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<title>WTP PMC Agenda/Minutes for November 07, 2006 Conference Call</title>
<h1>WTP PMC Agenda/Minutes for November 07, 2006 Conference Call</h1>
<h2>Call Info</h2>
<p>Tollfree in the US: 866-214-3176 <br />
Alternate: 404-827-9098 <br />
Access code: 8870689# <br />
<br />
<a href="">Call Time: 7am PDT / 10am PDT</a></p>
<h3>PMC Members</h3>
<li>Tim Wagner: R</li>
<li>David Williams: Y</li>
<li>Naci Dai: Y</li>
<li>Raghunathan Srinivasan: Y</li>
<li>Jochen Krause: R</li>
<li>Arthur Ryman: Y</li>
<h3>Invited Guests</h3>
<li>Neil Hauge (JPA/Dali): Y</li>
<li>Bob Goodman (AFT): Y</li>
<li>Jean Choi: N</li>
<li>Rob Frost (proxy for Tim): Y</li>
<li>Pieter Humphrey: Y</li>
<li>Pieter Humphrey: community activity and status <br />
Web Development Track</a></h3>
<li>Tutorials: <a href="">Quota</a> is 1 long
and 3 short</li>
<h4>Raw notes and rough ordering from today's discussion</h4>
<h5>Long Tutorials</h5>
<li>*3581 EclipseCon 2007 Long Tutorial Extending the Web Tools Platform <br />
A good, basic, overall "extending WTP" theme.</li>
<li>3668 EclipseCon 2007 Long Tutorial BEA Workshop Studio JPA (Java Persistence API) Tutorial <br />
sounds too focused on Commercial Product, for most Eclipse attendee's tastes</li>
<li>3666 EclipseCon 2007 Long Tutorial BEA Workshop for JSF Tutorial <br />
sounds too focused on Commercial Product, for most Eclipse attendee's tastes <br />
but, consider talks in other areas, such as "business" area, for the BEA "blended development model"</li>
<li>3637 EclipseCon 2007 Long Tutorial Extending the JavaServer Faces Tools project <br />
good, but long</li>
<h5>Short Tutorials</h5>
<li>*3633 EclipseCon 2007 Short Tutorial Building applications with the Java Persistence API and Dali</li>
<li>*3654 EclipseCon 2007 Short Tutorial Working with the JavaServer Faces Tools Project <br />
Raghu, Cameron, creating and extending (new component library)</li>
<li>+3634 EclipseCon 2007 Short Tutorial Extending the XML and source editors from the WTP Project <br />
(merge with another? such as Naci and John's long tutorial? con: many interested are not interested in webtools, per
se, just XML)</li>
<li>+3638 EclipseCon 2007 Short Tutorial Java Web Application Development with Eclipse WTP <br />
Naci, Arthur, Lawrence. good, but is it a "in the book" case?</li>
<li>+3576 EclipseCon 2007 Short Tutorial Extending the Ajax Toolkit Framework <br />
Philippe. sounds complex -- plus, need to have balance on "building apps" (less on "extending WTP")</li>
<li>3625 EclipseCon 2007 Short Tutorial Developing Rich Applications with JSF and AJAX <br />
Max, Excedel. Sounds interesting, maybe a little complex for short tutorial? Maybe not so much on Eclipse WTP, per
<li>3677 EclipseCon 2007 Short Tutorial Using the Web Tools Platform in Headless Mode <br />
Sounds interesting to limited audience. Maybe could be "converted" to a long talk?</li>
<li>ACLs added to allow Dali, JSF, and ATF write access to webtools website cvs</li>
<h2>Requirements and 2.0 Planning</h2>
<li>WTP Requirements call last Thursday. Minutes/Notes?</li>
<li><a href="">Please note DTP Requirements Call
next week!</a></li>
<h2>1.5.2, 1.5.3, and 2.0 Status</h2>
<li>1.5.2 released</li>
<li>Will need "feature patch" for one blocking bug<br />
(in approximately one week)</li>
<li>1.5.3 builds started ... no smoke/tests declares for a bit</li>
<li>M3 coming up 11/15 for 2.0.</li>
<h2>JSF status</h2>
<li>Use case doc for facets written (see bug)</li>
<li>Working on plan -- end of week</li>
<h2>Dali Status</h2>
<li>Pheonix Website? Arthur to start Phoenix subdirectory for incremental conversion</li>
<li>get into wtp build wed., or thur this week</li>
<li>SDK builds</li>
<li>planning another meeting, after new year</li>
<h2>ATF Status</h2>
<h3>Tech Preview</h3>
<p>Planning for the first part of January. We didn't want to do it the at the end of the year, since we were afraid
that any announcement wouldn't be noticed with everything going on around Christmas. Also, a lot of team will be out of
the office around Christmas. There are two things that we want to get into the Tech Preview which are Mac support and a
supported version of Mozilla's XULRunner 1.8.1. There is a lot of demand for Mac, so we thing that this would be a good
addition to the Tech Preview. We are using an hand built version of Mozilla's XULRunner 1.8.1. We are working with
Mozilla to begin official build of XULRunner 1.8.1, We didn't want to do a Tech Preview with a hand built unsupported
version of XULRunner.</p>
<h3>APIs Definition</h3>
<p>Defining APIs, wasn't consider when considered when developing ATF. We will need to define the API's and then
implement them. We have started looking at the areas we want to define API's. We also plan to start a discussion on our
listserv, so the community can weigh in on the areas that they consider important for APIs. By the time we are ready to
do a Tech Preview, we should know the areas that we want to define APIs, but the API's won't be defined.</p>
<h3>JavaScript Editor.</h3>
<p>We plan to announce out plan to do a new JavaScript editor. We plan to post a detail proposal to solicit
community feedback, possible alternatives, additional project participation, and ways the project can be leveraged from
the Eclipse membership-at-large.</p>
<h2>Action Items and Owners</h2>
<li>David: send note to allow access to website, for jsf, dali, and atf committers [done]</li>
<small>Agenda/Minutes by David Williams, November 07, 2006. Please send any corrections needed. </small>