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<title>Eclipse Web Tools Platform Project Development</title>
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<title>Project Documentation</title>
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<td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP COLSPAN="2" BGCOLOR="#0080C0"><b> <font face="Arial,Helvetica" color="#FFFFFF">Requirements
Conference Call - August 30, 2004</font></b></td>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><p>Agenda:</p>
<li>Flexible Project Structure</li>
<li>Requirement Priorities</li>
<p>Attending: Arthur Ryman, Vladislav Pernin, Todd Williams, Jochen Krause</p>
<li>With regard to publishing documents we follow the principle “early and often”, not “perfect but late” </li>
<p>Flexible project model</p>
<li>We will make initial requirements document available on a wiki, as well
as Naci’s and Thomas notes. The wiki will become publicly usable.</li>
<li>Request making the wiki public from Dominique / Christophe</li>
<li>Objection: This will make it much harder to read to document / follow the
main ideas (but a revision system is available - make that more visible
(Jochen) )</li>
<li>Flexible project structure, scope is wider than stated, valid as well
for WST, we have to specify the requirements for WST only</li>
<li>We should make sure that our needs are heard by the platform team (specifically
links). David Williams will go to the EMO meeting.</li><br>
<li>Use exploded archives as default layouts</li>
<blockquote>One use case:
<li>Import a project from CVS and be able to adapt the Web Project Structure
to the one in cvs.</li></blockquote>
<li>Provide comments to the requirements document in the wiki to get a discussion
<p>Requirements Priorities</p>
<li>Priorities as agreed during the last conf call will be published
on the webtools web site</li>
<p>Use cases</p>
<li>Find a way to combine Bugzilla with a better structured method
of specifying requirements – suggest a template (Arthur / Jochen)</li></td>