blob: 5e982fd8fab643c5719cfc2cd5e05a8b413a0f36 [file] [log] [blame]
// mailing_test.php //
// //
// Generates data for the mailing_list_stats table inside phoenix database //
require_once "/home/data/httpd/eclipse-php-classes/system/dbconnection.class.php";
require_once "utils.php";
#Connection to Eclipse Database
$db_connection = new DBConnection();
$db_handle = $db_connection->connect();
#Read groups.txt File
$testFile = "groups.txt";
$fileObject = fopen($testFile,'r');
#Read the date parameter
/*$start_date = 0;
$start_date = $_GET['start_date'];
#Clean the table for fresh data
$deleteData = mysql_query("DELETE FROM `mailing_list_stats`",$db_handle);
#Table Feed begins...
while (!feof($fileObject)){
$firstChar = substr($line,0,1);
$separatedLine = explode("|",$line);
if($separatedLine[3] <> ""){
$projectName = $separatedLine[2];
$mailing_lists = $separatedLine[3];
$mail_list = explode(",",$mailing_lists);
$number_of_lists = sizeof($mail_list);
for($i = 0;$i<$number_of_lists;$i++){
#Set the seed for Member count
$member_count = mt_rand(0,100);
#<!-- Generate Randoms BEGIN-->
#<!-- For the is_private parameter BEGIN-->
$is_private = mt_rand(0,1);
#<!-- For the is_private parameter END-->
#<!-- For the daily_post_parameter BEGIN-->
$daily_post_count = mt_rand(0,1);
if($daily_post_count == 1){
$daily_post_count = mt_rand(0,10);
#<!-- For the daily_post_parameter END-->
#<!-- For the member_count_parameter BEGIN-->
$decission = mt_rand(0,49);
if($decission == 49){
$member_count = $member_count-2;
if($decission == 48){
$member_count = $member_count-1;
if($decission >= 0 && $decission <= 35){
$member_count = $member_count; //Keeps the same value
if($decission >= 36 && $decission <= 38){
$member_count = $member_count+1; //plus 1
if($decission >= 39 && $decission <= 41){
$member_count = $member_count+2; //plus 2
if($decission >= 42 && $decission <= 44){
$member_count = $member_count+3; //plus 3
if($decission >= 45 && $decission <= 47){
$member_count = $member_count+4; //plus 4
#<!-- For the member_count_parameter END-->
#<!-- Generate Randoms END-->
#Calculates the start date (it will start 30 days before today)
$myDate = getDateBefore($x);
echo "NAME: ".$mail_list[$i]." ";
echo "SUMMARY DATE: ".$myDate." ";
echo "DAILY POST COUNT: ".$daily_post_count." ";
echo "MEMBER COUNT: ".$member_count." ";
echo "IS PRIVATE: ".$is_private." ";
echo "<br>";
$altaLista=mysql_query("INSERT INTO `mailing_list_stats` ( `list_name` , `summary_date` , `daily_post_count` , `total_member_count`
)VALUES ('$mail_list[$i]', '$myDate', $daily_post_count, $member_count)", $db_handle)or die("MySQL Error: ".mysql_error());
$db_handle = null;
$db_connection = null;