blob: cc5b3b5dd020bc259829fc1fe214abd1dd010654 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../new_and_noteworthy.xsl"?>
name="3.2 M4"
<component name="XSL">
<item title="PsychoPath XPath 2.0 Processor">
<p>The PsychoPath XPath 2.0 Processor now passes all of the XPath 2.0 Core Test Suite.
The processor is now 99.8 percent complaint to the entire XPath 2.0 Schema Aware portion of the W3C Test Suite. The
processor framework may be used either as an OSGI bundle or as a standalone jar with out an OSGI container.
<p>All development history and related bugs can be viewed on <a href="">bug 262765.</a></p>
<component name="SSE">
<item title="Character Pairing">
<p>SSE-based editors now support automatic character pairing while typing. The power is in the hands of the adopters, since
no pairs are explicitly defined by default.</p>
<component name="CSS">
<item title="CSS Commenting">
<p>CSS files can now be quickly commented using the commenting actions common to other Structured Text Editors.
The commenting actions are available from the Source menu.</p>
<component name="XML">
<item title="Fix XML Declaration">
<p>Cleaning up an XML document now includes correcting missing or misplaced XML declarations.
For documents that are missing an XML declaration, one will be added using the default
encoding set on the <b>XML Files</b> preference page. If the existing XML declaration is not at
the start of the document, it will be moved to the start of the document.</p>
<p>This option can be toggled
in the <b>Cleanup</b> dialog when executing the <b>Cleanup Document...</b> action of the <b>Source</b> menu.</p>
<img src="sourceediting/xml_cleanup.png" /><br/>
<item title="More Typing Preferences">
<p>New typing preferences have been added to automatically close attribute values, parentheses
and square brackets.</p>
<img src="sourceediting/xml_typing.png" /><br/>
<component name="HTML">
<item title="More Typing Preferences">
<p>New typing preferences have been added to automatically close attribute values, parentheses
and square brackets.</p>
<img src="sourceediting/html_typing.png" /><br/>
<component name="JSP">
<item title="More Typing Preferences">
<p>New typing preferences have been added to automatically close Java strings, parentheses
and both square and angle brackets.</p>
<img src="sourceediting/jsp_typing.png" /><br/>
<component name="JSDT">
<item title="">
<component name="XML Schema">