blob: 58cc4229c253d19d4ca39ac7c3b000371e2b1edc [file] [log] [blame]
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/projects/stats/config.php");
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/projects/stats/hostname.php");
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/projects/common/projects-info.class.php");
// function countbugs($whereclause, $bugzilla_conn)
// Count the number of bugs with the specified clause.
function countbugs($whereclause, $bugzilla_conn){
$sql_info = "SELECT count(*)
FROM bugs
WHERE " . $whereclause;
$rs = mysql_query($sql_info, $bugzilla_conn) or die("Error: ".mysql_error());
$myrow = mysql_fetch_row($rs);
$value = $myrow[0];
return $value;
// function total_bugs($product_id, $dbh_bugzilla)
// Get the total number of bugs for the last 7, 30 and 180 days for the
// specified project.
function total_bugs($product_id, $dbh_bugzilla){
# Get the number of bugs today, a week ago, a month ago, six months ago
$B0 = countbugs("$product_id",
$B7 = countbugs("$product_id
AND creation_ts < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 7 DAY)",
$B30 = countbugs("$product_id
AND creation_ts < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH)",
$B180 = countbugs("$product_id
AND creation_ts < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 6 MONTH)",
return array($B0,$B7,$B30,$B180);
// function closed_bugs($product_id, $dbh_bugzilla)
// Get the total number of closed bugs for the last 7, 30 and 180 days for
// the specified project.
function closed_bugs($product_id, $dbh_bugzilla){
# Get the number of closed bugs today, etc.
$C0 = countbugs("(bug_status = 'RESOLVED' OR bug_status = 'VERIFIED'
OR bug_status = 'CLOSED') AND $product_id",
$C7 = countbugs("(bug_status = 'RESOLVED' OR bug_status = 'VERIFIED'
OR bug_status = 'CLOSED') AND $product_id
AND creation_ts < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 7 DAY)",
$C30 = countbugs("(bug_status = 'RESOLVED' OR bug_status = 'VERIFIED'
OR bug_status = 'CLOSED') AND $product_id
AND creation_ts < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH)",
$C180 = countbugs("(bug_status = 'RESOLVED' OR bug_status = 'VERIFIED'
OR bug_status = 'CLOSED') AND $product_id
AND creation_ts < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 6 MONTH)",
return array($C0,$C7,$C30,$C180);
// function open_bugs($product_id, $dbh_bugzilla)
// Get the total number of open bugs for the last 7, 30 and 180 days for
// the specified project.
function open_bugs($product_id, $dbh_bugzilla){
# Get the number of open bugs (P1, P2, P3 non-enhancements) today, etc.
$O0 = countbugs("(bug_status = 'UNCONFIRMED' OR bug_status = 'NEW'
OR bug_status = 'ASSIGNED' OR bug_status = 'REOPENED')
AND (priority = 'P1' OR priority = 'P2'
OR (priority = 'P3' AND bug_severity <> 'enchancement'))
AND $product_id",
$O7 = countbugs("(bug_status = 'UNCONFIRMED' OR bug_status = 'NEW'
OR bug_status = 'ASSIGNED' OR bug_status = 'REOPENED')
AND (priority = 'P1' OR priority = 'P2' OR
(priority = 'P3' AND bug_severity <> 'enchancement'))
AND $product_id
AND creation_ts < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 7 DAY)",
$O30 = countbugs("(bug_status = 'UNCONFIRMED' OR bug_status = 'NEW'
OR bug_status = 'ASSIGNED' OR bug_status = 'REOPENED')
AND (priority = 'P1' OR priority = 'P2'
OR (priority = 'P3' AND bug_severity <> 'enchancement'))
AND $product_id
AND creation_ts < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH)",
$O180 = countbugs("(bug_status = 'UNCONFIRMED' OR bug_status = 'NEW'
OR bug_status = 'ASSIGNED' OR bug_status = 'REOPENED')
AND (priority = 'P1' OR priority = 'P2'
OR (priority = 'P3' AND bug_severity <> 'enchancement'))
AND $product_id
AND creation_ts < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 6 MONTH)",
return array($O0,$O7,$O30,$O180);
// function delta($bugs1,$bugs2,$closed1,$closed2,$open1,$open2)
// Determine the deltas for the number of total bugs, closed bugs and
// open bugs.
