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<title>WTP PMC Agenda/Minutes for March 01, 2011 Conference Call</title>
<h1>WTP PMC Agenda/Minutes for March 01, 2011 Conference Call</h1>
<h2>Call Info</h2>
Toll free (in US and Canada): 888-426-6840 <br /> Access code:
6460142# <br /> Caller pay alternative number: 215-861-6239<br /> <a
list of global access numbers</a><br /> <br /> <a
Time: 11:00 AM Eastern</a>
<h3>PMC Members</h3>
<li style="margin: 0em 0.2em 0em 0em; padding: 0.0em;">David
Williams: Y</li>
<li style="margin: 0em 0.2em 0em 0em; padding: 0.0em;">Naci Dai:
<li style="margin: 0em 0.2em 0em 0em; padding: 0.0em;">Raghunathan
Srinivasan: Y</li>
<li style="margin: 0em 0.2em 0em 0em; padding: 0.0em;">Neil
Hauge: Y</li>
<li style="margin: 0em 0.2em 0em 0em; padding: 0.0em;">Tim
deBoer: R</li>
<li style="margin: 0em 0.2em 0em 0em; padding: 0.0em;">Kaloyan
Raev: Y</li>
<li style="margin: 0em 0.2em 0em 0em; padding: 0.0em;">Chuck
Bridgham: Y</li>
<h2>Announcements and General Business</h2>
<h3>Welcome Chuck ...</h3>
<p>Chuck to run Thursday status meetings</p>
<p>Time to revamp "quality focus" (make sure patches addressed
quickly, etc.)?</p>
Instead of wiki queries, should we revive bugzilla queries from PHP?
See <a href="">bug
295008</a> which references a very old <a
summary page</a>
<p style="font-style: italic;">Neil agreed we could use some focus
on triaging bugs/patches. He'll look into php queries.</p>
<h3>How are WTP Project work/roles distributed, especially releng?
Equitable? Diverse?</h3>
<p>Models of sharing releng work:</p>
<li>Horizontal: Each project on their own.</li>
<li>Veritacal: One reponsible for builds. One responsible for
unit tests. One responsible for EPP Packages.</li>
<p style="font-style: italic;">Unexpectedly lively discussion. Some
unordered points:</p>
<li>General feeling that we'd have to move to tycho/maven to be
easy enough for anyone to do. (Common misconception: they all have
PDE build, at their core, right? Primarily differs on how pre-reqs
are specified and obtained.)</li>
<li>Some concern that tycho/maven is easy to get started with,
but maybe hard to change, or adopt for production, if needed. (i.e.
like much software, if easy to use, hard to deviate, sort of have to
take it as is. Possibly.)</li>
<li>We should list requirements, so we know concretely what is
needed; such as "signed", qualifiers change only if and only if code
(content) changes.</li>
<li>Kaloyan will "educate" us based on his experiences with
Libra, via blog posts, eventually meeting with committers.</li>
<li>Some interest in moving to GIT ... some not :) ... good point
was it might help to "have a plan". With dates. acceptance criteria,
<li>Only concrete advantage (to us) to move to GIT named was that
it allows use of Gerrit.</li>
<li>Point made that others can move (drive) to a
hudson/tycho/maven build, and once ready, simply stop the CC based
builds. This has advantage of getting others involved in responsible
roles; not having current releng be the bottleneck.</li>
<li>Overall, seemed to be the opinon to have project-based
responsibility. Though is was mentioned there are advantage to have a
unified build/release ... not sure how to do both. That is, while
technically is it possible, but unsure what unanticipated problems
would creep in.</li>
<li>While not discussed during meeting (I thought of after
meeting) the project based responsibility is not currently working
... no one pays attention to versioning errors, for example, until
reminded ... so how can we incrementally move to project based
<li>Could/should currently divide builds and tests. Maybe go
further and have seperate page for each project/feature. Maybe that'd
help encourage project level reponsibility?</li>
<h3>Request for late addition of Libra to Indigo</h3>
<p style="font-style: italic;">Approved. Kaloyan to send note to PC
<p>Here's the proposed request to present to Planning Council:</p>
<p>The Libra project would like to join the Indigo Simultaneous
Release. Libra will deliver two features for Indigo: WAR Products and
OSGi Bundle Facet. The IP process for both of them is completed: CQ
4837 [1] and CQ 4844 [2].</p>
<p>The WAR Products tooling has been originally developed to make
the deployment of RAP applications easier. However, the tooling itself
is not RAP specific and can be used for deploying any Server-Side
Equinox applications. Since the RAP project is part of the Indigo
Release, it really makes sense to have the WAR Products tooling in
Indigo too. It will also benefit all developers of Server-Side Equinox
applications. More details about WAR Products are available on the
latest blog of Holger Staudacher [3]. Installation and usage
instructions are available on the wiki page [4].</p>
<p>The OSGi Bundle Facet feature links together the PDE and WTP
tooling. It enable the WTP project wizards to create OSGi bundles
projects, like Web Application Bundles and Persistence Bundles. It's
the very first step towards providing OSGi tooling for enterprise
applications. This feature will be a great complement to the PDE and
WTP project that are in the Simultaneous Release since the very
beginning. This feature is very well demonstrated in a short
screencast [5]. We are also in the process of writing a Getting
Started guide [6].</p>
<p>Libra is still an incubating project. We think that including it
in the Indigo Release will keep up the momentum and participation in
the project to have this concrete goal to aim for. It will also
increase community awareness and participation, if it can be in the
common Indigo repository. We are confident that we can fulfill the
requirements for the Simultaneous Release train. The limited scope of
the first release (the above two features) enable us to quickly do all
required changes. Our efforts are tracked in bug 338060 [7].</p>
<p>This request has been reviewed and approved by the WTP PMC at
the 3/1 meeting.</p>
<h3>Pending CQ</h3>
<a href="">CQ
4830 EJB Timer</a> Waiting for Kaloyan.
<p style="font-style: italic;">Kaloyan will attend to this week.</p>
<h3>JPA Diagram Editor</h3>
<p>Do we have agreement (or a plan?) on what to do with Graphiti?
'include' or 'require'?</p>
<p style="font-style: italic;">Should be "requires" unless reason
not to. Neil will discuss with Tran to a) see if reasons b) see if
work is feasible for M6.</p>
<h3>Be sure newly renamed JPT feature chagnes are incorporated
into Java EE IDE package feature, if needed</h3>
<p style="font-style: italic;">Neil will discuss with Tran to see
what needs to be changed, if anything</p>
<h3>Maven discussion?</h3>
<p>Who, when, how much?</p>
<p style="font-style: italic;">Chuck will initiate phone
calls/discussions. Seemed to be desire (and people) to contribute ...
but post Indigo</p>
<h2>Future Agenda items</h2>
<!-- <ul style="text-indent: 5em; font-style: italic;"> -->
<ul style="font-style: italic;">
<li>Retrospect Helios quick maintenance release. Does it mean we
weren't ready to release? Any way to improve timing in future?</li>
<li>Disuss our model and assignments of "PMC Roles". Do they
still make sense?</li>
Improvement Notes</a>
<hr />
Back to <a href="../index_pmc_call_notes.php">meeting list</a>.
<p>Please send any additions or corrections to David Williams.</p>