blob: c8c2e5a4aecd05bf554a58fc37c5dee7f5c725ab [file] [log] [blame]
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<plan plan-format="1.0" xmlns=""
xmlns:html="" name="Libra">
<release projectid="webtools.libra" version="0.2" />
The Plug-in Development Environment project and Web Tools
Platform project provide plenty of tools for OSGi development and
Java EE development, respectively. Libra will provide the missing
pieces that will bring the PDE and WTP tooling together for
implementing OSGi Enterprise scenarios.
The below project plan is an extension of the Web Tools Platform
href="">top-level project plan</html:a>
<html:li>WAR Products Tooling - originally developed to make the
deployment of RAP applications easier, tooling itself is not RAP
specific and can be used for deploying any Server-Side Equinox
<html:li>OSGi Bundle Facet - links together the PDE and WTP
tooling. It enable the WTP project wizards to create OSGi bundles
projects, like Web Application Bundles and Persistence Bundles.
It's the very first step towards providing OSGi tooling for
enterprise applications.
<html:li>OSGi Framework Launchers - WTP server adapters for major
open source OSGi frameworks like Equinox, Felix and Knopflerfish.
All these server adapters can publish modules that have the OSGi
Bundle facet.
<html:li>OSGi Framework Editors - WTP server editor parts with
management capabilities for OSGi frameworks: Bundle Overview,
Bundle Dependency Graph, Server Console. These editor parts are
embedded in the OSGi Framework Launchers and can be embedded by
adaopter's OSGi-based server adapters.
<theme name="New Features">
<html:div>Integrate new contributions pending in the pipeline.
Improve the ones from the previous release. </html:div>
bugzilla=";keywords_type=allwords&amp;bug_severity=enhancement&amp;classification=WebTools&amp;query_format=advanced&amp;target_milestone=0.2+M1&amp;target_milestone=0.2+M2&amp;target_milestone=0.2+M3&amp;target_milestone=0.2+M4&amp;target_milestone=0.2+M5&amp;target_milestone=0.2+M6&amp;target_milestone=0.2+M7&amp;target_milestone=0.2+RC1&amp;target_milestone=0.2+RC2&amp;target_milestone=0.2+RC3&amp;target_milestone=0.2+RC4&amp;product=Libra" />
bugzilla=";query_format=advanced&amp;keywords_type=allwords&amp;bug_severity=enhancement&amp;target_milestone=0.2&amp;product=Libra" />
bugzilla=";keywords_type=allwords&amp;bug_severity=enhancement&amp;classification=WebTools&amp;query_format=advanced&amp;target_milestone=---&amp;product=Libra" />