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<title>Eclipse Technology Project</title>
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<td ALIGN=LEFT width="60%"><font class=indextop>technology<br>
<font class=indexsub>the eclipse technology project home page</font></td>
<td WIDTH="40%"><img SRC="../images/Idea.jpg" HSPACE=50 height=86 width=120 align=CENTER></td>
<td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP COLSPAN="2" BGCOLOR="#0080C0"><b><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Arial,Helvetica">About
the Technology Project</font></b></td>
<table border=0 cellspacing=5 cellpadding=2 width="100%" >
<td align=RIGHT valign=TOP>&nbsp;</td>
<p>The Eclipse Technology Project is an open source project of,
which encapsulates three separate activity streams, Research, Incubators,
and Education. All three streams are overseen by a single <a href="team-leaders.html">Project
Management Committee</a> (PMC). The work is done in subprojects working
against a <a href="">CVS
repository</a>. The Eclipse <a href="technology-charter.html">Technology
Project Charter</a> describes the organization of the project, as well
as roles and responsibilities of the participants.<br>
Newsgroups are the primary mechanism used by the Technology PMC to identify,
discuss, and create new subprojects. The parent newsgroup is,
where discussions concerning new subprojects typically begin. Whenever
there is sufficient interest in any particular area, we will spin off
a separate newsgroup for that topic. The initial discussions in topic
newsgroups should focus on developing an actual project proposal and identifying
who wants to participate. Finished proposals will be submitted to the
PMC, and if approved, will be become Technology subprojects assigned to
one of the three streams. </p>
<p>For technical discussions and questions, please go to the <a href="news://" target="_top">technology
newsgroup</a> (for access see the <a href="" target="_top">newsgroups
page</a>). If you are are developer and want to participate in discussions
relating to the implementation of the subprojects, there are developer
<a href="" target="_top">mailing
lists</a> and <a href="" target="_top">newsgroups</a>
created for each of the projects. Downloads are available from the subproject
pages and <a href="" target="_top">here</a>.</p>
<p>For a look at examples of academic projects using eclipse check out the
<a href="research.html">eclipse research community</a> page.</p>
<td align=LEFT valign=TOP colspan="2" bgcolor="#0080C0"><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#FFFFFF">New
<td align=RIGHT valign=TOP><img src="../images/Adarrow.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0"></td>
<td><b><a href="../equinox/index.html" target="_top">Equinox</a></b> <img src="../images/new.gif" width="31" height="14">
The goal of the Equinox project is to experiment with techniques for broadening the range of
Eclipse platform runtime configurations. For example, the Eclipse plugin model is static;
there is no discussion of practices and tools for managing/reducing interplugin dependencies;
service discovery is not covered and the component distribution mechanism is non-standard.
These issues do not severely impact the usefulness of Eclipse as a development tool platform
but they do affect the use of Eclipse in more constrained environments (e.g., handheld devices,
IT managed environments, mass-appeal applications etc.). The Equinox project will investigate such
issues and develop approaches which are practical and applicable to the main Eclipse code base.
<p> There is a <a href="news://" target="_top">newsgroup</a>
(for access see the <a href="" target="_top">newsgroups
page</a>) created for technical discussions and questions related to the
Equinox project. If you are are developer and want to participate in discussions
relating to the Equinox project, there is a developer <a href="" target="_top">mailing
<td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP COLSPAN="2" BGCOLOR="#0080C0"><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#FFFFFF">Subprojects</font></font></b></td>
<td align=RIGHT valign=TOP><img src="../images/Adarrow.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0"></td>
<td><b><a href="">AspectJ
Development Tools Project (AJDT)</a></b><br>
Some aspects of system implementation, such as logging, error handling,
standards enforcement and feature variations are notoriously difficult to
implement in a modular way. The result is that code is tangled across a
system and leads to quality, productivity and maintenance problems. Aspect
Oriented Software Development enables the clean modularization of these
crosscutting concerns. The AspectJ Development Tools (AJDT) project will
provide Eclipse platform based tool support for AOSD with AspectJ. Our goal
is to deliver a user experience that is consistent with the Java Development
Tools (JDT) when working with AspectJ projects and resources. This will
be accomplished by developing an integration layer between the AspectJ Development
Environment Framework and Eclipse/JDT extension points.
