bug 413267: [proposal] soa.winery 

diff --git a/soa.winery/proposal.html b/soa.winery/proposal.html
index 7ceaadc..cf9d291 100644
--- a/soa.winery/proposal.html
+++ b/soa.winery/proposal.html
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@

 <h2>Relationship with other Eclipse Projects</h2>


-<a href="http://www.eclipse.org/projects/project_summary.php?projectid=eclipse.orion">Orion</a> offers software development in the browser. It is split into a client and a server. The server part is language agnostic and offers user management and <a href="http://wiki.eclipse.org/Orion/Server_API">APIs</a> to create workspaces and to work with files. Winery�s backend currently does not offer any user management. The file storage part of the backend could be replaced by the Orion server, which would bring user management and text-based editing of stored data with the Orion client.

+<a href="http://www.eclipse.org/projects/project_summary.php?projectid=eclipse.orion">Orion</a> offers software development in the browser. It is split into a client and a server. The server part is language agnostic and offers user management and <a href="http://wiki.eclipse.org/Orion/Server_API">APIs</a> to create workspaces and to work with files. Winery's backend currently does not offer any user management. The file storage part of the backend could be replaced by the Orion server, which would bring user management and text-based editing of stored data with the Orion client.



 The Eclipse project <a href="http://www.eclipse.org/projects/project_summary.php?projectid=soa.stardust">Stardust</a> provides a comprehensive Business Process Management Suite, which includes a Web-based BPMN modeling component and a workflow execution engine.