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<title>Eclipse WST Initial CVS Plugins</title>
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<p><br />
early draft for example already out of date, but thanks to Jens for getting it started)<br />
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<h1>Eclipse WST Initial CVS Plugins</h1>
<h2>WST Core Plugins</h2>
<p><img src="eclipseschema.gif" /> <br />
The core of the WST consists of the following modules:</p>
<li>the structured source editing (sse) framework: provides a base (a
model (core) and a editor (ui)) for all web artifact specific
<li>the validation framework: in the initial CVS structure there is
only the interface to this framework included</li>
<li>utility modules:
<li>URI resolving: a framework for resolving URIs with a XML specific
implementation using a catalog of schemas</li>
<li>encoding: a framework for determining the encoding of a resource
using the information in the header and the file encoding</li>
<li>content model: provides a sse independent model of a web artifact</li>
<li>ui utility classes: has support for drag'n'drop, actions and
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<h2>Plugin Descriptions</h2>
<p>This plugin provides a contentmodel of the documents which can be
used without the structured source editor. Right now there exist two
refinements of this plugin: a dtd and a xsd contenmodel.</p>
<p>A general purpose framework for determining the encoding of a
resource using specific header information (e.g. &lt;?xml encoding) and
file encoding.</p>
<p>The core model of the sse framework. It provides the base document
classes, builders and parsers.</p>
<p>The base editor of the sse framework. It provides the hooks for
content assist, breakpoints, debugging, open-on, quickfix, spell
checking and a content outline.</p>
<p>UI Utility classes for actions, drag'n'drop and wizards.</p>
<p>API for an URI resolver.</p>
<p>The interface to the validation framework.</p>
<p>An implementation of the URI resolver specification. Uses a XML
catalog to resolve URIs.</p>
<p>The UI (preference pages) for the XML URI resolver implementation.</p>
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