blob: bbf8ec2ce722c180afaf96eec3d54bbac6f07860 [file] [log] [blame]
require_once "/home/data/httpd/eclipse-php-classes/system/dbconnection_bugs_ro.class.php";
$debug_count = 0;
$uniqueNames = array();
$uniqueCount = array();
$dbc = new DBConnectionBugs();
$dbh = $dbc->connect();
$rs = null;
function checkProject($projectNumber) {
global $dbc;
global $dbh;
global $rs;
global $debug_count;
global $committerList;
global $uniqueCount;
global $uniqueNames;
$buglist = array ();
// Product IDs:
// 20 Web Tools
// 46 Java Server Faces
// 47 Dali JPA Tools
$sql_info = "SELECT bugs.bug_id as bug_id,
bugs.bug_status as bug_status,
bugs.resolution as bug_resolution,
bugs.target_milestone as bug_target_milestone,
attachments.filename as filename,
attachments.ispatch as ispatch,
attachments.creation_ts as timestamp,
profiles.login_name as attachment_login_name,
profiles.realname as attachment_real_name,
attach_data.thedata as thedata,
bugs.keywords as bug_keywords
FROM bugs,attachments,profiles,attach_data
WHERE bugs.bug_id = '192785'
AND char_length(bugs.keywords) > 0
AND position('contributed' in bugs.keywords) > 0
AND attachments.bug_id = bugs.bug_id
AND attachments.ispatch = 1
AND attachments.isobsolete = 0
AND attachments.creation_ts > '2007-01-01 00:00:00'
AND (bugs.bug_status = 'RESOLVED'
OR bugs.bug_status = 'CLOSED'
OR bugs.bug_status = 'VERIFIED')
AND bugs.resolution = 'FIXED'
AND bugs.product_id = $projectNumber
AND attachments.submitter_id = profiles.userid
AND = attachments.attach_id
ORDER BY bugs.bug_id";
//echo "sql_info: " . $sql_info . "<br />";
$rs = mysql_query($sql_info, $dbh);
echo "<table border='1' cellpadding='2' align='center' width='90%'>";
echo "<tr><th>Count</th><th>Bug Number</th><th>Target Milestone</th><th>Id</th><th>Name</th><th>Total Lines</th><th>Added Lines</th><th>Keywords</th></tr>";
while( ($debug_count < 1000) && ($myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) ) {
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>" . $debug_count . "</td>";
//echo " ";
echo "<td>" . "<a href=\"" . $myrow['bug_id'] . "\">" . $myrow['bug_id'] . "</a>" . "</td>";
$buglist[] = $myrow['bug_id'];
//echo " ";
//echo $myrow['bug_status'];
//echo ",";
//echo $myrow['bug_resolution'];
//echo ",";
echo "<td>" . $myrow['bug_target_milestone'] . "</td>";
//echo " ";
//echo $myrow['filename'];
//echo ",";
//echo $myrow['timestamp'];
//echo ",";
echo "<td>" . str_replace("@","{at}", $myrow['attachment_login_name']) . "</td>";
//echo " ";
echo "<td>" . $myrow['attachment_real_name'] . "</td>";
echo "<td>" . "9999" . "</td>";
echo "<td>" . "9" . "</td>";
echo "<td>" . $myrow['bug_keywords'] . "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
$cslist = "";
foreach ($buglist as $bug) {
$cslist = $cslist . $bug . ",";
echo "<p>Tip: You can use this <a href=\"" . $cslist ."\">bugzilla single list</a> for above table to first list all bugs in the table, and then narrow or sort the result how ever you would like.</p>";
ini_set("display_errors", "true");
error_reporting (E_ALL);
echo "<h2>test page to experiment with keywords</h2>";
echo "<h3>Web tools</h3>";
$rs = null;
$dbh = null;
$dbc = null;