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The Krikkit project is a proposed open source project under the <a
Top-level Project</a>.
The communication channel must be specified. Typically, this is the
"Proposals" forum. In general, you don't need to change this.
This proposal is in the Project Proposal Phase (as defined in the
Eclipse Development Process) and is written to declare its intent and
scope. We solicit additional participation and input from the Eclipse
community. Please send all feedback to the <a
Proposals</a> Forum.
Optionally provide the background that has lead you to creating this project.
<p>The next step in the evolution of the Internet is what is being
termed as The Internet of Things or IoT (also referred to as Internet
of Everything in some contexts). It is expected that the next phase
will see a paradigm shift in the way we communicate with a host of low
powered devices such as sensors. As billions of sensor devices and
nodes are attached to the network, they will generate vast amounts of
data that will need to be processed. The amount of data generated will
dwarf the already huge amount of Internet traffic generates today. The
amount of processing that is required to sift through this raw data to
glean useful information and knowledge will be huge and it will be a
challenge to do it efficiently with current approaches. The current
approach of "store first, analyze later" where all the data is
processed in the cloud/backend at a later time may not be feasible not
only due to the large amounts of data but also the need to take
actions in real time based on the streaming data i.e. on data that is
in motion and not static.</p>
<p>To address these forthcoming challenges, we need to rethink the
way we acquire and manage data. Instead of capturing all the data to
be processed at the edge, we need a way to instruct the low powered,
memory and resource constrained edge devices such as sensors and
sensor gateways as to what data is of interest and what aspects of it
to capture. From a user point of view, not all data is of interest and
the ability to set rules/policies on the edge devices along with
capabilities to search the data in real time and trigger subsequent
actions will engender powerful advantages. The key benefit would be
dramatic bandwidth reduction as we reduce the amount of data being
sent back by eliminating data that is not needed. Secondly, devices at
the edge may have the ability to understand the data and the ability
to query the devices for semantic information available in sensor data
will be valuable.</p>
<p>To realize this vision of acquiring and managing data in motion
in real time, we need a mechanism to communicate with the edge devices
and a common language for doing so. This communication must provide
the ability to set rules to describe data of interest, ability to
understand and search the data including content and payload and the
ability to trigger actions (e.g. actuate sensors) in response to
events conditioned on rules. This proposal attempts to address the
need for such a communication paradigm by providing an
publish/subscribe architecture and API. This API will enable users to
program the edge devices to acquire, search and deliver only data of
interest while minimizing the bandwidth requirements. This will allow
the scalability needed to manage a large number of devices in the IoT
<p>The Krikkit Eclipse project provides an API through a software
library that will enable a user or developer to 'program' IoT edge devices
such as sensor gateways and make it easy to acquire and manage data. Such a
library could also potentially be used as a plug-in in Eclipse
frameworks to ease the programming of IoT devices.</p>
<p>Specifically, Krikkit library provides a REST ful API for a
programmer to specify and describe the data of interest. The edge
devices may also have the ability to understand the semantics of the
content/payload of the sensor data. The API, in this case can also be
used to write queries describing the content which if matched against
can result in further actions.</p>
<p>The API translates these policies into an open format that can
be understood by the edge devices. Krikkit also includes in its scope
the format and definition for the JSON messages that will be used to
communicate with the devices.</p>
<p>Different edge devices may have different internal
representations and different capabilities. For example, not all edge
devices may be able to understand and search the payload. The scope of
the proposal is only to describe what data is to be acquired, not the
specification on how the capabilities of the device are to be
implemented or even what the capabilities should be. The proposal also
does not specify how the rules are to be represented internally on the
edge devices.</p>
All projects must have a well-defined scope. Describe, concisely, what
is in-scope and (optionally) what is out-of-scope. An Eclipse project
cannot have an open-ended scope.
Describe the project here. Be concise, but provide enough information that
somebody who doesn't already know very much about your project idea or domain
has at least a fighting chance of understanding its purpose.
<p>The Krikkit architecture is a publish/subscribe mechanism where
rules/policies are registered on edge routers/gateways that have
visibility into and communicate with sensors. The rules can be used to
describe what data should be acquired. For example, we can acquire
data based on network parameters such as protocol, IP address or port.
