foundation DB)
function getName()
return $this->name;
* @access public
* @return string The short name of the project (from the Foundation XML file) or the Project ID if no shortname was found.
function getShortName()
if($this->serialized == 0)
return $this->shortname;
return $this->project_id;
* @access public
* @return string The description of the project (from the Foundation DB)
function getDescription() {
if($this->serialized == 0)
return $this->description;
* Returns the HTML of the project's project-page-paragraph.html This is fetch from
* project_index/project-info/project-page-paragraph.html unlike the description_pargraph()
* method which gets the one specified in the XML.
* @access public
* @return string The description of the project (from the project-page-paragraph.html)
function getParagraph() {
if($this->serialized == 0)
$url = $this->index_url . "project-info/project-page-paragraph.html";
$description = "";
if ($buffer = @file($url))
$buffer = implode("", $buffer);
if(stristr($buffer,"file not found") || strlen($buffer) == 0)
$description =
"<p><b><a href=\"".$this->index_url. "\">" . $this->name . "</a></b>".
" - " . $this->description . "</p>";
$description = $buffer;
$description =
"<p><b><a href=\"".$this->index_url. "\">" . $this->name . "</a></b>".
" - " . $this->description . "</p>";
$this->timestamps['page-paragraph'] = time();
return $description;
* @access public
* @return string The Project ID (from the Foundation DB)
function getProjectID() {
return $this->project_id;
* @access public
* @return integer The Project Level (from the Foundation DB)
function getlevel() {
return $this->level;
* @access public
* @return string The Project Parent's ID (from the Foundation DB)
function getParentProjectID() {
return $this->parent;
* @access public
* @return string The Project Download URL (from the Foundation DB)
function getUrlDownload() {
return $this->downloads_url;
* @access public
* @return string The Project Home Page (from the Foundation DB)
function getUrlIndex() {
return $this->index_url;
/* get more cool stuff */
* Returns the planed releases of this project.
* Planed Releases are those where status='scheduled' or status='tentative'
* @param integer $n The index of the release
* @access public
* @return Release The <i>n</i>th planned release of this project
function getRelease($index)
if($this->serialized == 0)
return $this->releases[$index];
* Returns the releases Currently Shipping, those where status='completed'
* @param integer $n The index of the release
* @access public
* @return Shipping The <i>n</i>th currently shipping release of this project
function getShipping($index)
if($this->serialized == 0)
return $this->shippings[$index];
* Returns the name of the mailing lists of this project
* @param integer $n The index of the mailing list
* @access public
* @return string The name of the <i>n</i>th mailing list of the project
function getList($index)
if($this->serialized == 0)
return $this->lists[$index];
* Returns the name of the newsgroups of this project
* @param integer $n The index of the newsgroup
* @access public
* @return string The name of the <i>n</i>th newsgroup of the project
function getNewsgroup($index)
if($this->serialized == 0)
return $this->newsgroup[$index];
* Returns the name of the Bugzilla Products of this project
* @param integer $n The index of the product
* @access public
* @return string The name of the <i>n</i>th Bugzilla Product of the project
function getBugzillaProduct($index)
if($this->serialized == 0)
return $this->bugzilla[$index];
return "";
* Returns the URL of the Bugzilla Products of this project
* @param integer $n The index of the product
* @access public
* @return string The URL of the <i>n</i>th Bugzilla Product of the project
function getBugzilla($index)
if($this->serialized == 0)
return "" . $this->bugzilla[$index] . "&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED";
* From time to time members of the development team and other members of the eclipse community write Articles,
* articles related with this project can be retrieved here.
* The URL of an Article related to this project
* @param integer $n The index of the Blog
* @access public
* @return string The URL of the <i>n</i>th Article
function getArticleAt($index)
if($this->serialized == 0)
return $this->articles[$index];
* Returns the Blog of this project
* @param integer $n The index of the Blog
* @access public
* @return Blog The <i>n</i>th Blog of the project
function getBlog($index)
if($this->serialized == 0)
return $this->blogs[$index];
* Returns the name of the CVS Modules of this project
* @param integer $n The index of the CVS Module
* @access public
* @return string The name of the <i>n</i>th CVS Module of the project
function getCVSModule($index)
if($this->serialized == 0)
return $this->cvsmodules[$index];
* Returns the erros encountered while trying to parse the XML Project Information
* @param integer $n The index of the error
* @access public
* @return string The <i>n</i>th error
function getError($index)
return $this->errors[$index];
* Returns the time() when the given key was fetched
* Mosts of the methods of the Project Info object save the time() when the data nessesary to fullfill the method
* was fetched, i.e. when the method summary_paragraph() is called it goes to the XML file reads the paragraph URL,
* then goes to that URL and saves its content, finnaly it saves the timestamp by calling the time() function in
* the timestamp array, using it's name as key: $this->timestamp['summary_paragraph'] = time()
* Possible keys are:
* <pre>
* project-info
* dates
* releases
* description_paragraph
* summary_paragraph
* getting_started_url
* leaders_url
* mailing_lists_url
* project_plan_url
* short-name
* releases
* mailing-lists
* newsgroups
* articles
* dashboard
* page-paragraph
* bugs_url
* committers_url
* contributors_url
* downloads_url
* index_url
* name
* level
* isArchived
* description
* project_id
* </pre>
* @param string $key one of the valid keys from the list above
* @returns int the timestamp in the time() format
function getTimestamp($key)
return $this->timestamps[$key];
* Returns the isArchived value of the Foundation Database.
