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<a href="./features/FeatureSpecs-M1.html">
M1 - December, 16, 2005
: WTP 1.0 based. Basic Application Configuration Editor
and support for end-to-end JSF application developement
and deployment.
<strong>M5 - March 13, 2006</strong>
: Milestone release for EclipseCon 2006. Based on WTP1.5 M5
<strong>RC2 - May 10, 2006</strong>
: Feature complete for Faces Config Editor. Includes integration between the Faces Config Editor and the Faces Config EMF model.
<strong>RC3 - May 30, 2006</strong>
: New Features in JSF-JSP Source Editor.
<strong>RC4 - June 7, 2006</strong>
: Feature freeze. Only bug fixes and documentation allowed beyond this date.
<strong>RC5 - June 20, 2006
: Code freeze. Only documentation changes allowed beyond this date.
<a href="./features/FeatureSpecs-1.5.html">
0.5.0 Release - June, 30, 2006
: Released as part of the Callisto release. Eclipse 3.2 and WTP 1.5.0.