blob: 1d1b2018a061a88b712466be624138fee0c0119e [file] [log] [blame]
* File : live.class.php
* Author : Bjorn Freeman-Benson/Diego Figueroa
* Date :
* Last modified: Feb 02, 2006
* Description : This class is responsible for calculating the liveness
* of a project based on the data stored in the stats
* table of the dashboard database. It will itself store
* the result of the liveness in the dashboard.stats table
require_once "/home/data/httpd/eclipse-php-classes/system/dbconnection_dashboard_rw.class.php";
* function logNotZero($value)
* Returns the logarithm of $value if $value is different from zero and
* returns zero otherwise.
function logNotZero($value) {
if( $value == 0 ) {
return $value;
} else {
return log($value);
* function logAbsZero($value)
* Returns the logarithm of $value if $value is different from zero and
* returns zero otherwise. If $value is negative then the function will
* obtain the logarithm of the absolute value of $value and then make
* the number negative.
function logAbsZero($value) {
if( $value == 0 ) {
return $value;
} else {
if( $value < 0 ) {
return -1 * log(abs($value));
} else {
return log($value);
* function inverseNotZero($value)
* Returns the inverse of $value if $value is different from zero and
* returns zero otherwise.
function inverseNotZero($value) {
if($value == 0) {
return $value;
} else {
return 1.0 / $value;
class Live {
var $db_connection;
var $db_handle;
function Live(){
// Initialize the DB connection
$this->db_connection = new DBConnectionDashboard();
$this->db_handle = $this->db_connection->connect();
function computeData($table){
$i = 0;
$livenesss = Array();
$today = date('Y-m-d');
/* Select all stats from the table for the lastest data which should
* be today's
$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$table." WHERE stats_date = \"".$today."\"";
$result = mysql_query($query,$this->db_handle);
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
$project[$i] = $row['project_id'];
$delta_bugs_7 = 1 * logNotZero($row['bugs_7_delta']);
$percent_bugs_7 = 1 * logAbsZero($row['bugs_7_percentage']);
$percent_bugs_30 = 2 * logAbsZero($row['bugs_30_percentage']);
$percent_bugs_180 = 1 * logAbsZero($row['bugs_180_percentage']);
$posts_news_7 = 2 * logAbsZero($row['news_7_number_posts']);
$answers_news_7 = 2 * inverseNotZero($row['news_7_answer_average_time']);
$posts_news_30 = 3 * logAbsZero($row['news_30_number_posts']);
$answers_news_30 = 3 * inverseNotZero($row['news_30_answer_average_time']);
$art_count = 2 * logNotZero($row['num_articles']);
$total = $delta_bugs_7 +
$percent_bugs_7 +
$percent_bugs_30 +
$percent_bugs_180 +
$posts_news_7 +
$answers_news_7 +
$posts_news_30 +
$answers_news_30 +
* For the liveness if the project has all zeros or there has not
* been any bugs in the last 6 months then the liveness drops.
if( ($total == 0) && ($percent_bugs_180 == 0) ) {
$total = -1000;
$liveness[$i] = $total;
echo "<html>\n<body>\n";
while(--$i >= 0){
echo "<b>Processing project:</b> ".$project[$i]." <b>Liveness:</b> ".$liveness[$i]."<br>\n";
$query = "UPDATE ".$table." SET liveness = ".$liveness[$i]." WHERE project_id = \"".$project[$i]."\" AND stats_date = \"".$today."\"";
mysql_query($query,$this->db_handle) or die("Could not update stats: ".mysql_error());
echo "\n</body>\n</html>\n";
function destroyLive(){
$this->db_handle = null;
$this->db_connection = null;