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<title>WTP PMC Minutes for March 14, 2006 Conference Call</title>
valign="top"><b> <font
face="Arial,Helvetica">PMC Conference Call - March 14, 2006</font></b></td>
<td>PMC Members Attending: Tim Wagner [TW], Raghunathan Srinivasan [RS], Jochen Krause [JK], David
Williams [DW], Naci Dai [ND]
<p>PMC Member Regrets: Arthur Ryman (Jeffrey Liu attending)</p>
<p>Invited Guests: Craig Becker</p>
<p>Others: Lawrence Mandel [LM] <!--PMC MEMBERS NOT PRESENT ON THIS CALL:
Arthur Ryman [AR],
<h1>WTP PMC Minutes for March 14, 2006 Conference Call</h1>
<h2>Community Update [LM]</h2>
<li>Logo finalized and contrib quest submitted. Will begin using logo.</li>
<li>Project sprint - requesting Monday 6-8pm and a room with 75-100 capacity. Most components have
identified a speaker and Arthur will summarize his presentation ("New and Noteworthy") for the sprint.</li>
<li>Committer nomination for Kate Price opened. <!-- <li>RSS feed being tested; planned to go live along with Phoenix conversion. -->
<h2>Procedural [TW]</h2>
<li>ATF creation review completed successfully; ATF now being provisioned as a sub-project of WTP</li>
<li>IP update (see agenda for written status report)</li>
<li>David to investigate granting releng access to Dali committers to enable build and release
coordination for 1.5.</li>
<h2>1.0.2 Status</h2>
<li>Base builder updated to M5 version; no regressions noted.</li>
<li>Builds proceeding; JUnit issues with servers (possible mix of test issues and
product issues).</li>
<li>Hot list cutoff will be this Friday (3/17).</li>
<li>If platform releases a 3.1.3, we want to coordinate the 1.0.2 release if possible.</li>
<h2>Callisto / 1.5 Status</h2>
<li>Bjorn's email contains the Callisto update manager link.</li>
<li>Will ask component teams to test against Callisto at milestones.</li>
<li>Need to bump our version numbers to 1.5.</li>
<li>Request to keep (previous) tabbed property code received; we will leave the code in until the
next major release (June 2007).</li>
<h2>Architecture [DW]</h2>
<li>Conversations around facets/server runtimes continuing on the mailing list.</li>
<h2>Requirements [JK]</h2>
<li>Next release number: use 1.6 for planning purposes.</li>
<h2>JSF Status [RS]</h2>
<li>Model integration with Sybase faces editor.</li>
<li>Preparing demos for EclipseCon.</li>
<li>Limited progress on build integration issues; will make this a priority this week.</li>
<h2>Hot (Adopter) Bug List Process Proposal [Jeffrey Liu on behalf of AR]</h2>
<li>Goal: Generate hot list from Bugzilla query, control promotion of hot bug request to actual hot
bug, enable self subscription for requests and simultaneously minimize "wtp-dev" noise.</li>
<li>See proposal text at <a href=""></a>. PMC members should review and be prepared
to move on the process vote next week.</li>
<h2>Action Items</h2>
<li>[DW] Work with webmaster to see if we can get Dali access to the releng component of WTP.</li>
<li>[RS] Track Dali progress on builds and release review for the PMC.</li>
<li>[TW] Awaiting response from Bjorn on whether we can provide an ATF contribution download.</li>
<li>[DW] Feature decomposition plan for 1.5 (EJB and Web, Core and UI intermingling) - need to
either revive old bug or open new one for tracking purposes</li>
<li>[DW] Provide prioritized list from architecture group</li>
<small>Minutes taken by Tim Wagner, March 14, 2006. Please notify me of any corrections needed. </small></td>