* Projects under the Eclipse Technology Project have limited lifecycles.
* Unlike the major top-level Projects, the Technology Projects are meant to be technology explorations or incubators.
* When these projects have explored, proved, or disproved their associated technologies, the project comes to its
* natural end. For some projects, this end is a paper publishing the research results; for others, this end is to
* be incorporated into the base technology of another top-level project, shuch projects are archived and described
* @access public
* @link Archived Technology Projects
* @return boolean true if the project is archived, false otherwise;
function isArchived()
return $this->isArchived();
/* fetch temporary */
* When settemporary is called, the project will attempt to get the XML info from the website,
* if it can't find it there, then it will fall back to the local temporary project-info XML.
* This is intended only for testing purposes.
function settemporary($set = true)
$this->fetch_temporary = $set;
/* fetch temporary only */
* When settemporaryonly is called, the project will fetch the Project Information XML file
* from the local temporary project-info XML
* This is only for testing purposes.
function settemporaryonly($set = true)
$this->fetch_temporary_only = $set;
/* has things */
* The number of Planned Releases for this project
* @access public
* @return integer The number of planned releases for this project
function hasReleases()
if($this->serialized == 0)
return $this->num_releases;
* The number of Currently Shipping (completed) Releases for this project
* @access public
* @return integer The number of currently shipping releases for this project
function hasShippings()
if($this->serialized == 0)
return $this->num_shippings;
* The number of Mailing Lists for this project
* @access public
* @return integer The number of mailing lists for the project
function hasLists()
if($this->serialized == 0)
return $this->num_lists;
* The number of Bugzilla Products for this project
* @access public
* @return integer The number of bugzilla products for the project
function hasBugzillaProducts()
if($this->serialized == 0)
return $this->num_bugzilla;
* The number of Bugzilla Products for this project
* @access public
* @return integer The number of bugzilla products for the project
function hasBugzilla()
if($this->serialized == 0)
return $this->num_bugzilla;
* The number of Newsgroups for this project
* @access public
* @return integer The number of newsgroups for the project
function hasNewsgroups()
if($this->serialized == 0)
return $this->num_newsgroup;
* The number of Blogs for the Project
* @access public
* @return integer The number of Blogs this project has
function hasBlogs()
if($this->serialized == 0)
return $this->num_blogs;
* The number of Articles related to this Project
* @access public
* @return integer The number of Articles related to this Project
function hasArticles()
if($this->serialized == 0)
return $this->num_articles;
* The number of CVS Modules of this project
* @access public
* @return integer The number of cvs modules for the project
function hasCVSModules()
if($this->serialized == 0)
return $this->num_cvsmodules;
* The number of errors found while trying to process the XML Schema
* @access public
* @return integer The number of errors found while trying to process the project information
function hasErrors()
return count($this->errors);
* Returns true if the project information is beein fetch from the local copy
* i.e. There was no project-info.xml file on the project's website. And false
* otherwise.
* This may be true only after calling settemporary(), and is always true after
* calling settemporaryonly().
* @access public
* @return boolean True if the information was fetched from the local copy, false otherwise
function isLocal()
return $this->local;
* Returns wether <exclude-from-dashboard/> was found in the XML file or not
* Returns true if the <exclude-from-dashboard/> tag was found in the XML file
* false otherwise.
* @return boolean true if <exclude-from-dashboard/> was set false otherwise
function exclude_from_dashboard()
$found = false;
if($this->serialized == 0)
$found = true;
return $found;
* Returns the Liveness of a project
* Returns the liveness of the project, according to the Project Dashboards calculations formula:
* <pre>
* 1 * log(last week change in number of bugs) +
* 1 * log(last week bug fix rate percentage) +
* 2 * log(last month bug fix rate percentage) +
* 1 * log(180 day bug fix rate percentage) +
* 2 * log(last week number of newsgroup postings) +
* 2 * 1/(last week newsgroup answers times) +
* 3 * log(last month number of newsgroup postings) +
* 3 * 1/(last month newsgroup answers times).