<p> There is a <a href="news://" target="_top">newsgroup</a>
(for access see the <a href="" target="_top">newsgroups
page</a>) created for technical discussions and questions related to the
AJDT plugin. If you are are developer and want to participate in discussions
relating to the AJDT project, there is a developer <a href="" target="_top">mailing
<td align=RIGHT valign=TOP><img src="../images/Adarrow.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0"></td>
<td><b><a href="../aspectj/index.html" target="_top">AspectJ</a></b> <br>
AspectJ is a seamless aspect-oriented language extension to Java(tm).
It can be used to cleanly modularize the crosscutting structure of
concerns such as exception handling, multi-object protocols,
synchronization, performance optimizations, and resource sharing.
When implemented in a non-aspect-oriented fashion, the code for these
concerns typically becomes spread out across entire programs. AspectJ
controls such code-tangling and makes the underlying concerns more
apparent, making programs easier to develop and maintain. The project
goal is to support the AspectJ compiler and core tools.
<p> There is a low-traffic mailing list for
<a href="">announcements</a>
about the AspectJ project and a higher-traffic
<a href="">users</a>
mailing list for technical questions and discussions related to
AspectJ. If you are a developer and want to participate in
discusssions relating to the AspectJ project, there is a
<a href="">developer</a>
mailing list.</p>
<td align=RIGHT valign=TOP><img src="../images/Adarrow.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0"></td>
<td><b><a href="" target="_top">Koi</a></b> <br>
The eclipse platform provides a great base for hosting innovative development
tools. For collaborative development it currently supports course-grained
file revision via access to external source code control systems. However
there are currently no standard eclipse tools or features that support dynamic,
fine-grained collaborative activities among multiple eclipse users running
separate instances of the platform. The goal of the Koi project is to develop
a set of eclipse infrastructure components that support the development
of such collaborative features.
<p> There is a <a href="news://" target="_top">newsgroup</a>
(for access see the <a href="" target="_top">newsgroups
page</a>) created for technical discussions and questions related to the
Koi project. If you are are developer and want to participate in discussions
relating to the Koi project, there is a developer <a href="" target="_top">mailing
list</a>. </p>
<td align=RIGHT valign=TOP><img src="../images/Adarrow.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0"></td>
<td><b><a href="">Stellation</a></b><br>
Stellation is a software configuration management system designed to be
an extensible platform for building systems based on the integration of
advanced or experimental SCM techniques with the Eclipse development environment.
The Stellation project will be using this system to integrate support for
fine-grained software artifacts into the Eclipse environment, with particular
focus on dynamic program organization, and inter-program coordination.
<p> There is a <a href="news://" target="_top">newsgroup</a>
(for access see the <a href="" target="_top">newsgroups
page</a>) created for technical discussions and questions related to the
Stellation project. If you are are developer and want to participate in
discussions relating to the Stellation project, there is a developer <a href="" target="_top">mailing
list</a>. </p>
<td align=RIGHT valign=TOP height="126"><img src="../images/Adarrow.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0"></td>
<td height="126"><b><a href="" target="_top">XSD</a></b><br>
The XSD Infoset Model is a reference library for use with any code that
examines, creates or modifies XML Schemas (standalone or as part of other
artifacts, such as XForms or WSDL documents). The library provides an API
for manipulating the components of an XML Schema as described by the W3C
XML Schema specifications, as well as an API for manipulating the DOM-accessible
representation of XML Schema as a series of XML documents, and for keeping
these representations in agreement as schemas are modified. The library
will include services to serialize and deserialize XML Schema documents,
and to do integrity checking of schemas (for example, not using a maximum
value for a simpleType which is invalid considering the base type of that
simpleType). The project goal is to support 100% of the functionality of
XML schema representation, but not necessarily to provide document against
schema assessment or validation services, which are normally provided by
a validating parser, such as Apache's Xerces-J.</td>
For problems with the site, please contact the <a href="">webmaster</a>.