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<TITLE>Eclipse Data Tools Project</TITLE>
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<P ALIGN=LEFT><B><FONT SIZE=6><FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Data
Tools Project</FONT></FONT></B><BR><FONT SIZE=1><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><FONT COLOR="#8080ff">Project
<TD WIDTH=40%>
<P><IMG SRC="DTP_Proposal/Idea.jpg" NAME="Graphic1" ALIGN=MIDDLE HSPACE=50 WIDTH=120 HEIGHT=86 BORDER=0></P>
<P>This project proposal is in the <A HREF=" Development Process 2003_11_09 FINAL.pdf">Proposal
Phase</A> and is posted here to solicit community feedback,
additional project participation, and ways the project can be
leveraged from the Eclipse membership-at-large. You are invited to
comment on and/or join the project. Please send all feedback to the
<I>dtp_newsgroup</I> or the <I>dtp_mailing_list</I> mailing list.</P>
<COL WIDTH=252*>
<P ALIGN=LEFT><FONT COLOR="#ffffff"><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica"><B>The
Eclipse Data Tools Project Top-Level Project Charter</B></FONT></FONT></P>
<TD WIDTH=99%>
<P><B>Overview<BR><BR></B>This document describes the composition
and organization of the project, roles and responsibilities of the
participants, and development process for the project for the Data
Tools Project (DTP).</P>
<P>DTP starts with key data management frameworks designed both
for use and extensibility. These frameworks include location and
management of database drivers, and configurations for access to
particular database instances. Once a connection is successfully
made, the next task often is to explore the database &ndash;
tables, stored procedures, triggers, and so on &ndash; making
changes as required. Some of these operations might be carried out
by GUI actions, others directly through commands. Users &ndash;
both developers and administrators &ndash; typically will create,
edit, and test SQL for these commands. Assistance in editing SQL
through code completion, formatting, and dialect specialization,
greatly enhances productivity. Further, the ability to execute or
debug commands, both SQL and stored procedures, rounds out the
rapid development process that Eclipse supports so well. Finally,
bridging chasms, whether between relational structures, objects,
or XML, presents challenges that data management tooling should
address. To meet these needs, DTP includes a broad set of core and
tooling components, enabling a diverse set of plug-in offerings
specific to particular database technologies and supported by the
DTP ecosystem.</P>
<P><B>Mission<BR><BR></B>The mission of the Data Tools Project is
to build useful tools and a generic, extensible, standards-based
tool platform upon which software providers can create
specialized, differentiated offerings for developing with and
administering database systems.</P>
<P><B>Scope<BR><BR></B>The Data Tools Project encompasses a common
foundation of frameworks and services for database tooling
products. The project scope also includes database tooling
products themselves for exemplary purposes and/or to validate the
underlying platform.</P>
<P>The project will be further limited to providing infrastructure
for tooling proper, in contrast to infrastructure related to the
application run-time. We will typically use a simple litmus test
to set the boundary between tooling and run-time. Application
artifacts, once developed, have no execution dependencies on the
relevant tooling framework, while the converse would be true for
run-time frameworks. In keeping with our objective of maximizing
vendor-neutrality, where multiple frameworks exist in the market
for a given functional domain, we will develop tooling based on a
common abstraction (or superset) to the extent feasible.</P>
<P>The ultimate objective of the project is to provide highly
reusable and extensible tooling that allows developers to produce
applications with increasing development efficiency. The tooling
foundation the project will deliver will support these values by
enforcing appropriate separations of concern in application
architecture, raising the level of technical abstraction in
application development and enabling repeatability in development
processes. These values, however, will be achieved incrementally
over time. Early deliverables will focus on an extensible
foundation supporting the most widely used database standards and
<P>In addition, we expect the Data Tools Project to produce
functional requirements that are more appropriately satisfied
through the Eclipse Project or other Eclipse foundational
projects. Areas in which we might expect to see these elaborated
requirements would be in working with multi-language support or
debugging procedures on remote database servers. In such case, the
Data Tools Project PMC will coordinate the corresponding Project
PMCs the design and implementation of the corresponding
<P>The Data Tools area is a vast domain, yet there are a fairly
small number of foundational requirements for developing with and
administering database systems. Similar to all tooling, users
expect a consistent, highly usable environment that is easy to
configure - a tool set in which the challenges of application
development are due to the inherent challenges of the problem
domain, not to the complexity of the tools themselves. As such,
the top-level project initially has six projects divided into two
major areas: Basic Connectivity and Data-centric Development.