We can also specify that content payload that matches certain criteria
should be processed. For example, we could write a rule that says we
wish to acquire data from sensors where the temperature is within a
certain range. The Krikkit library provides the API and runs in the
user's programming environment and can be linked against. In essence,
a user writes a C program that specifies what data he is interested
in. The API helps the user translate this program into a standard and
open JSON format encapsulated as a REST message that can be understood
by any edge device that supports the Krikkit API. A key part of the
project is to work towards community consensus (de facto
standardization) regarding the format of the JSON format used to
express a policy. This policy is then sent by the API to the edge
device of interest using a RESTful communication paradigm. This is the
publish part of the architecture.</p>
<p>An edge device supporting the Krikkit API will listen to the REST
messages containing the JSON payloads that express the rules and will
register them. A component of Krikkit runs on the edge devices and
translates the rules from JSON format to the internal format of the
device. The device will be responsible for translating the JSON
messages into internal representations that it can understand since
these representations are specific to each device. Traffic that flows
through the device will be searched against the rules. The devices may
have the ability to index and search the payload and content in the
sensor data and also to execute queries on the payload. In this
manner, the data at the edge of the network can be searched in
real-time using the API to discover nuggets of information from the
mountain of raw data. The rules may also specify what should be done
with the matching traffic. Results of successful hits could be sent
(again in a RESTful manner) to an endpoint which will be listening for
responses from the edge device. This is the subscribe part of the
<h2>Why Eclipse?</h2>
<p>There are currently several machine-to-machine and IoT related
projects under the Eclipse Foundation umbrella. Since this a related
area of work, we would like to leverage the expertise and community
around these projects. Moreover, we see some areas where we can
co-ordinate with existing projects such as the Ponte project which
already aims to build a flexible M2M RESTful communication framework.</p>
<p>Beyond this, we would like to contribute to the programmability
of IoT devices by releasing open source software. This open source
implementation of the API will accelerate the deployment of IoT
<p>The Eclipse Foundation can help is in achieving the goals above
and we see it as a perfect vehicle to take our vision of IoT forward.</p>
<!-- Answer these two questions: What value does this project bring to
the Eclipse community? What value do you expect to obtain from hosting your
project at Eclipse?
What value do you get by having your project at Eclipse over and above
the value of hosting at Eclipse Labs? -->
<h2>Initial Contribution</h2>
<p>Our existing code implements our vision of the API described
above. The code is still being extended to support additional features
and community feedback is expressly desired.</p>
<p>Code copyright is held by Cisco Systems. There are no libraries
beyond normal C libraries. The project will use the Eclipse Public
<p>The code contains 2 components:</p>
<p>1: The main component is a C library that provides an API (the
Krikkit API ) that allows a user to specify the policy expressing how
to acquire the data and what to do with it. The library runs in the
user's programming environment and converts the API inputs into a JSON
payload, encapsulates it in a REST message and registers it at the
edge device. To make it easier to use the Krikkit library, a plug-in
for Eclipse frameworks may be provided.</p>
<p>2: The second component is the software running on the edge
device that parses the JSON payload of incoming policies and
translates them into a format understood by the edge device. Since
different edge devices may have different internal formats that
describe different capabilities, we will provide a simple reference
example. The translation of the JSON payload into internal device
representation and the way it is used is beyond the scope of this
proposal. What will be provided is only an example of how this can be
Projects are expected to arrive at Eclipse with existing code.
Describe the existing code that will be contributed to the project. Please provide
a couple of paragraphs describing the code with modest detail, including important
information like code ownership (who holds the copyright?), and some consideration
of community that exists around the code. Include a listing of third-party libraries
and associated licenses.
<h2>Legal Issues</h2>
Please describe any potential legal issues in this section. Does somebody else
own the trademark to the project name? Is there some issue that prevents you
from licensing the project under the Eclipse Public License? Are parts of the
code available under some other license? Are there any LGPL/GPL bits that you
absolutely require?
<p>As far as we know, there are no legal issues associated with
this project. There are no trademark issues relating to the project
name. All the code was written for this project with the intention to release
it inder the Eclipe Public License. The API currently supports the
ability to use SSL for communication for which the OpenSSL package is
being used.</p>
List any initial committers that should be provisioned along with the
new project. Include affiliation, but do not include email addresses at
this point.
<p>The following individuals are proposed as initial committers to
the project:</p>
<dt>Vijay Subramanian, Cisco Systems</dt>
<dt>Raghuram Sudhaakar, Cisco Systems</dt>
<p>We welcome additional committers and contributions.</p>
Describe any initial contributions of code that will be brought to the
project. If there is no existing code, just remove this section.
New Eclipse projects require a minimum of two mentors from the Architecture
Council. You need to identify two mentors before the project is created. The
proposal can be posted before this section is filled in (it's a little easier
to find a mentor when the proposal itself is public).
<p>The following Architecture Council members will mentor this
<li>Naci Dai</li>
<li>Mentor 2</li>
<h2>Interested Parties</h2>
Provide a list of individuals, organisations, companies, and other Eclipse
projects that are interested in this project. This list will provide some
insight into who your project's community will ultimately include. Where
possible, include affiliations. Do not include email addresses.
<p>The following individuals, organisations, companies and projects
have expressed interest in this project:</p>
<li>Somebody, Affiliation</li>
<li>Somebody else, Affiliation</li>
<h2>Project Scheduling</h2>
Describe, in rough terms, what the basic scheduling of the project will
be. You might, for example, include an indication of when an initial contribution
should be expected, when your first build will be ready, etc. Exact
dates are not required.
<h2>Changes to this Document</h2>
List any changes that have occurred in the document here.
You only need to document changes that have occurred after the document
has been posted live for the community to view and comment.
<td>Document created</td>