blob: a9d7f986eb6d2afea4faf9f9475ec8fda586faa4 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2021 in-tech GmbH
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
.. _observation_log:
This section describes the parameters and outputs of the ``Observation_Log`` observer.
.. _observationlog_paramerization:
Following parameters are supported:
.. table::
:class: tight-table
=================== ============= ==========================================================================
Parameter Type Description
=================== ============= ==========================================================================
OutputFilename String Name of the output file (normally ``simulationOutput.xml``)
LoggingCyclicsToCsv Bool If ``true``, cyclics are written an additional file (one CSV file per run)
LoggingGroup_<NAME> StringVector Defines which columns belong to the logging group named NAME
LoggingGroups StringVector Defines active logging groups
=================== ============= ==========================================================================
The columns, defined by the ``LoggingGroup_<NAME>`` correspond to cyclic data entries written by the core and other components.
At time or writing, the core publishes the following cyclics (see source of ``AgentNetwork.cpp``):
- XPosition
- YPosition
- VelocityEgo
- AccelerationEgo
- YawAngle
- YawRate
- SteeringAngle
- TotalDistanceTraveled
- PositionRoute
- TCoordinate
- Lane
- Road
- SecondaryLanes
- AgentInFront
Please refer to the individual components, for information about their published cyclics.
.. todo::
The concept Cyclics and the DataBuffer needs further explanation.
We also need a way to better communicate, who is publishing what.
This should directly come out of the source code, to keep the documentation up to date.
.. admonition:: **Wildcards in LoggingGroup definitions**
| It is possible to use the wildcard character ``*`` in a ``LoggingGroup_<NAME>`` entry.
| The wildcard can be used only once per column reference.
.. literalinclude:: /../../../tuev/sim/contrib/examples/Common/simulationConfig.xml
:language: xml
:start-at: <Library>Observation_Log</Library>
:end-at: </Parameters>
Output Files
.. _observationlog_simout:
Every successful run (single experiment) generates a single file, normally called ``simulationOutput.xml`` (see :ref:'observationlog_paramerization').
The output can contain multiple invocations of the same configuration with different random seeds.
For each invocation a RunResult is stored, which contains information about the agents and their parameters.
As well as run specific events and parameters.
.. code-block:: xml
<RunResult RunId="0">
<RunResult RunId="1">
The RunResult consist out of the following parts:
- :ref:`observationlog_runstatistics`
- :ref:`observationlog_events`
- :ref:`observationlog_agents`
- :ref:`observationlog_cyclics`
.. _observationlog_runstatistics:
This section contains the RandomSeed and general statistics of the invocation.
.. table::
:class: tight-table
======================= ==================================================================
Tag Description
======================= ==================================================================
RandomSeed Random seed used for this invocation
VisibilityDistance Visibility distance of the world
StopReason Displays the reason why the simulation stopped.
Currently only due to time out.
StopTime Currently not used and set to -1
EgoAccident Flag which shows whether the ego agent was involved in an accident
TotalDistanceTraveled Total traveled distance of all agents
EgoDistanceTraveled Total traveled distance of ego vehicle only
======================= ==================================================================
.. _observationlog_events:
This section contains all events that occurred during the invocation.
Event can either be triggered by an EventDetector, Manipulator or by certain vehicle components.
They are used to track special behavior in the simulation.
.. table::
:class: tight-table
====================== =====================================================================================
Attribute Description
====================== =====================================================================================
Time Time in ms when the event occurred.
Source Name of the component which created the event.
``OpenSCENARIO``, if triggered by an OpenSCENARIO condition.
Name In case of an OpenSCENARIO event, a path expression Story/Act/Sequence/Maneuver/Event
using the names of the corresponding tags as described in the OpenSCENARIO file.
Otherwise determined by the triggering component.
TriggeringEntities List of entity IDs triggering this event.
AffectedEntities List of entity IDs affected by this event.
Parameters List of generic key/value string pairs.
====================== =====================================================================================
Important Events
Some of the Events are logged for other applications to use, for instance the |op| Visualizer.
