blob: e9ff8bb9b3a28fc7e9e9f9e670bed80c2f856148 [file] [log] [blame]
<?php require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/"); $App = new App(); $Nav = new Nav(); $Menu = new Menu(); include($App->getProjectCommon()); # All on the same line to unclutter the user's desktop'
$pageTitle = "Implementation Phase";
$pageKeywords = "development process";
$pageAuthor = "Bjorn Freeman-Benson Nov 20/05";
<div id="maincontent">
<div id="midcolumn">
<h1>Implementation Phase</h1>
<p><i>version 030 - December 16, 2005</i></p>
<p><a href="index.php">[This is one page of the larger document.]</a></p>
<h2>Implementation (Mature) Phase</h2>
<p>The project has demonstrated process, community, and technology and is now a
mature member of the Eclipse Community. </p>
<p>During the Implementation Phase, the project and project leadership maintain the
project's infrastructure and continue to participate in the Eclipse Community
using these, and other, mechanisms. The more frequent are:</p>
<li><b>Status Reports.</b><br>
All projects are required to report their status quarterly, if not more
often. See the <a href="project-status-infrastructure.php">Project Status
Reporting documentation</a> for more details.
<li><b>Milestone Releases.</b> Interim milestone and release candidate
releases will be named n.nMn (e.g., 3.3M4) or n.nRCn (e.g., 4.1RC2). The n.n
release numbering is reserved for the final Reviewed release. Additionally,
all nightly, integration, milestone, release candidate, and final releases
will be available via a download link found on the project's home page.</li>
<li><b>Use the Correct Servers.</b> The infrastructure is solid
and capable, but it is also capable of being brought to its knees by poor
file placement. Projects will follow these guidelines:
<li>Do not use viewcvs links in any web pages. Use normal links instead.
Your project's web pages are stored in CVS and can be committed via CVS,
but the links need to be normal links to reduce server load and enable
load sharing.</li>
<li>Do not place downloads or large files on the
machine (the web pages or the CVS).&nbsp; Use the
machine for all downloads - these machines are load balanced, mirrored,
and have a separate bandwidth allotment.
<li>Large files that change often should be placed on download
<li>Files larger than 5Mbs should be placed on the download servers.</li>
<li>All zip and gzip files should be placed on the download servers.</li>
<li><b>Release Reviews.</b><br>
Each major release (where <i>major</i> is defined as any release whose N or
M version number changes in the N.M.P version number) must go through a <a href="release-review.php">Release
Review</a>. Please schedule enough time to complete the Review and any
potential remedial actions so as not to impact the project's release
<li><b>Continue encouraging the three communities.</b><br>
As the project has completed its Validation Phase, this should already be
happening, but I include it here for completeness. Continue
to use the public mailing lists, respond in the newsgroups, write articles,
staff code camps, triage the bugzilla, attend the Eclipse community events (<a href="">EclipseCon</a>,
<a href="/org/foundation/council.php">Council meetings</a>, ...) and so on.</li>
<p align="left" style="border-style: dotted; border-width: 2; padding-left: 5; padding-right: 5; padding-top: 2; padding-bottom: 2"><b>Following the Eclipse IP Policy.<br>
</b>The <a href="/org/documents/Eclipse%20IP%20Policy2003_12_03%20Final.pdf"> Eclipse IP Policy</a> requires
<a href="/legal/committerguidelines.php"> certain due
diligence and record keeping</a>.
