blob: 356f54107d635aaadb7fd98f763d5142e526b86c [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../new_and_noteworthy.xsl"?>
name="3.2 M2"
<component name="Source Editing">
<item title="Code Folding enabled by default">
<p>With bug 281380 fixed, code folding has been enabled by default. The CSS, HTML, JSP and XML editors all support code folding, as well as the JavaScript editor. As before, folding in the CSS, HTML, JSP and XML is controlled from the <b>Structured Text Editors</b> preference page.
<img src="sourceediting/folding.png" alt="the Structured Text Editors preference page"/>
<component name="JSDT">
<item title="">
<component name="XML Schema">