blob: 8a9359db73b7e4b6de7b0876244e2d35cf01adc0 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2021 in-tech GmbH
This program and the accompanying materials are made
available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
which is available at
SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
Building Prerequisites
This section describes custom building of prerequisites of |op|.
To keep this guide as slim as possible, it only describes the **Windows perspective**.
In general, this should work for Linux as well by adjusting paths and the ``make`` command accordingly.
.. note::
If you are unfamiliar to ``Cmake`` or working within a |mingw_shell|, Section :ref:`cmake` and :ref:`msys2` might give you a short introduction on these topics in the scope of Building OpenPASS itself.
.. _ref_prerequisites:
Referencing Prerequisites
With the migration from qmake to cmake, all prerequisite are independent of each other and simply can be refereced by using the right :ref:`CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH`.
.. warning::
The following information is **DEPRECATED** and only needed if a ``qmake`` build shall be invoked.
Historically, |op_oss| uses a **single entry-point** for libraries and headers, so all prerequisites must to be located within a common folder structure.
If ``qmake`` needs to be invoked, and more than one prerequisite is customized, **a manual step** is necessary to establish this structure.
#. Build prerequisite_1
#. Build prerequisite_2
#. Copy libraries of both prerequisites into e.g. ``C:\OpenPASS\thirdParty\lib``
#. Copy common headers into e.g. ``C:\OpenPASS\thirdParty\include``
#. Reference the entry points by adding the following arguments to the qmake command
.. code-block:: batch
.. warning::
Make sure that there is no linebreak between the two arguments.
Qmake cannot handle this, but does not complain.
.. _building_osi:
Building OSI
As teased in :ref:`Prerequisites`, the core component ``World_OSI`` uses :term:`OSI` as backend storage.
OSI itself uses ``protobuf`` to describe data structures in a platform independent way by means of `*.proto` files.
When building OSI, these files are converted into C++ headers and sources, using the protobuf compiler ``protoc``.
Finally, the sources are then compiled into a library.
|Op| finally uses the library and the generated headers to interface the library.
#. Download release 3.2.0 from
#. Extract to e.g. ``C:\OpenPASS\thirdParty\sources\open-simulationinterface``
#. Optional: Enable Arenas
For better performance, |op| supports protobuf Arenas allocation (
To use this feature, OSI and |op| needs to be compiled with Arenas support.
See :ref:`cmake_protobuf_arenas` how this feature is enabled in |op|.
For OSI, ``option cc_enable_arenas = true;`` needs to be added **manually** to all OSI proto files before compilation.
If everything goes well, ``protoc`` will generate all the magic necessary, otherwise issue an error during compilation.
#. Open |mingw_shell| and navigate to extracted folder
#. Create build directory
.. code-block:: bash
mkdir build
cd build
#. Run Cmake
.. code-block:: bash
cmake -G “MinGW Makefiles” \
-DProtobuf_INCLUDE_DIR=C:/OpenPASS/thirdParty/include \
-DProtobuf_PROTOC_EXECUTABLE=C:/OpenPASS/thirdParty/bin/protoc.exe \
-DProtobuf_LIBRARIES=C:/OpenPASS/thirdParty/lib \
.. note::
Here protobuf is used in as customized prerequisite (see :ref:`building_protobuf`).
Adjust paths as needed, if already installed as system package.
#. Add linker flags for protobuf
Unfortunantly OSI does not allow for to hook in a custom protobuf library.
To force compilation against a custom library, edit ``CMakeFiles\open_simulation_interface.dir\linklibs.rsp``
and add ``-LC:/OpenPASS/thirdParty/lib -lprotobuf`` to the end of the line.
.. admonition:: A little bit hacky...
If anybody knows how to avoid this step, please let us know.
#. Compile
.. code-block:: bash
mingw32-make -j3
#. Install
.. code-block:: bash
mingw32-make install
#. Deprecated: Establish unified layout for prerequisites (c.f. :ref:`ref_prerequisites`)
.. code-block:: bash
cd /C/OpenPASS/thirdParty
cp lib/osi3/libopen_simulation_interface.dll lib
.. admonition:: Documentation
The OSI class documentation is part of the source code and can be compiled using Doxygen.
Instructions are located in the OSI ````. A pre-compiled version is located `here <>`_.
So far, the documentation does not include the extensions from the openpass-trafficAgents branch.
.. _building_protobuf:
Building Protobuf
.. note::
Protobuf is already available as package for MSYS2 in different versions (see :ref:`msys2_packages`).
If a custom build is necessary, adjust this guide to your needs.
Exemplarily, it gives instructions, how to compile version 3.11.4. and hook it into the |op| build.
#. Download release 3.11.4 from
#. Extract to e.g. ``C:\OpenPASS\thirdParty\sources\protobuf-cpp-3.11.4``
#. Open |mingw_shell| and navigate to extracted folder
#. Create build directory
.. code-block:: bash
cd cmake
mkdir build
cd build
#. Run Cmake
.. code-block:: bash
:emphasize-lines: 5
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" \
-Dprotobuf_BUILD_TESTS=OFF \
.. note::
Tests are disabled due to compiler warnings treated as errors (may vary with compiler version).
#. Compile
.. code-block:: bash
mingw32-make -j3
#. Install
.. code-block:: bash
mingw32-make install
#. Deprecated: Establish unified layout for prerequisites (c.f. :ref:`ref_prerequisites`)
.. code-block:: bash
cd /C/OpenPASS/thirdParty
cp bin/libprotobuf.dll lib
.. note::
Please refer to :ref:`runmingwexe` to see how to run the protobuf compiler ``protoc.exe`` outside of the |mingw_shell|.
.. _building_fmil:
Building FMIL
#. Download release 2.0.3 from
#. Extract to e.g. ``C:\OpenPASS\thirdParty\sources\fmi-library``
#. Open |mingw_shell| and navigate to extracted folder
#. Create build directory
.. code-block:: bash
mkdir build
cd build
#. Run Cmake
.. code-block:: bash
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" \
#. Apply Patch (Linux only)
As FMIL and the internally used `FMU Compliance Checker <>`_ has issues with loading and private entry points under Linux, the following patch needs to be applied: :download:`Linux Patch </_static/resources/fmil/fmil203.patch>`
#. Compile
.. code-block:: bash
mingw32-make -j3
#. Install
.. code-block:: bash
mingw32-make install
#. Deprecated: Establish unified layout for prerequisites (c.f. :ref:`ref_prerequisites`)
.. code-block:: bash
cd /C/OpenPASS/thirdParty/include
mkdir FMILibrary
mv -r FMI FMILibrary
mv -r FMI2 FMILibrary
mv -r JM FMILibrary
mv fmilib.h FMILibrary
mv fmilib_config.h FMILibrary