<P>In the Basic Connectivity area, the Data Tools Project
initially has three projects: Database Connectivity, SQL
Development Tools, and Database Administration. In the
Data-centric Development area, the Data Tools Project has an
additional three initial projects: Object/Relational Mapping,
XML/Relational Mapping, and Extract-Transform-Load. The goal is to
provide frameworks with well-defined APIs and extension points, as
well as exemplary implementations targeted at well-known open
source runtime environments while enabling an ecosystem of
complementary open source and commercial projects to create
components specialized to particular databases. Additional
projects related to DTP will be added as community interest
demands, and resources become available.</P>
<P><I>Database Connectivity</I></P>
<P>The Database Connectivity project consists of core frameworks
and components for data tooling including: Driver Management,
Connection Profile Framework, and Database Explorer. Access to the
appropriate database drivers is a prerequisite for programmatic
interaction with databases. The Driver Management Framework (DMF)
supplies an Eclipse preference page enabling users to create
driver definitions based on supplied templates. The Connection
Profile Framework (CPF) is the foundation upon which specific
connection types are created. The connection types, called
&ldquo;Connection Profiles&rdquo; (CP), are contributed to the CPF
through extension points. The CPs are the connection providers
through which other DTP tooling accesses database instances. The
Database Explorer (DE) is an Eclipse view for browsing CP
instances: databases, tables, stored procedures, drag and drop
data, and so on - constrained only by the CP itself.</P>
<P><I>SQL Development Tools</I></P>
<P>The SQL Development Tools (SDT) project provides a development
environment similar to Eclipse JDT by leverages the Database
Connectivity frameworks to edit, execute, and debug procedural
objects (stored procedures, triggers and functions) and SQL
statements. The project consists of an SQL Editor Framework and an
SQL Execution and Debugger Framework.</P>
<P><I>Database Administration</I></P>
<P>This Database Administration project provides a framework to
support generic administration functionality. This project
encompasses administration tools for tasks such as database
creation and DDL support; schema generation, reverse engineering
and migration; data loading and unloading; performance monitoring,
analysis and tuning; etc. Additionally, the tooling supports SQL
execution plans which are vital for database tuning.</P>
<P><I>Object/Relational Mapping</I></P>
<P>The Data Tools project will work with the Eclipse
membership-at-large to select ORM base technologies and then
create supporting tools that are integrated with the DTP base.
<P><I>XML/Relational Mapping </I>
<P>The prevalence and importance of XML in modern application
development necessitates XML/Relational Mapping (XRM) tools . The
Data Tools project will work with the Eclipse membership-at-large
to provide both key and supporting XRM components.</P>
<P><I>Extract-Transform-Load </I>
<P>A very common developer requirement is to load and transfer
data between databases, either straight across or in the complex
domain of transforming the data. The Data Tools project will
provide core components and exemplary tools in this area. We
anticipate that specialized extract and load endpoints will be key
areas of community and ecosystem extensions to the Data Tools
<P>In the spirit of Eclipse, the Data Tool Project components will
be vendor neutral, the development process agile, and community
involvement level will be fostered to provide a rich ecosystem
benefiting the entire Eclipse membership-at-large. Expanding the
project to include new projects will require a revision to this
charter as per the Eclipse Development Process.</P>
<P><B>Project Management Committee<BR></B><BR>The Projects under
this Charter are managed by a group known as the Project
Management Committee (the &quot;PMC&quot;).<BR><BR>PMCs are
expected to ensure that:
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0in">All Projects operate
effectively by providing leadership to guide the Project's
overall direction and by removing obstacles, solving problems,
and resolving conflicts.
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0in">All Project plans, technical
documents and reports are publicly available.