Small contributions in the form of bugzilla patches and the like can be
committed directly to the code base (after the appropriate contributor
information is recorded). Medium<sup>2</sup>, large, and all third-party (non-EPL
licensed) contributions require the <a href="/legal/ContributionQuestionnairePart1-v1.0.htm"> Code Contribution
Questionnaire</a> and
additional record keeping (also see the <a href="/legal/EclipseLegalProcessPoster-v1.2.4.pdf">descriptive process flowchart poster</a>). Maintaining a current and accurate <a href="project-log.php"> Project Log</a> is
the best way to keep this information up-to-date.<br>
The due diligence process for new contributions takes, on average, four to
six calendar weeks to complete. Thus we recommend limiting large and
third-party contributions to the beginning of a release cycle rather than
waiting to the end.</li>
<li><b>Changing content.</b><br>
The site has various news and announcement pages, as well as
pages that describe the projects and top-level PMCs. To request an
announcement or news or changes to these pages, send email to the <a href="">EMO</a>.</li>
<li><b>Add a new Committer.</b><br>
After the Committer has been voted in using the top-level PMC's voting
process, follow the <a href="/legal/newcommitter.html">New
Committer Process</a>.</li>
<li><b>Active Progress.</b><br>
Project are expected to continue to be active: in development, in releases,
in newsgroup and mailing list responses, and in the community more
generally. Projects that become inactive will be reviewed and probably <a href="archived-phase.php">archived</a>.
<li><b>Use project name correctly.<br>
</b>Every public use of the project name - in a web page, a presentation, a
press release, an article, etc. - must follow the <a href="project-naming-policy.php">project
naming guidelines</a>:
<li>The first use of the project name uses the entire descriptive name
and may include the optional nickname. For
example, &quot;The Eclipse Component Assembly
Project (Buckminister)&quot;. Subsequent references to the project may use the
nickname, e.g., &quot;Buckminister&quot;.</li>
<li>If the project is in <a href="proposal-phase.php">the Proposal Phase</a>
or the <a href="validation-phase.php">Validation Phase</a>, that fact
must be mentioned early in the document. For example, &quot;The proposed
Eclipse Phoenix project ...&quot; or &quot;The Buckminister project,
being incubated at Eclipse, is releasing version 0.2 of their framework
for early alpha feedback from the community.&quot;</li>
<li><b>Use brand graphics and watermarks correctly.<br>
</b>Projects in proposal and validation/incubation stages must use the
appropriate <a href="/projects/gazoo.php">Eclipse-branded graphics</a> (i.e.,
the Eclipse Proposal graphic and the Eclipse Incubation graphic respectively) on
their webpage and communications. Projects in the proposal phase must use the
proposal watermark on their web
<li><b>Follow the press guidelines.<br>
</b>Projects must follow the <a href="/org/press-release/pressguidelines.htm">Eclipse
Foundation press guidelines</a> in the preparation, wording, and
dissemination of press releases.</li>
<p>The less frequent are:</p>
<li><b>Remove a Committer.</b><br>
After the Committer has been removed using the top-level PMC's process, send
email to the <a href="">EMO</a> with: the name of the
project and hosting top-level project, the full name and email address of
the Committer, and the list of CVS packages to which commit accesses will be
<li><b>Change a Committer's access.</b><br>
The logical combination of Add and Remove accomplished via email by the
top-level PMC to the <a href="">Eclipse
sysadmins</a>. Soon there will be a work request tracking system instead of
emails, but for now emails will suffice.</li>
<li><b>Change access rights on download server.</b><br>
Send email to the <a href="">Eclipse sysadmins</a>
with the names of the Committers to be added/removed to/from the download
<li><b>Change root CVS components.</b><br>
Send email to the <a href="">Eclipse sysadmins</a>
with the list of component changes and the list of Committers for the
<li><b>Marking stale CVS components.</b><br>
As the projects evolve, some CVS modules become stale and cause confusion to
new comers when they are browsing the repositories. These modules cannot be
deleted from the repository, because they contain history and they have been
part of a build at one point.<br>
In order to limit confusion and not lose history, the HEAD of stale modules
should be replaced by a README file describing the status of the project.
