blob: b2bbe06ef41b59377f8b97b267054568954e2818 [file] [log] [blame]
# List of responses according to RFC 977
define("R100", 100); # help text follows
define("R199", 199); # debug output
define("R200", 200); # server ready - posting allowed
define("R201", 201); # server ready - no posting allowed
define("R202", 202); # slave status noted
define("R205", 205); # closing connection - goodbye!
define("R211", 211); # n f l s group selected
define("R215", 215); # list of newsgroups follows
define("R220", 220); # n <a> article retrieved - head and body follow
define("R221", 221); # n <a> article retrieved - head follows
define("R222", 222); # n <a> article retrieved - body follows
define("R223", 223); # n <a> article retrieved - request text separately
define("R230", 230); # list of new articles by message-id follows
define("R231", 231); # list of new newsgroups follows
define("R235", 235); # article transferred ok
define("R240", 240); # article posted ok
define("R281", 281); # authentication successful
define("R335", 335); # send article to be transferred. End with <CR-LF>.<CR-LF>
define("R340", 340); # send article to be posted. End with <CR-LF>.<CR-LF>
define("R400", 400); # service discontinued
define("R411", 411); # no such news group
define("R412", 412); # no newsgroup has been selected
define("R420", 420); # no current article has been selected
define("R421", 421); # no next article in this group
define("R422", 422); # no previous article in this group
define("R423", 423); # no such article number in this group
define("R430", 430); # no such article found
define("R435", 435); # article not wanted - do not send it
define("R436", 436); # transfer failed - try again later
define("R437", 437); # article rejected - do not try again.
define("R440", 440); # posting not allowed
define("R441", 441); # posting failed
define("R500", 500); # command not recognized
define("R501", 501); # command syntax error
define("R502", 502); # access restriction or permission denied
define("R503", 503); # program fault - command not performed