<LI><P>All Projects operate using open source rules of
engagement: meritocracy, transparency, and open participation.
These principles work together. Anyone can participate in a
Project. This open interaction, from answering questions to
reporting bugs to making code contributions to creating designs,
enables everyone to recognize and utilize the contributions.
<P>The PMC has the following responsibilities:</P>
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0in">Providing the leadership and
vision to guide the Project's overall direction in a manner
consistent with the Eclipse Foundation Architectural Roadmap.
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0in">Providing assistance and
support to the developers and researchers working on the Project
by removing obstacles, solving problems, and resolving conflicts.
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0in">Ensuring that Project plans are
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0in">Recommending new Projects to
the EMO.
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0in">Recommending the initial set of
Project committers for each new Project overseen by the PMC, and
establishing the procedures consistent with this Charter for
voting in new committers.
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0in">Helping to ensure that the
Projects overseen by the PMC have enough contributors, and
working to fill vacancies in roles.
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0in">Producing &quot;how to get
involved&quot; guidelines to help new potential contributors get
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0in">Coordinating relationships with
other Eclipse Foundation Projects.
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0in">Facilitating code or other
donations by individuals or companies.
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0in">Making recommendations to the
Eclipse Foundation Board regarding contributions proposed under
licenses other than the EPL.
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0in">Working with the EMO and
Committers to ensure in-bound contributions are made in
accordance with the Eclipse Foundation IP Policy.
<LI><P>Acting as a focal point for the community in representing
the Projects it oversees.
<P>The PMC Lead is appointed by the Board. The initial PMC is
selected by the PMC Lead. Thereafter, to become a member of the
PMC, an individual must be nominated by another member of the PMC,
and unanimously approved by all PMC members.
<P>In the unlikely event that a member of the PMC becomes
disruptive to the process or ceases to contribute for an extended
period, the member may be removed by unanimous vote of remaining
PMC members. PMC members may resign at any time by delivering
notice of their resignation to the PMC Lead.
<P>The PMC is responsible for producing and maintaining the
Project Charter. Development must conform to any rules or
processes outlined in the Charter, so a change to the development
process may necessitate a change to the Charter. Changes to the
Charter are approved by the Board.
<P>The work of the PMC is shared by the PMC members. All PMC
members are expected to contribute actively. In particular, PMC
members are expected to take responsibility for overseeing certain
areas of work in the Project, and reporting to the PMC on these
<P>Active participation in the user newsgroups and the appropriate
developer mailing lists is a responsibility of all PMC members,
and is critical to the success of the Project. PMC members are
required to monitor the main Project mailing list, and the
developer mailing lists for all Projects and components they are
<P><B>Requirements Group</B></P>
<P>The Requirements Group is formed at the discretion of the PMC.
The Requirements Group gathers requirements for the project and
communicates them to all members of the Project, including the
PMC. The Requirements Group will accomplish its objectives by
working closely with the development teams and the PMC.
<P><B>Architecture Group</B></P>
<P>The Architecture Group is formed at the discretion of the PMC.
The Architecture Group is responsible for development,
articulation and maintenance of the Project Architecture, as well
as for providing an explicit description of the architecture and
communicating this description to all members of the Project, and
for releasing it as part of the project deliverables. The
Architecture Group will accomplish its objectives by working
closely with the development teams and the PMC.
<P><B>Project Planning Group</B></P>
<P>The Planning Group is formed at the discretion of the PMC. The
Planning Group assists the PMC in establishing the Project plan in
conjunction with available Project resources, coordinating
relationships between Project participants and with other Eclipse
projects. The Planning Group helps to ensure that projects have
enough contributors, filling vacancies in roles and facilitating
code or other donations by individuals or companies. The Planning
Group will accomplish its objectives by working closely with the
development teams and the PMC.
<P><B>Roles<BR></B><BR>The Projects under this Charter are
operated as meritocracies -- the more you contribute, and the
higher the quality of your contribution, the more you are allowed
to do. However with this comes increased responsibility.