* </pre>
* Optionally you can pass a week in MySQL date format (yyyy-mm-dd) to fetch
* results for the week starting on that date. If no $_week is given current calculations are used.
* @link
* @example examples/dashboard_lights.php A simple example
* @param string week The week of the calculations
* @access public
function dashboard_liveness($_week = "")
if($this->dashboard_week != $_week || !$this->dashboard_fetched )
return $this->DashboardInfo->getLiveness();
* Returns the number of bugs this project has
* The number of bugs this project has in the Eclipse Bugzilla bug tracking system
* Optionally you can pass a week in MySQL date format (yyyy-mm-dd) to fetch
* results for the week starting on that date. If no $_week is given current calculations are used.
* @link
* @param string week The week of the calculations
* @access public
function dashboard_bugs($_week = "")
if($this->dashboard_week != $_week || !$this->dashboard_fetched )
return $this->DashboardInfo->getBugs();
* How the number number of bugs this project has changed in the past week
* Optionally you can pass a week in MySQL date format (yyyy-mm-dd) to fetch
* results for the week starting on that date. If no $_week is given current calculations are used.
* @link
* @param string week The week of the calculations
* @access public
function dashboard_bugs_7_delta($_week = "")
if($this->dashboard_week != $_week || !$this->dashboard_fetched )
return $this->DashboardInfo->getBugs7Delta();
* How the number number of bugs this project has changed in the past month
* Optionally you can pass a week in MySQL date format (yyyy-mm-dd) to fetch
* results for the week starting on that date. If no $_week is given current calculations are used.
* @link
* @param string week The week of the calculations
* @access public
function dashboard_bugs_30_delta($_week = "")
if($this->dashboard_week != $_week || !$this->dashboard_fetched )
return $this->DashboardInfo->getBugs30Delta();
* How the number number of bugs this project has changed in the past 180 days
* Optionally you can pass a week in MySQL date format (yyyy-mm-dd) to fetch
* results for the week starting on that date. If no $_week is given current calculations are used.
* @link
* @param string week The week of the calculations
* @access public
function dashboard_bugs_180_delta($_week = "")
if($this->dashboard_week != $_week || !$this->dashboard_fetched )
return $this->DashboardInfo->getBugs180Delta();
* Past 7 days Bug fix rate
* The difference in the number of closed (resolved, closed, and verified) bugs and
* enhancements to the number of open and active (P1, P2, P3) bugs for the <i>last week</i>.
* The goal is to keep the number positive because then the project is fixing bugs and
* implementing features faster than bugs are being reported.
* Optionally you can pass a week in MySQL date format (yyyy-mm-dd) to fetch
* results for the week starting on that date. If no $_week is given current calculations are used.
* @link
* @param string week The week of the calculations
* @access public
function dashboard_bugs_7_percentage($_week = "")
if($this->dashboard_week != $_week || !$this->dashboard_fetched )
return $this->DashboardInfo->getBugs7Percentage();
* Past 30 dyas Bug fix rate
* The difference in the number of closed (resolved, closed, and verified) bugs and
* enhancements to the number of open and active (P1, P2, P3) bugs for the <i>last month</i>.
* The goal is to keep the number positive because then the project is fixing bugs and
* implementing features faster than bugs are being reported.
* Optionally you can pass a week in MySQL date format (yyyy-mm-dd) to fetch
* results for the week starting on that date. If no $_week is given current calculations are used.
* @link
* @param string week The week of the calculations
* @access public
function dashboard_bugs_30_percentage($_week = "")
if($this->dashboard_week != $_week || !$this->dashboard_fetched )
return $this->DashboardInfo->getBugs30Percentage();
* Past 180 days Bug fix rate
* The difference in the number of closed (resolved, closed, and verified) bugs and
* enhancements to the number of open and active (P1, P2, P3) bugs for the past<i>180 days</i>.
* The goal is to keep the number positive because then the project is fixing bugs and
* implementing features faster than bugs are being reported.
* Optionally you can pass a week in MySQL date format (yyyy-mm-dd) to fetch
* results for the week starting on that date. If no $_week is given current calculations are used.
