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<table id="toc" class="toc" summary="Contents"><tr><td><div id="toctitle"><h2>Contents</h2></div>
<li class="toclevel-1"><a href="Project_Guidelines.html#Project_Guidelines"><span class="tocnumber">1</span> <span class="toctext">Project Guidelines</span></a>
<li class="toclevel-2"><a href="Project_Guidelines.html#1._Preparation_for_Eclipse_Legal_Process"><span class="tocnumber">1.1</span> <span class="toctext">1. Preparation for Eclipse Legal Process</span></a></li>
<li class="toclevel-2"><a href="Project_Guidelines.html#2._Handling_3rd-party_libraries"><span class="tocnumber">1.2</span> <span class="toctext">2. Handling 3rd-party libraries</span></a></li>
<li class="toclevel-2"><a href="Project_Guidelines.html#3._SVN_Comments_during_Commit."><span class="tocnumber">1.3</span> <span class="toctext">3. SVN Comments during Commit.</span></a></li>
<li class="toclevel-2"><a href="Project_Guidelines.html#4._File_Headers"><span class="tocnumber">1.4</span> <span class="toctext">4. File Headers</span></a></li>
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<a name="Project_Guidelines"></a><h2> <span class="mw-headline"> Project Guidelines </span></h2>
<a name="1._Preparation_for_Eclipse_Legal_Process"></a><h3> <span class="mw-headline"> 1. Preparation for Eclipse Legal Process </span></h3>
<p>Here is the list of documents that each of us has to know about and act accordingly to them:
</p><p><a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">A Guide to the Legal Documentation for Eclipse-Based Content</a>
</p><p><a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">About File Templates</a>
</p><p>Generally, we always have to follow <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">The Three Laws of Eclipse</a>.
</p><p>Here you will find a detailed documentation of the current <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">IP Process</a>.
A short version of it could be found under <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">The Eclipse IP Process in Eight Cartoons</a>.
</p><p>Immediately, after we've entered the incubation phase, we should stick to <a href="" class="external text" title="" rel="nofollow">Guidelines for Using the Parallel IP Process</a>
<a name="2._Handling_3rd-party_libraries"></a><h3> <span class="mw-headline"> 2. Handling 3rd-party libraries </span></h3>
<p>We have decided to check in all 3rd-party libraries in VCS (Subversion) that we make use of in eccenca/EILF. This does not only apply to binaries but also to the source code. So please check in as well compiled libs (JARs) as their source code in our VCS.
</p><p>This decision has been made keeping the requirements for OSGi in mind. That means for all 3rd party libraries we need OSGi bundles. These bundles will have the name <b>[package]-[version]</b> and will be stored in eccenca/EILF in the VCS system.
<table width="100%" style="background-color:#ffffce; padding-left:30px;">
</p><p>Since we are going to produce bundles of 3rd-party software, we should finally take care that these bundles are accepted by Eclipse Orbit Project. To be able to achieve this we have to comply to <a href="" class="external free" title="" rel="nofollow"></a>.
<p><br />
<table width="100%" style="background-color:#ffcccc; padding-left:30px;">
</p><p>For each 3rd-party library whose licensing is not clearly compatible to EPL at the moment, an issue in JIRA must be created. There is a special component called "Legal Process" in JIRA that should be used in such issues. By doing so it will be very easy to track those issues and keep an eye on them.
<p><br />
<a name="3._SVN_Comments_during_Commit."></a><h3> <span class="mw-headline"> 3. SVN Comments during Commit. </span></h3>
<p>When commiting source code you always have to add a comment to the check-in. This check-in must contain a JIRA issue id!
</p><p>The issue comment should look like:
<pre># &lt;module/area&gt; | &lt;main change/topic&gt;
- &lt;detail comment&gt;
<a name="4._File_Headers"></a><h3> <span class="mw-headline"> 4. File Headers </span></h3>
<p>Both managements agreed that the we should have only one common file header.
</p><p>The file header template:
* Copyright (c) 2008 empolis GmbH and brox IT Solutions GmbH.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Juergen Schumacher (empolis GmbH) - initial creator
The initial developer(s) must be pointed out in "Contributors:" section. All other developers, that subsequently provide some small changes on the particular file, are not obliged to list their names too.
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