blob: 02ce446b256d6785370d46e06ec3104a2ce7d23d [file] [log] [blame]
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The WTP Incubator is a subproject fostering the
creation and development of new components for existing WTP projects, before
they become part of a Release. While they don't always fall under the same schedule as the WTP release itself,
they are encouraged to follow the same processes. As such, a complete list of which Incubator bugs
were fixed during this milestone is also
<!-- <a-->
<!-- href=";product=WTP+Incubator&amp;resolution=FIXED&amp;chfieldfrom=2009-07-30&amp;chfieldto=2009-09-30&amp;chfield=resolution&amp;target_milestone=0.5+M2&amp;cmdtype=doit"-->
<!-- >available</a>.-->
<component name="JAX-WS Tools">
<item title="Apache CXF Web Service creation using ANT tasks">
<p>ANT Files</p>
<img src="incubator/antFiles.png" alt="ant files"/><br/>
<p>Create Web services with the Apache CXF runtime without using the WTP Web services wizard. Create Ant tasks that can be run from within the Eclipse IDE or from the command line.
Supports all scenarios currently available in the WTP Web services wizards: Bottom up, top down, and client.</p>
<item title="JAX-WS Handler Support">
<p>JAX-WS Handlers.</p>
<img src="incubator/handlers.png" alt="jaxws handlers"/><br/>
<p>Wizard based support for creating logical and protocol JAX-WS handlers. JAX-WS handlers are message interceptors that may be used to carry out additional processing on inbound and outbound messages.
Protocol handlers are specific to a protocol (e.g. SOAP) and they may access or change protocol specific aspects of a message while logical handlers are protocol agnostic and may only act on the message payload.</p>