function delta($bugs1,$bugs2,$closed1,$closed2,$open1,$open2){
$delta1 = $bugs1 - $bugs2;
$delta2 = $closed1 - $closed2;
$delta3 = $open1 - $open2;
return array($delta1,$delta2,$delta3);
// function gainloss($cdelta,$odelta)
// Simple gain or loss function.
function gainloss($cdelta,$odelta){
return $cdelta - $odelta;
// function percents($delta,$gainloss)
// Change the gain or loss as a percentage.
function percents($delta,$gainloss){
return round(($gainloss / $delta) * 100);
// function get_product_from_name($name,$db_handle)
// Get the bugzilla product id from the name.
function get_product_from_name($name,$db_handle){
$query = "SELECT id FROM products WHERE name = \"".$name."\"";
$result = mysql_query($query,$db_handle) or die("MySQL Error: ".mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
return $row['id'];
// function construct_id_query($project,$db_handle)
// Construct the where clause passed to other functions. This function will
// basically join all the products for a project using ORs.
function construct_id_query($project,$db_handle){
if ($project->hasBugzillaProducts() == 0)
return "";
$tmp_query = "(";
$curr_id = str_replace("%20"," ",$project->getBugzillaProduct($i));
$curr_id = get_product_from_name($curr_id,$db_handle);
if ($curr_id == "") // Bugzilla product not found on the DB
$tmp_query .= "product_id = \"".$curr_id."\"";
if ($i == $project->hasBugzillaProducts())
$tmp_query .= ")";
$tmp_query .= " OR ";
if ($tmp_query == "(")
return "";
return $tmp_query;
// function flush_pring($text)
// Will force the browser to do a flush print and not wait for more input.
function flush_print($text){
echo $text."<br>\n";
// function updateLog($db_handle,$project,$text)
// Update the DB log for users to retrive how processing was done.
// The log will be downloaded by
// $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "projects/dashboard/index.php"
// and
// $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "projects/dashboard/dashboard_detail.php"
function updateLog($db_handle,$project,$text){
$text = str_replace("\"","'",$text); // mysql can't handle
$query = "SELECT * FROM ".log_table()." WHERE project_id = \"".$project."\"";
$result = mysql_query($query,$db_handle);
if ($result && mysql_num_rows($result)){
$query = "UPDATE ".log_table()." SET bugs_text = \"".$text."\"";
$query .= " WHERE project_id = \"".$project."\"";
$query = "INSERT INTO ".log_table()." (project_id, bugs_text) ";
$query .= "VALUES(\"".$project."\",\"".$text."\")";
#echo "<pre>".$text."</pre><br>\n";
mysql_query($query,$db_handle) or die("Error: ".mysql_error());
// function updateStats($db_handle,$day,$project,$mysql_date,$bugs,$delta,
// $perc,$gl)
// Update the bugs stats in the DB. Perform a query to determine if
// there is already information in the table as we only allow one stat per
// project per day. Also prevents getting errors if a different stats program
// (news, mail, articles, etc) created the row.
function updateStats($db_handle,$day,$project,$mysql_date,$bugs,$delta,
$query = "SELECT * FROM ".stats_table()." WHERE project_id = \"".$project."\" AND stats_date = \"".$mysql_date."\"";
$result = mysql_query($query,$db_handle);
if ($result && mysql_num_rows($result))
// function updateBugs($db_handle,$day,$project,$mysql_date,$bugs,$delta,
// $perc,$gl)
// This will perform an update on an alreay existing row for a project on
// the stats table.
function updateBugs($db_handle,$day,$project,$mysql_date,$bugs,$delta,
$query = "UPDATE ".stats_table()." SET bugs_total = ".$bugs.", bugs_".$day."_delta = ".$delta.", bugs_".$day."_percentage = ".$perc.", bugs_".$day."_gainloss = ".$gl;
$query .= " WHERE project_id = \"".$project."\" AND stats_date = \"".$mysql_date.
echo "<pre>$query</pre>";
// function insertBugs($db_handle,$day,$project,$mysql_date,$bugs,$delta,
// $perc,$gl){
// This will perform a single project/row insert on the stats table.