* @link
* @param string week The week of the calculations
* @access public
function dashboard_bugs_180_percentage($_week = "")
if($this->dashboard_week != $_week || !$this->dashboard_fetched )
return $this->DashboardInfo->getBugs180Percentage();
* Number of posts in the past 7 days
* Total number of posts made in the last 7 days. The number of posts will be -1 when the
* newsgroup for a project does not exist and it is not possible to compute the statistics.
* When the group for the project exists but it is currently empty (no posts) or there are
* no posts for the last 7 days then it will be 0.
* Optionally you can pass a week in MySQL date format (yyyy-mm-dd) to fetch
* results for the week starting on that date. If no $_week is given current calculations are used.
* @link
* @param string week The week of the calculations
* @access public
function dashboard_news_7_number_posts($_week = "")
if($this->dashboard_week != $_week || !$this->dashboard_fetched )
return $this->DashboardInfo->getNews7NumberPosts();
* Number of posts in the past 30 days
* Total number of posts made in the last 30 days. The number of posts will be -1 when the
* newsgroup for a project does not exist and it is not possible to compute the statistics.
* When the group for the project exists but it is currently empty (no posts) or there are
* no posts for the last 30 days then it will be 0.
* Optionally you can pass a week in MySQL date format (yyyy-mm-dd) to fetch
* results for the week starting on that date. If no $_week is given current calculations are used.
* @link
* @param string week The week of the calculations
* @access public
function dashboard_news_30_number_posts($_week = "")
if($this->dashboard_week != $_week || !$this->dashboard_fetched )
return $this->DashboardInfo->getNews30NumberPosts();
* Average time to response a post (past 7 days)
* Average time it takes for a post that was answered to be answered in the last 7 days.
* The Time To Reply (TTR) is computed as the difference between the time of the original
* post and the time of the reply using the NNTP-Posting-Date. If there were no answers for
* the specified period then the it will be 0. If the newsgroup does
* not exist then it will be -1.
* Optionally you can pass a week in MySQL date format (yyyy-mm-dd) to fetch
* results for the week starting on that date. If no $_week is given current calculations are used.
* @link
* @param string week The week of the calculations
* @access public
function dashboard_news_7_answer_average_time($_week = "")
if($this->dashboard_week != $_week || !$this->dashboard_fetched )
return $this->DashboardInfo->getNews7AnswerAverageTime();
* Average time to response a post (past 30 days)
* Average time it takes for a post that was answered to be answered in the last 30 days.
* The Time To Reply (TTR) is computed as the difference between the time of the original
* post and the time of the reply using the NNTP-Posting-Date. If there were no answers for
* the specified period then the it will be 0. If the newsgroup does
* not exist then it will be -1.
* Optionally you can pass a week in MySQL date format (yyyy-mm-dd) to fetch
* results for the week starting on that date. If no $_week is given current calculations are used.
* @link
* @param string week The week of the calculations
* @access public
function dashboard_news_30_answer_average_time($_week = "")
if($this->dashboard_week != $_week || !$this->dashboard_fetched )
return $this->DashboardInfo->getNews30AnswerAverageTime();
* HTML dashboard-like Bug Lights
* <pre>
* There's 3 lights they represent last week, last month and last 180 days:
* <7> <30> <180>
* Light
* white light Regular
* green light Good
* red light Bad
* </pre>
* Optionally you can pass a week in MySQL date format (yyyy-mm-dd) to fetch
* results for the week starting on that date. If no $_week is given current calculations are used.
* @link
* @param string week The week of the calculations
* @access public
* @example examples/dashboard_lights.php A simple example
function dashboard_bugs_lights($_week = "")
if($this->dashboard_week != $_week || !$this->dashboard_fetched )
* HTML dashboard-like News Lights
* <pre>
* There's 4 lights they represent number of posts and average response time to a post
* for the last 7 and 30 days:
* <#posts_7> <#posts_30> <#avg_ttr_7> <#avg_ttr_30>
* Light
* white light Regular
* green light Good
* red light Bad
* </pre>
* Optionally you can pass a week in MySQL date format (yyyy-mm-dd) to fetch
* results for the week starting on that date. If no $_week is given current calculations are used.
* @link
* @param string week The week of the calculations
* @access public
* @example examples/dashboard_lights.php A simple example
function dashboard_news_lights($_week = "")
if($this->dashboard_week != $_week || !$this->dashboard_fetched )
* Decodes an URL from its HTML character encoding to its ASCII equivalent
* @access private
function _un_encode_url( $url ) {
if( !isset($url) ) return $url;
$url = preg_replace( "/\&amp;/", "&", $url );
$url = preg_replace( "/\&quot;/", "\"", $url );
$url = preg_replace( "/\&lt/", "<", $url );
$url = preg_replace( "/\&gt;/", ">", $url );
return $url;