This file should also contain when the development has been stopped, against
which version of eclipse it was working, and the CVS tag with the last
working copy of the code.</li>
<li><b>Changing Bugzilla components, milestones, targets, owners, etc.<br>
</b>Send email to the Eclipse sysadmins with detailed instructions. When
adding components, be sure to include: component name, component
description, initial owner. For more details, see <a href="">the
Committer Self Service page</a>.</li>
<li><b>Add new newsgroup.</b><br>
Most projects have a single newsgroup, but in the exceptional case where an
additional newsgroup is required, send email to the <a href="">Eclipse
sysadmins</a> with the newsgroup name in format eclipse.[top-level
project].[shortname] and the newsgroup description.</li>
<li><b>Add new mailing list.</b><br>
<a href="">Mailing lists</a> are
resources used by committers to facilitate group communication. Normally, a
single mailing list is created for a project; however, projects with several
components can have several mailing lists. The main project mailing list is
normally called projectname-dev, and component lists are called projectname-component.
To add an additional mailing list, see <a href="">the
Committer Self-Service page</a> and then send email to the <a href="Eclipse%20sysadmins">Eclipse
sysadmins</a> with the mailing list name, the long description (<a href="">see
example</a>) and the short description (<a href="/mail/">see
<li><b>Changing a mailing list.</b><br>
A project can ask the <a href="Eclipse%20sysadmins">Eclipse
sysadmins</a> for mailing list changes (filters, digests, the sort of thing
that mailman can do), or the project can ask the <a href="Eclipse%20sysadmins">Eclipse
sysadmins</a> to provide the project lead with self-service access to the
<li><b>Removing a newsgroup or mailing list.<br>
</b>Send email to the <a href="">Eclipse
The <a href="">Committer self-service
page</a> provides infrastructure reports, password changes, etc.</li>
<p>There are many things that make Eclipse great. One is that there has been a
strong emphasis on <a href="eclipse-quality.php">quality</a>; another is the
equally strong emphasis on predictability. Even more important than having a
schedule is having an honest schedule, so while projects should do their best
not to change the schedule, they should work even harder to ensure that the
schedule in an honest one. This is especially critical for Eclipse projects
because the projects release extensible frameworks that other Eclipse members -
individuals and ecosystem companies - build products and tools on top of. Those
members make plans based on the Eclipse plans and thus changing the Eclipse
plans can materially affect a large number of downstream players.</p>
<p>The best scheduling algorithm for this kind of &quot;bottom of the dependency
pile&quot; development is to under-promise and over-deliver. Promise less and
promise it later than the team thinks it can be delivered, then deliver more and
deliver earlier. This is especially important in open-source because the project
wants to allow enough time for the community to provide lots of good feedback -
feedback that will result in a really great framework and outstanding exemplary
<h3>Release Review</h3>
<p>Major releases continue to go through <a href="release-review.php">Release
Reviews</a>. A major release is defined as a change in N or M of the N.M.P
release numbering.</p>
<li>A side note about release numbering: the Eclipse standard for release
numbers is that the major number (N) changes upon breaking changes to the APIs,
the minor number (M) changes when
the APIs are the same but there is substantial new function, and the
incremental number (P) changes
for fix packs. Fix packs are API compatible, i.e., no change to the APIs.<br>
The major number (N) may also change for significant new features without
having breaking API changes. For example, if framework Foo versions 4.0,
4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 has been available for a couple years, the latest release
might have enough new significant features to justify version 5.0 even
though the API compatibility would indicate version 4.4.</li>
<li>A clarification of the interpretation of the Eclipse Development Process.
The Process has a loop-back from the Release Review to the
Validation/Incubation Phase (see figure 2 in the document). We have revised
that loop-back to return to the Implementation/Mature Phase, i.e., baring
any regression in openness, transparency, and process conformance, once a
project has reached the Implementation/Mature Phase, it remains there.</li>
<p><sup>1</sup> This will be implemented by the end of 4Q2005.<br>
<sup>2</sup> The threshold for &quot;major&quot; is somewhere less than 100
# Paste your HTML content between the EOHTML markers!
$html = ob_get_contents();
# Generate the web page
$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);