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<html><head><META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><link type="text/css" href="../../default_style.css" rel="stylesheet"><link type="text/css" href="../../webtools/wtp.css" rel="stylesheet"><title>Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) Project Development</title></head><body><table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="5" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td align="left" width="60%"><font class="indextop">wtp project development</font><br><font class="indexsub">Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) Project Development</font></td><td width="40%"><img src="../../webtools/images/wtplogosmall.jpg" align="middle" height="129" hspace="50" width="207" alt="WTP Logo" usemap="logomap"><map id="logomap" name="logomap"><area coords="0,0,207,129" href="/webtools/" alt="WTP Home"></map></td></tr></tbody></table><table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="5" width="100%"><col width="16"><col width="*"><tbody><tr><td align="right" valign="top">
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<h2>Development Tools</h2>
<a href="">Help Wanted</a>
If you would like to contribute to the project, read this page to find work items.
<a href="">Bug Reports</a>
The WTP uses
<a target="_top" href="">Bugzilla</a>
for bug tracking.
<a href="bugs/bugs.html">View WTP bug reports</a>
<a target="_top" href="">
open new bugs.
<a href="">
Eclipse API Scanner
Describe the API of a component and scan plug-ins for API violations.
<a href="">
View WTP Usage Scan Reports
<a href="">
Check Unused Properties Tool
Scan property files for unused messages.
<a href="">Technical Proposals</a>
Review available technical proposals.
<a href="">CVS Repository</a>
WTP development is carried out in a CVS repository. Both "pserver" and "extssh" are supported. See
<a href="">Using Eclipse with CVS</a>
for instructions including the repository location.
<a href="">
HTTP Connection Tracer Diagnostic Utility
Use this utility to troubleshoot network connection problems in Eclipse.
</div></td></tr><tr><td align="right" valign="top">
</td><td valign="top"><div class="homeitem">
<h2>Development Resources - Learn about WTP Development</h2>
<a href="contributing.html">Contributing to the WTP Project</a>
Learn what's involved in developing and contributing enhancements or new capabilities for the WTP.
<a href="*checkout*/org.eclipse.wtp.releng/readme.html?cvsroot=WebTools_Project">
Build Process
The WTP continuous build process is modeled after other Eclipse project build processes. For more
information, visit the
<a href="">
associated WTP wiki page.
<a href="maintenance/1.5/R1_5_maintenance.html">WTP 1.5 Maintenance Stream Process</a>
This document talks about how to create and work with a maintenance stream/branch.
<a href="arch_and_design/pq-apis-20041115.ppt">Platform Quality APIs</a>
A presentation given by Jim des Rivières to some component teams in Raleigh, N.C., on 11/15/2004. It
describes some principles and tips on producing platform quality designs and APIs. See slide 28 for
a little laugh.
<a href="guidelines/naming-conventions.html">Conventions and Guidelines</a>
Look here for the for the coding standards, naming conventions, and other guidelines we use to help
ensure eclipse presents to users and developers as a unified whole rather than as a loose collection
of parts.
<a href="arch_and_design/ArchitectureOverview.html">Architectural Overview</a>
A high level summary of the components and their architecture.
<a href="">Status Telecons</a>
Weekly development telecons to review status and discuss issues.
<a href="requirements/index.html">Project Requirements</a>
A description of the project requirements, requirements group, and requirements process.
<div class="sectiontitle">Documents</div>
<a href="../faq/CommitterFAQ.php">Committer FAQ</a>
<a href="tests.html">Automated Testing</a>
<a href="WTPDevelopmentPractice.html">Development Practices</a>
<a href="../community/tutorials/DevelopingWTP/DevelopingWTP.html">
Developing the WTP with Eclipse
<a href="arch_and_design/capabilities/WTPCapabilities.html">WTP Capabilities Description</a>
<a href="arch_and_design/subsystems/SubsystemsAndFeatures.html">WTP Subsystems and Features</a>
<a href="../people/contributors.html">Contributors and Committers</a>
List of Eclipse Web Tools Platform Project contributors and
<a href="">committers.</a>
<a href="../devProcess/devTeams.html">Components and Teams</a>
Look here for details about the components and associated team members, grouped by subproject.
<a href="">WTP IP Log</a>
Look here for the WTP intellectual property log.
</div></td></tr><tr><td align="right" valign="top">
</td><td valign="top"><div class="homeitem">
<h2>Initial WTP Code Contributions</h2>
<a href="" target="_top">IBM</a>
<a href="" target="_top">ObjectWeb</a>
provided initial code contributions to start the Web Tools Platform project. This code is has been moved
into the
<a href="">CVS repository.</a>
The initial code contribution from IBM is now available as the
<a href="" target="_top">IBM Web Tools for Eclipse</a>
project hosted by
<a href="" target="_top">alphaWorks.</a>