These Events can be identified by their Name and are listed below:
.. table::
:class: tight-table
====================== =====================================================================================
Attribute Description
====================== =====================================================================================
TrafficLight TrafficLight Events are triggered once a TrafficLightController changes the state of it's
Trafficlight bulbs. Parameters include the traffic_light_state and the opendrive_id which
links to a dynamic signal in the scenery configuration. traffic_light_state is going to
be used by the |op| Visualizer. The initial state of the ThreeSignalsTrafficLight is posted too.
====================== =====================================================================================
.. _observationlog_agents:
This section contains some information on how each agent is configured.
.. table::
:class: tight-table
====================== ==============================================================
Attribute Description
====================== ==============================================================
Id Identification number
AgentTypeGroupName The agent category. This can either be Ego, Scenario or Common
AgentTypeName Name of the agent profile
VehicleModelType Name of the vehicle model
DriverProfileName Name of the driver profile
====================== ==============================================================
.. code-block:: xml
<Agent Id="0"
The VehicleAttributes tag lists basic information of the vehicle parameters.
.. table::
:class: tight-table
======================= =============================================================================
Attribute Description
======================= =============================================================================
Width Width of the vehicles bounding box
Length Length of the vehicles bounding box
Height Height of the vehicles bounding box
LongitudinalPivotOffset Distance between center of the bounding box and reference point of the agent.
Positive distances are closer to the front of the vehicle.
Negative distances are closer to the rear of the vehicle.
======================= =============================================================================
The Sensors tag lists all sensors of the agent and their parameters.
.. table::
:class: tight-table
======================= =====================================================================
Attribute Description
======================= =====================================================================
Name Name of the component
Model Type of the sensor
MountingPosLongitudinal Relative longitudinal position of the sensor in relation to the agent
MountingPosLateral Relative lateral position of the sensor in relation to the agent
MountingPosHeight Relative height of the sensor in relation to the agent
OrientationPitch Pitch rotation of the sensor in relation to the agent
OrientationYaw Yaw rotation of the sensor in relation to the agent
OpeningAngleH Horizontal opening angle of the sensor
OpeningAngleV Vertical opening angle of the sensor
DetectionRange Range how far the sensor reaches in m
======================= =====================================================================
.. note::
Calculation of visual obstruction is currently supported only by the Geometric2D sensor.
See :ref:`systemconfigblueprint` for configuration.
.. code-block:: xml
<Sensor Name="Geometric2DFront"
DetectionRange="300" />
.. _observationlog_cyclics:
If the parameter ``LoggingCyclicsToCsv`` is set to ``false``, this section contains all logged parameters of the agents per time step.
The tag ``header`` defines the layout of all samples.
Each entry of the header consists of the agent id and the name of the logged value, in the form ``ID:SAMPLE_NAME``.
A sample contains all information for one specific time step.
If an agent does not exist at the current time step, the value is ' '.
In this example exist two agents with the ids 0 and 1.
Two time steps were being tracked, one at 0 seconds and one at 100 ms.
Agent 0 has a constant velocity of 30 m/s and starts at the position X: 100 and Y: 50.
Agent 1 has a initial velocity of 40 m/s and starts at the position X: 200 and Y: 50.
.. code-block:: xml
<Header>00:VelocityEgo, 00:XPosition, 00:YPosition, 00:YawAngle, 01:VelocityEgo, 01:XPosition, 01:YPosition, 01:YawAngle</Header>
<Sample Time="0">30, 100, 50, 0, 40, 200, 50, 0</Sample>
<Sample Time="100">30, 103, 50, 0, 40, 204, 50, 0</Sample>
If the parameter ``LoggingCyclicsToCsv`` is set to ``true``, this section only contains a reference to the corresponding CSV file, e.g.
.. code-block:: xml
For each invocation, the file number of the filename is incremented, starting with ``Cyclics_Run_000.csv``.
This file contains the samples as described in :ref:'observationlog_cyclics', but with the time step as leading column.
======== ============== ============ ============ =========== ============== ============ ============ ===========
Timestep 00:VelocityEgo 00:XPosition 00:YPosition 00:YawAngle 01:VelocityEgo 01:XPosition 01:YPosition 01:YawAngle
======== ============== ============ ============ =========== ============== ============ ============ ===========
0 30 100 50 0 40 200 50 0
100 30 103 50 0 40 204 50 0
======== ============== ============ ============ =========== ============== ============ ============ ===========