<P><I>Users</I><BR>Users are the people who use the products that
the Project produces. People in this role aren't contributing
code, but they are using the products, reporting bugs, and making
feature requests and suggestions. Users are encouraged to
participate through the user newsgroup(s), asking questions,
providing suggestions, and helping other users. Users are also
encouraged to report problem reports using the bug tracking
<P><I>Developers</I><BR>Users who contribute code or documentation
become developers. Developers are the people who contribute code,
fixes, documentation, or other work that goes into the product.
Developers are also encouraged to participate in the user
newsgroup(s), and should monitor the developer mailing list
associated with their area of contribution. When appropriate,
developers may also contribute to development design discussions
related to their area of contribution. Developers are expected to
be proactive in reporting problems in the bug tracking system.
<P><I>Committers</I><BR>Developers who give frequent and valuable
contributions to a Project, or component of a Project (in the case
of large Projects), can have their status promoted to that of a
&quot;Committer&quot; for that Project or component respectively.
A Committer has write access to the source code repository for the
associated Project (or component), and gains voting rights
allowing them to affect the future of the Project (or component).
<P>In order for a Developer to become a Committer on a particular
Project overseen by the PMC, another Committer for the same
Project (or component as appropriate) can nominate that Developer
or the Developer can ask to be nominated. Once a Developer is
nominated, the Committers for the Project (or component) will
vote. If there are at least 3 positive votes and no negative
votes, the Developer is recommended to the PMC for commit
privileges. If the PMC also approves and the Developer signs the
Committer Agreement established by the EMO (wherein, at the very
least, the Developer agrees to abide by the Eclipse Intellectual
Property Policy), the Developer is converted into a Committer and
given write access to the source code repository for that Project
(or component). Becoming a Committer is a privilege that is earned
by contributing and showing discipline and good judgment. It is a
responsibility that should be neither given nor taken lightly.
<P>At times, Committers may go inactive for a variety of reasons.
The decision making process of the Project relies on active
committers who respond to discussions and votes in a constructive
and timely manner. The PMC is responsible for ensuring the smooth
operation of the Project. A Committer that is disruptive, does not
participate actively, or has been inactive for an extended period
may have his or her commit status removed by the PMC.
<P>Active participation in the user newsgroup and the appropriate
developer mailing lists is a responsibility of all Committers, and
is critical to the success of the Project. Committers are required
to monitor and contribute to the user newsgroup.
<P>Committers are required to monitor the developer mailing list
associated with all Projects and components for which they have
commit privileges. This is a condition of being granted commit
rights to the Project or component. It is mandatory because
committers must participate in votes (which in some cases require
a certain minimum number of votes) and must respond to the mailing
list in a timely fashion in order to facilitate the smooth
operation of the Project. When a Committer is granted commit
rights they will be added to the appropriate mailing lists. A
Committer must not be unsubscribed from a developer mailing list
unless their associated commit privileges are also removed.
<P>Committers are required to track, participate in, and vote on,
relevant discussions in their associated Projects and components.
There are three voting responses: +1 (yes), -1 (no, or veto), and
0 (abstain).
<P>Committers are responsible for proactively reporting problems
in the bug tracking system, and annotating problem reports with
status information, explanations, clarifications, or requests for
more information from the submitter. Committers are responsible
for updating problem reports when they have done work related to
the problem.
<P><B>Projects<BR></B><BR>The work under this Top Level Project is
further organized into Projects. New Projects must be significant
works consistent with the mission of the Top Level Project, be
recommended by the PMC, and confirmed by the EMO. Projects can be
discontinued by decision of the Board.
<P>When a new Project is created, the PMC nominates a Project lead
to act as the technical leader and nominates the initial set of
Committers for the Project, and these nominations are approved by
the EMO. Project leads are accountable to the PMC for the success
of their Project.
<P><B>Project Components</B>
<P>The PMC may decide to divide a Project further into components.
If a Project is divided into components, commit privileges are
normally granted at the component level, and the committers for a
given component vote on issues specific to that component.
Components are established and discontinued by the PMC. When the
PMC creates a component it appoints a component lead to act as the
technical leader and names the initial set of Committers for the
component. The component lead is designated as a committer for the
Project and represents the component in discussions and votes
pertaining to the Project as a whole. Component Committers do not
participate in votes at the level of the Project as a whole,
unless they are also the component lead.
