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<title>WTP PMC Minutes for August 15, 2006 Conference Call</title>
valign="top"><b> <font
face="Arial,Helvetica">PMC Conference Call - August 15, 2006</font></b></td>
<td>PMC Members Attending: Tim Wagner [TW], David Williams [DW], Raghunathan Srinivasan [RS]
<p>PMC Member Regrets: Jochen, Naci</p>
<p>Invited Guests: Robert Goodman (ATF), Neil Hauge (Dali)</p>
<p>Others: Lawrence Mandel [LM]</p>
<h1>WTP PMC Minutes for August 15, 2006 Conference Call</h1>
<h2>Community [LM]</h2>
<li>Tim and Lawrence continuing to look for website supporters - support from member companies,
advertising on the WTP website, etc.</li>
<li>Planning continues for Eclipse Summit Europe.</li>
<h2>Process [TW]</h2>
<li>Dali and JSF 0.5 release paperwork has been completed and this issue closed.</li>
<li>Instantiations researching open source project EULA; no new information to report.</li>
<li>Committer permission review continues; new spreadsheet received from Sharon Corbett. Four
committers removed (see next item), plus ongoing corrections for sub-project leads.</li>
<li>Inactive committer update: Four committers resigned of the six we attempted communication with.
One we have been unable to contact so far, the other expressed some interest in future involvement.</li>
<h2>Requirements and Planning [TW]</h2>
<li><a href="">WTP/STP Collaboration
Wiki</a> created.</li>
<li>Next stage in requirements and planning will likely occur the first / second week of September;
this will include additional detail from component leads as well as an open community requirements call.
<li>Sybase visual editor code has been deposited into Bugzilla. Tim to follow up with Sybase on
creation and staffing of component to support and integrate this code drop.</li>
<h2>1.5.1 and 2.0 Status [DW]</h2>
<li>1.5.1 builds ok. Rampdown plan included in agenda and will be distributed to wider WTP team.</li>
<li>Plugin ranges still being adjusted for 2.0; no successful build yet for 3.3 base. Ongoing push
for accuracy here (including a reflection of where non-APIs are required.)</li>
<h2>JSF Status [RS]</h2>
<li>0.5.1 to be released using the WTP 1.5.1 rampdown schedule.</li>
<li>Still gathering requirements for 2.0 release.</li>
<h2>Dali Status [NH]</h2>
<li>0.5.1 plans TBD based on community feedback regarding critical or blocking issues.</li>
<li>Executing to plan from last month's planning cycle.</li>
<li>Ongoing conversation with JDT UI and Core on annotation support.</li>
<h2>ATF Status [RG]</h2>
<li>ATF internal review as part of planning process. Next minor release targeting end of August or
beginning of September.</li>
<li>Complaints about installation (particularly the large number of 3rd party dependencies and the
difficulty of getting those) are leading to a request to redistribute these dependencies as part of the
ATF distribution. These will be shared with other Eclipse projects where that makes sense.</li>
<li>Ongoing discussions with 3rd parties who may be able to cooperate, including student interns
possibly interested in ATF.</li>
<h2>Action Items and Owners</h2>
<li>Tim to follow up with Sybase on visual editor contribution and staffing plans for it.</li>
<li>Tim to post 1.5.1 rampdown to dev group, Wiki, and project metadata.</li>
<li>Tim to continue working with Sharon Corbett on permissions review and policy adherence.</li>
<small>Minutes taken by Tim Wagner, August 15, 2006. Please notify me of any corrections needed.
Amended 8/22/2006 to correct date in title. </small></td>