function insertBugs($db_handle,$day,$project,$mysql_date,$bugs,$delta,
$query = "INSERT INTO ".stats_table()." (project_id, stats_date, bugs_total, bugs_".$day."_delta, bugs_".$day."_percentage, bugs_".$day."_gainloss) VALUES (\"".$project."\",\"".$mysql_date."\",".$bugs.",".$delta.",".$perc.",".$gl.")";
echo "<pre>$query</pre>";
echo "<html>\n<body>\n";
# Connection to the bugzilla DB
$dbc_bugzilla = new DBConnectionBugs();
$dbh_bugzilla = $dbc_bugzilla->connect();
# Connection to the dashboard DB
$db_connection = new DBConnectionDashboard();
$db_handle = $db_connection->connect();
$mysql_date = date('Y-m-d');
# List of projects
$projects = New ProjectsInfo();
# Process all projects using ProjectInfo objects
$project_count = $projects->hasProjects();
echo "Total number of projects to process: ".$project_count."<br>\n";
$project = $projects->getProject($pindex);
if ($project->exclude_from_dashboard()) // Don't process projects with
continue; // this XML tag
flush_print("<b>Processing project: ".$project->getName()."</b>");
$text = "Bugs information for project ".$project->getName()."\r\n\r\n";
$id = construct_id_query($project,$dbh_bugzilla);
// If we couldn't find any product IDs for this project then update log and
// continue with the next project.
if ($id == ""){
flush_print("No valid bugzilla info found for ".$project->getName());
$text .= "No valid bugzilla info found for: ".$project->getName()."\r\n\r\n";
$days = explode(",",BUGS_DAYS);
$day = array_pop($days);
$perc = array();
$gl = array();
// Get bugs: total, closed and open
$bugs = total_bugs($id, $dbh_bugzilla);
$closed = closed_bugs($id, $dbh_bugzilla);
$open = open_bugs($id, $dbh_bugzilla);
// Write to log (Bugs)
$text .= "Bugs,Today,Last week,Last month,Last six months\r\n";
$text .= "Total,".$bugs[0].",".$bugs[1].",".$bugs[2].",".$bugs[3]."\r\n";
$text .= "Closed,".$closed[0].",".$closed[1].",".$closed[2].",".$closed[3]."\r\n";
$text .= "Open,".$open[0].",".$open[1].",".$open[2].",".$open[3]."\r\n\r\n";
// Compute deltas for the last 7, 30 and 180 days
$delta7 = delta($bugs[0],$bugs[1],$closed[0],$closed[1],$open[0],$open[1]);
$delta30 = delta($bugs[0],$bugs[2],$closed[0],$closed[2],$open[0],$open[2]);
$delta180 = delta($bugs[0],$bugs[3],$closed[0],$closed[3],$open[0],$open[3]);
$deltas[0] = $delta7[0];
$deltas[1] = $delta30[0];
$deltas[2] = $delta180[0];
// Write to log (Deltas)
$text .= "Deltas,Last week,Last month,Last six months\r\n";
$text .= "Total,".$delta7[0].",".$delta30[0].",".$delta180[0]."\r\n";
$text .= "Closed,".$delta7[1].",".$delta30[1].",".$delta180[1]."\r\n";
$text .= "Open,".$delta7[2].",".$delta30[2].",".$delta180[2]."\r\n\r\n";
// Compute gain-loss for the last 7, 30 and 180 days
$gl[0] = gainloss($delta7[1],$delta7[2]);
$gl[1] = gainloss($delta30[1],$delta30[2]);
$gl[2] = gainloss($delta180[1],$delta180[2]);
// Write to log (Gain-Loss)
$text .= "Gain-Loss,Last week,Last month,Last six months\r\n";
$text .= ",".$gl[0].",".$gl[1].",".$gl[2]."\r\n\r\n";
// Compute gain/loss as percentages
$perc[0] = $delta7[0]?percents($delta7[0],$gl[0]):0;
$perc[1] = $delta30[0]?percents($delta30[0],$gl[1]):0;
$perc[2] = $delta180[0]?percents($delta180[0],$gl[2]):0;
// Write to log (Percentages)
$text .= "Percentages,Last week,Last month,Last six months\r\n";
$text .= ",".$perc[0].",".$perc[1].",".$perc[2]."\r\n";
// Store the computed stats in the DB
$days = explode(",",BUGS_DAYS);
$i = 0;
while(count($days)){ # For every expected date
$day = array_pop($days);
echo "\n</body>\n</html>\n";
$rs = null;
$dbh_bugzilla = null;
$dbc_bugzilla = null;
$db_handle = null;
$db_connection = null;