<P><B>Ports<BR></B><BR>For components that contain
platform-specific code, it may be advantageous to allow developers
to work on a port of the component to a new platform without
requiring that they already be committers for the component. In
this case the main code base is known as the component &quot;core&quot;,
and the port code base is known as a component &quot;port&quot;.
The decision to set up a port is made by the PMC. When a new port
of a component is created, the PMC appoints a Port Lead, and an
initial set of committers who will have commit and voting
privileges specifically for the port. The port is done under the
auspices of the core component, and all committers for the core
component automatically also have commit and voting privileges on
the port. Normally the Component Lead will also be the Port Lead.</P>
<P><B>Coordinated Release Cycles<BR></B><BR>All projects and
components under this Project will have coordinated release plans,
milestone dates, freeze cycles, builds, and ship dates. These
projects will be coordinated by a group consisting of the project
leads, the component leads from these projects, and the members of
the PMC assisted by the members of the Planning Committee.
<P><B>Infrastructure<BR></B><BR>The PMC works with the EMO to
ensure the required infrastructure for the Project. The Project
infrastructure will include, at minimum:
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0in">Bug Database - Bugzilla-like
database for tracking bugs and feature requests.
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0in">Source Repository - One or more
CVS repositories containing both the master source code and
documentation for the projects.
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0in">Website - A Web site will
contain information about the project, including documentation,
downloads of releases, and this charter.
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0in">General Mailing List - Mailing
list for development discussions pertaining to the project as a
whole or that cross projects. This mailing list is open to the
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0in">Project Mailing Lists -
Development mailing list for technical discussions and committer
voting related to the project. These mailing lists are open to
the public.
<LI><P STYLE="margin-bottom: 0in">Component Mailing Lists -
Development mailing list for technical discussions and committer
voting related to the component. This mailing list is open to the
<LI><P>Newsgroup - A newsgroup where users, developers, and
committers can interact regarding general questions and issues
about the project.
<P><B>Development Process<BR></B><BR>Each Project lead must
produce a development plan for the release cycle, and the
development plan must be approved by the PMC and by a majority of
Committers of the Project.
<P>Each Project must identify, and make available on its web site,
the requirements and prioritizations it is working against in the
current release cycle. In addition, each Project must post a
release plan showing the date and content of the next major
release, including any major milestones, and must keep this plan
up to date.
<P>The Committers of a Project or component decide which changes
may be committed to the master code base of a Project or component
respectively. Three +1 ('yes' votes) with no -1 ('no' votes or
vetoes) are needed to approve a code change. Vetoes must be
followed by an explanation for the veto within 24 hours or the
veto becomes invalid. All votes are conducted via the developer
mailing list associated with the Project or component.
<P>Special rules may be established by the PMC for Projects or
components with fewer than three Committers. For efficiency, some
code changes from some contributors (e.g. feature additions, bug
fixes) may be approved in advance, or approved in principle based
on an outline of the work, in which case they may be committed
first and changed as needed, with conflicts resolved by majority
vote of the Committers of the Project or component, as applicable.
More restrictive rules for releasing changes may be established by
the PMC near the end of release cycles or for maintenance streams.
<P>The master copy of the code base must reside on the Project web
site where it is accessible to all users, developers and
committers. Committers must check their changes and new work into
the master code base as promptly as possible (subject to any
check-in voting rules that may be in effect) in order to foster
collaboration among widely distributed groups and so that the
latest work is always available to everyone. The PMC is
responsible for working with the Eclipse Foundation to establish a
release engineering and build process to ensure that builds can be
reliably produced on a regular and frequent basis from the master
code base and made available for download from the Project web
<P>The PMC is responsible for establishing the level of testing
appropriate for each Project, and approving the test plans.
<P>All development technical discussions are conducted using the
development mailing lists. If discussions are held offline, then a
summary must be posted to the mailing list to keep the other
committers informed.
<P><B>Licensing<BR></B><BR>All contributions to Projects under
this Charter must adhere to the Eclipse Foundation Intellectual
Property Policy.</P>