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</td><td valign="top"><p>
This is the test plan for the XML Schema Editor for the Milestone 2 release.
Last updated on 12/16/2004.
</p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" align="left" bgcolor="#0080c0" valign="top"><b><font color="#ffffff" face="Arial,Helvetica">Tests</font></b></td></tr><tr><td align="right" valign="top">
</td><td valign="top"><p>
<b>Graph View</b>
<li>Top Level View
<li>Actions to add/remove components</li>
<li>Open Schema action</li>
<li>Direct editing for a newly created 'named' component</li>
<li>Imported components should not appear in 'top level' view</li>
<li>Components with 'structure' should allow 'drill down'</li>
<li>Components with 'null' names should show 'nice' labels</li>
<li>Actions to 'drill down' and return 'Back to Schema View' </li>
<li>In Drilled Down View of Components...
<li>Test that menus show proper content for different objects</li>
<li>Test Drag and Drop</li>
<li>Ensure deleting the 'top level' component pops you back to the top view</li>
<li>Test selection of 'simple type' icon within an element declaration</li>
<li>Content that originates via derivation should be demarked with dotted box</li>
<li>Selection from other views should drill down if required</li>
<li>Renaming components should 'auto refactor' within source file</li>
<b>Outline View</b>
<li>Selection in outline should cause drill down in graph view when required</li>
<li>Test that double click on a 'drillable top level component' causes drill down</li>
<li>Test filters</li>
<b>Source View</b>
<li>Test editing features
<li>Add XSD Components</li>
<li>Delete from source</li>
<li>Copy and paste</li>
<li>Test for invalid content</li>
<li>Test 'standard' xml content assist support (see xml source editor) for adding schema elements</li>
<li>Test 'schema specific' content assist for the following attribute values...
<li>element 'type' attribute</li>
<li>element 'ref' attribute</li>
<li>model group 'ref' attribute</li>
<li>attribute group 'ref' attribute</li>
<li>complex type's 'base' attribute</li>
<b>Properties View</b>
<li>Properties view should be available for all selected schema components</li>
<li>Test that view can't be 'broken'... should always have 'good' content</li>
<li>Element Declaration
<li>edit attributes</li>
<li>edit type</li>
<li>Complex Type
<li>edit attributes</li>
<li>edit base type / derived by</li>
<li>Simple Type
<li>add enumartions</li>
<li>add patterns</li>
<li>edit base type / variety</li>
<li>prefix editng should trigger rename</li>
<li>browsing for a new schema locatin should update the namespace</li>
<li>test that a schema with the 'same' namespace can't be added</li>
<li>test that a schema with a different namespace can't be added</li>
<li>Add annotations</li>
<li>Renaming components should 'auto refactor' within source file</li>
<li>Update documentation and AppInfo for various component types</li>
<li>Menu Actions
<li>Add and Delete objects</li>
<li>For any element declaration or complex type (try several varieties) the following actions should always work </li>
<li>Add attribute</li>
<li>Add sequence</li>
<li>Add element</li>
<li>Reload dependencies actions</li>
<li>Test 'Edit Namespaces...' action</li>
<li>Add 'import'/'include' and test that 'new' types are available in 'set type' dialog</li>
<li>Menu actions for 'categories' should only provide actions appicable to category (e.g. element category should have 'Add Element')</li>
<li>View selection synchronization</li>
<li>Editing synchronization : source -&gt; model (perform source changes below and ensure model is intact)
<li>cut and paste sections to/from source view</li>
<li>make various random changes in the souce view and then undo</li>
<li>delete and restore element declarations from source and ensure references are updated</li>
<li>change a file locally and refresh</li>
<li>Editing synchronization : model -&gt; source (perform graphical changes below and ensure source is intact)
<li>make random changes to the schema model via the graphical views</li>
<li>make various changes in the souce view and then undo</li>
<li>F3 support
<li>F3 on component references should cause selection to 'jump' to referenced component</li>
<li>F3 on imports or includes should 'open schema'</li>
<li>test that a schema with the 'same' namespace can't be added</li>
<li>Included components are greyed and menus/properties are read-only</li>
<b>XML Catalog Support</b>
<li>Test that editor respects catalog when resolving schema locations</li>
<li>Test multiple levels of imports</li>