blob: 95b215df6069e3cce9e0ae70c61124cc431d31d8 [file] [log] [blame]
<title>Eclipse WTP 3.3 M3 News</title>
<h1>Eclipse Web Tools Platform 3.3 M3 - New and Noteworthy</h1>
Here are some of the more noteworthy features available in WTP 3.3
milestone build M3 (November 4th, 2010).
<a href="">Download</a>
it now or give the <a href="">Indigo M3 packages</a>
a spin, many of which feature portions of WTP M3.
<!-- <li>-->
<!-- <a-->
<!-- href="common.php"-->
<!-- >Common Tools</a>-->
<!-- </li>-->
<!-- <li>-->
<!-- <a-->
<!-- href="jpa.php"-->
<!-- >Dali JPA Tools</a>-->
<!-- </li>-->
<!-- <li>-->
<!-- <a-->
<!-- href="javaee.php"-->
<!-- >Java EE and EJB Tools</a>-->
<!-- </li>-->
<!-- <li>-->
<!-- <a-->
<!-- href="jsf.php"-->
<!-- >JavaServer Faces Tools</a>-->
<!-- </li>-->
<!-- <li>-->
<!-- <a-->
<!-- href="server.php">Server Tools</a>-->
<!-- </li>-->
>Source Editing and JSDT</a>
<!-- <li>-->
<!-- <a-->
<!-- href="webservices.php"-->
<!-- >Web Services and WSDL Tools</a>-->
<!-- <br />-->
<!-- </li>-->
<!-- <li>-->
<!-- <a-->
<!-- href="incubator.php"-->
<!-- >Incubator</a>-->
<!-- (available through a separate-->
<!-- <a-->
<!-- href=""-->
<!-- >download</a>).-->
<!-- </li>-->
Here are the
>bugs that were fixed</a>
during this milestone.
The above features are just the ones that are new since the last
milestone build. Summaries for earlier builds:
>Full summaries for earlier milestones and releases.</a>