diff --git a/index.php b/index.php
index 1bae4b4..c7bb04e 100644
--- a/index.php
+++ b/index.php
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
 	# index.php
-	# Author: 		Martin Oberhuber
-	# Date:			2006-02-01
+	# Author: 		Dave Russo
+	# Date:			2008-July-8
 	# Description: RTSC main page (cloned from TM)
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 	# Begin: page-specific settings.  Change these. 
 	$pageTitle 		= "RTSC Home page";
 	$pageKeywords	= "device, target, component";
-	$pageAuthor		= "Martin Oberhuber";
+	$pageAuthor		= "Dave Russo";
  	# Add page-specific Nav bars here
 	# Format is Link text, link URL (can be, target (_self, _blank), level (1, 2 or 3)
@@ -44,143 +44,12 @@
 		<li><a href="">Project Wiki</a></li>
 		<li><a href="">Project Proposal (archived)</a></li>
-		</ul>
-		<!--   SAMPLE FROM TM -- RTSC to edit
-		<div class="homeitem">
-			<h3>Quick Links</h3>
-				<ul class="midlist">
-					<li><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Wiki</b></a> | We use the Wiki extensively for collaboration. Find ongoing discussions, meeting notes and other "not so official" stuff there.</li>
-					<li><a href="news://" target="_blank"><b>Newsgroup</b></a> | For general questions and community discussion (<a href="">Web access</a>, <a href="">archive</a>).</li>
-					<li><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Mailing List</b></a> | For project development discussions.</li>
-					<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/development/bug_process.php" target="_blank"><b>Bugs</b></a> 
-					   | View <a href="">all open</a> issues
-					   | <a target="_top" href="">Submit new</a> bugs
-					   | Request an <a target="_top" href="">enhancement</a>
-					</li>
-					<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/doc/DSDPTM_Use_Cases_v1.1c.pdf"><b>Use cases</b></a> and requirements for Target Management</a></li>
-			    	<li><a href="">
-      					<b>Architectural Overview</b></a>
-    	  				(<a href="">PPT</a>
-    	  				| <a href="">PDF</a>).
-    	  			</li>
-					<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/development/plan.php"><b>TM Project Plan</b></a></li>
-					<li><a href="/dsdp/dsdp-charter.php"><b>DSDP Project Charter</b></a></li>
-		</div>
-		<div class="homeitem">
-			<h3>Events</h3>
-			<ul class="midlist">
-				<li>
-				  <b>March 17-20, 2008</b>: <a href="">EclipseCon 2008</a> - <ul>
-				    <li><a href="" target="_blank">
-				         <b>Remote access with the DSDP Target Management Project</b></a>, Tutorial by Martin Oberhuber (Wind River)
-						(slides:  
-						<a href="">PPT</a> 757 KB |
-						<a href="">PDF</a> 639 KB) |
-						(code:
-						<a href=""></a> 3.7 MB |
-						<a href=""></a> 465 KB)</li>
-				    <li><a href="" target="_blank">
-				         <b>Target Management New and Noteworthy</b></a>, Short Talk by Martin Oberhuber (Wind River), TM project lead
-						(slides:  
-						<a href="">PPT</a> 707 KB |
-						<a href="">PDF</a> 581 KB)
-					</ul></li>
-				<li><b>March 14, 2008</b>: <a href="">TCF</a>
-					publicly announced</li>
-				<li>
-				  <b>October 9-11, 2007</b>: Eclipse Summit Europe 2007 -<ul>
-				    <li><a href="" target="_blank">
-				         <b>The DSDP Target Management Project</b></a>, long talk by Martin Oberhuber
-				         (slides:  
-				         <a href="">PPT</a> |
-				         <a href="">PDF</a>)
-				         </li>
-				    </ul></li>
-				<li><b>September 17-19, 2007</b>: 
-				  <a href="">
-				  TM Planning Meeting and Coding Camp</a>, Toronto
-				  </li> 
-				<li><b>April 12, 2007</b>: 
-				  <a href="">Webinar</a>:
-				  TM goals, architecture, future plans and online demo
-				  (<a href="">50 minute full recording</a> |
-				  <a href="">PPT slides</a>)
-				  </li> 
-				<li>
-				  <b>Mar 5-8, 2007</b>: EclipseCon 2007 -<ul>
-				    <li><a href="" target="_blank">
-				         <b>TM Tutorial</b></a> (includes 
-				         <a href="">slides and sample code</a>)</li>
-				    <li><a href="" target="_blank">
-				         <b>Short Talk</b></a> (includes 
-				         <a href="">slides</a>)</li>
-				    <li><a href="" target="_blank">
-				         <b>Short Demo</b></a> (includes 
-				         <a href="">slides</a>)</li>
-				  </ul></li>
-				<li><b>Oct. 11, 2006</b>: 
-				  Eclipse Summit Europe - 
-				  <a href="">Talk by Michael Scharf on RSE</a>;<br/>
-				  TM Overview slides
-				  (<a href="">PPT</a> | 
-				  <a href="">PDF</a>);<br/>
-				  DSDP Overview slides
-				  (<a href="">PDF</a>)
-				  </li>
-				<li><b>Sept. 27, 2006</b>: TM passed its 1.0 Release Review. The Slides are an interesting read
-				    for everyone (Slides as  
-				    <a href="">PPT</a> | 
-				    <a href="">PDF</a>).</li>
-				<li>Monthly developer phone conference, every 1st wednesday of the month, 9am PST
-				    (See the <a href="">Wiki</a> for actual
-				    agenda and details)</li>
-			</ul>
-		</div>
-	</div>
-	<div id="rightcolumn">
-		<div class="sideitem">
-			<h6>Getting started</h6>
-			<ul>				
-				<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/tutorial/index.php"
-					target="_self">TM Getting Started</a></li>
-				<li><a href=""
-					target="_self">TM Overview Slides</a></li>
-				<li><a href="">TM Webinar</a></li>
-				<li><a href="" target="_self">
-				    TM 2.0 Release Review Slides</a></li>
-				<li><a href=""
-					target="_self">TM 2.0 Tutorial</a></li>
-				<li><a
-					href="/dsdp/tm/doc/DSDPTM_Use_Cases_v1.1c.pdf"
-					target="_self">TM Use Cases</a></li>
-				<li><a href="/dsdp/tm/development/plan.php">TM Project Plan</a></li>
-			</ul>
-		</div>
-		<div class="sideitem">
-			<h6>What's New</h6>
-			<ul><li>May 27th: <a href="">TM 3.0RC2</a> released</li>
-				<li>Mar 14th: <a href="">TCF</a> publicly announced</li>
-				<li>Feb 25th: <a href="">TM 2.0.3</a> Service Release</li>
-				<li>Dec 20th: <a href="">TCF</a> has been approved by Eclipse Legal</li>
-			    <li>Nov 13th: <a href="">TM 2.0.2</a> Service Release</li>
-				<li>Apr 12th: 63 people registered at <a href="">TM Webinar</a></li>
-				<li>Mar 5th: <a href="">TM Tutorial</a> at EclipseCon</li>
-			</ul>
-		</div>
+		</ul>		
 	# Generate the web page
 	$App->generatePage($theme, $Menu, $Nav, $pageAuthor, $pageKeywords, $pageTitle, $html);