blob: 5f1c0b9136a5336eda78e836ffbe26528681c042 [file] [log] [blame]
require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/projects/stats/hostname.php");
$dbc = new DBConnectionDashboard();
$dbh = $dbc->connect();
// //
// Create the table that will hold all stats //
// //
$query = "CREATE TABLE ".stats_table()." (project_id varchar(100), stats_date date, liveness smallint, ";
// News stats
$query .= "news_7_answer_average_time int, news_7_unanswered_number smallint, ";
$query .= "news_7_insider_posts float, news_7_number_posts smallint, news_7_average_posts float, ";
$query .= "news_30_answer_average_time int, news_30_unanswered_number smallint, ";
$query .= "news_30_insider_posts float, news_30_number_posts smallint, news_30_average_posts float, ";
// Dashboard stats
$query .= "bugs_total smallint, bugs_7_delta smallint, bugs_7_percentage tinyint, bugs_7_gainloss smallint, ";
$query .= "bugs_30_delta smallint, bugs_30_percentage tinyint, bugs_30_gainloss smallint, ";
$query .= "bugs_180_delta smallint, bugs_180_percentage tinyint, bugs_180_gainloss smallint, ";
// Mail stats
$query .= "mail_7_number_posts smallint, mail_7_average_posts float, mail_7_average_subscribers float, ";
$query .= "mail_30_number_posts smallint, mail_30_average_posts float, mail_30_average_subscribers float, ";
$query .= "mail_180_number_posts smallint, mail_180_average_posts float, mail_180_average_subscribers float, ";
// Number of articles
$query .= "num_articles int, ";
// Primary key
$query .= "PRIMARY KEY(project_id,stats_date))";
echo $query."\n";
mysql_query($query,$dbh) or die("Could not create table: ".mysql_error());
$dbh = null;
$dbc = null;