blob: a6be1dae63a3129f78af1b2af85cdbfc46133c70 [file] [log] [blame]
$pageAuthor = "Ketan Padegaonkar";
$pageKeywords = "SWTBot, UI Testing for SWT, UI Testing for Eclipse, SWT testing, Eclipse testing";
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# See the Committer Tools "How Do I" for list of themes
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# Define your project-wide Nav bars here.
# Format is Link text, link URL (can be, target (_self, _blank), level (1, 2 or 3)
# these are optional
$Nav->addNavSeparator("Project Home", "index.php");
$Nav->addCustomNav( "About This Project", "/projects/project_summary.php?projectid=technology.swtbot", "", 2);
$Nav->addCustomNav("Users Guide", "", "_self", 2);
$Nav->addCustomNav("FAQ", "", "_self", 2);
$Nav->addCustomNav("Who's Using SWTBot?", "", "_self", 2);