blob: 3567329b9b7f232d6e3e3583615e5b4b021579f3 [file] [log] [blame]
function computeMainData($buildBranches, $debugScript)
global $buckets, $latestFile, $latestTimeStamp, $timeStamps;
foreach ($buildBranches as $buildBranch ) {
if (file_exists($buildBranch) && is_dir($buildBranch)) {
$aDirectory = dir($buildBranch);
$latestTimeStamp[$buildBranch] = array();
$latestFile[$buildBranch] = array();
while (false !== ($anEntry = $aDirectory->read())) {
// Short cut because we know aDirectory only contains other directories.
if ($anEntry != "." && $anEntry!="..") {
// echo "Debug anEntry: $anEntry<br />" ;
$aDropDirectoryName = $buildBranch."/".$anEntry;
if (is_dir($aDropDirectoryName) && is_Readable($aDropDirectoryName)) {
$aDropDirectory = dir($aDropDirectoryName);
//echo "Debug aDropDirectory: $aDropDirectory->path <br />" ;
$fileCount = 0;
while ($aDropEntry = $aDropDirectory->read()) {
// echo "Debug aDropEntry: $aDropEntry<br />" ;
if ( (stristr($aDropEntry, ".tar.gz")) || (stristr($aDropEntry, ".zip")) ) {
// Count the dropfile entry in the directory (so we won't display links, if not all there
$fileCount = $fileCount + 1;
// Read the count file
$countFile = $buildBranch."/".$anEntry."/files.count";
$indexFile = $buildBranch."/".$anEntry."/index.html";
if (!file_exists($indexFile)) {
$indexFile = $buildBranch."/".$anEntry."/index.php";
if (file_exists($countFile) && file_exists($indexFile)) {
$anArray = file($countFile);
// debug
//echo "Number according to files.count: ", $anArray[0];
//echo " actual counted files: ", $fileCount;
// If a match - process the directoryVV -- we simply look that there's more
// zip's than we expect, since it frequently breaks where the count is slighly
// off, such as when we add, after the fact, an all-in-one zip.
if ($anArray[0] <= $fileCount) {
// debug
//echo "yes, counted equaled expected count<br />";
$entryParts = explode("-", $anEntry);
if (count($entryParts) == 3) {
include 'processDropDirectory.php';