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<title>Getting Started.html</title>
<H1>Setup and Configuration</H1>
<H2>1.0 Introduction</H2>
<P>The plugin is distributed in ZIP format, therefore, using your ZIP file utility,
unzip file into the Eclipse_Home directory. This will create a set
of new plugin directories as follows:</P>
<P><img src="plugins.gif" width="306" height="240"></P>
<H2>2.0 Customizing Java Perspective</H2>
<P>Select menu ‘Window&gt;Customize Perspective...’, in the Shortcuts tab choose 'Submenus: New'
check all Lomboz related items.
Select menu Window>Customize Perspective...', in the Shortcuts tab choose 'Submenus: Show View'
check ‘Lomboz Views', J2EE View.
Select menu Window>Customize Perspective...', in the Commands tab in the availabe commands tab, check Lomboz Actions.
<P><img src="customize.jpg" width="642" height="491">
<H2>3.0 Lomboz Preferences</H2>
<P>Select menu Window&gt;Preferences', in the Workbench->Label Decorations, check
Lomboz J2EE Decorators.</P>
<P><img src="prefs1.jpg" width="506" height="390"></P>
<P>To use Lomboz, Java projects need to have separate source and binary
folders. Open the preferences dialog from Workbench -Preferences menu and Expand
the Java item, New Project. Make sure that the &#8216;Use folders for source
and output location as default for newly created Java projects&#8217; check
box is ticked. Finally enter &#8216;src&#8217; and &#8216;bin&#8217; for the
names of these folders, which are the defaults. Please do not modify these
names as they are required by some of the Lomboz tasks.</P>
<p><img src="prefs2.jpg">
<p>Most application servers use the standard Java compiler (javac) to compile JSP files. Javac is found in the tools.jar distributed with standard Java JDKs (NOT JREs).
You must select the tools.jar that will be used by the application servers here. It is normally found inside the “lib” folder under the JDK installation.
<p><img src="prefs3.jpg" width="632" height="344"></p>
<p><strong>Enable JSP Syntax</strong> checking enables or disables JSP compilation. This is useful if you have very large JSP files and you do not want to check the syntax everytime you save the file. By default it is enabled. If you disable it Lomboz will not perform any syntax checking and you will not get any feedback about the potential problems in JSP files.
<strong>Server restart</strong> is useful if your application server does not automatically reload a web/ejb module after it has been reployed. If this option is enabled, Lomboz will restart the server after a module is redeployed. This option maybe useful if you are working with Tomcat.<strong> Update
server classpath</strong> and deployment parameters tells Lomboz to check and fix the Project classpath and deployment properties of a selected module everytime you Launch the targeted server of an ejb or web module. This is very useful if you make a change to the server definition after you create the module. By default it is enabled. If you disable this option, you have to make sure that you fix the project classpath and deployment properties everytime you make such changes.
<strong>Use application server classpath</strong>, tell Lomboz to use the classpath that you will define in the next step when it launches an application server. It will NOT use the classpath of the Java Projects you will create. If you do not enable this feature, Lomboz will use the classpth of the Java project to launch a server. The disadvantage of this will be that all edployde web and ejb modules will appear twice on the classpath: Once from the eclipse java project and once from the ejb jar or web .war. This can cause unexpected class loader problems. If you are experiencing these problems make sure that you enable this feature.
The reverse side of the coin is you will loose your acapability for dynamically modifying your Java code in a debugger (JDK 1.4 feature).
Some application servers are more sophisticated about how they manage class loaders and they will allow you to use the project classpath, however most will not (i.e. JBoss, Tomcat, etc.)
<p><img src="prefs4.gif"></p>
<p><strong>Select Code Generation </strong>Plugin Lomboz supports extensible
code generation plugins. In this page you can choose the Plugin that will be
used to generate
EJB code and annotations using Lomboz. Lomboz provides a default plugin named "XDoclet",
that uses xdoclet based code generation. </p>
<H2><A name="ServerRuntimeSupport">4.0 Server Runtime Support</A></H2>
<P>Lomboz can work with almost all Java application servers. You will have to
set these parameters so that Lomboz can create scripts which point to the right
places. The parameters you set here are used for setting default values for
launching the servers and finding the location for deploying Web applications
(.war files) and EJB jar files.</P>
<P> Lomboz manages server runtime definitions in XML files. This was done in
order to allow people to enter their own server definitions other than those
are packaged with Lomboz.
These files are stored in a folder named "servers" inside the plugin. Lomboz
scans the folder everytime it needs a definition. Adding a new server type is
adding one of these files into this folder.
<P><img src="serverruntime1.gif" width="200" height="225"> </P>
<P>In order to use(activate) any of these definitions you must ALWAYS visit the Lomboz preferences. This will load the files in the servers folder into eclipse.
Next task is to check and set the properties and classpaths defined for these servers.
Although there are predefined values for these properties, it is most likely that they are incorrect for your configuration.
IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU CLICK APPLY after you make any changes. Your changes will be taken into account only after this.
If your server is not in this list:
The list of servers are obtained from the contents of a folder named server under the &lt;Eclipse_Home&gt; directory plugin directory named com.objectlearn.jdt.j2ee. The list of properties that you are asked to enter are defined in the files that can be found there. If you have an application server that is not listed, just add your own server definition into this folder. Existing files should provide you with plenty of examples. For more information read the section on "<a href="">Adding your own server</a>".
<P>Use the <strong>Properties Tab </strong>to change the properties open the
preferences dialog from Workbench -Preferences menu and highlight the Lomboz
server definitions item in the list. You must
enter the following parameters:
Classpath variables:
In order for Lomboz to find the proper application server classes without hard
coding them into Java projects we use classpath variables. These class variables
are automatically added into the Eclipse environment each time you apply these
To verify that these variables are set, open the preferences dialog from Workbench
-Preferences menu and Expand the Java item first highlight the ‘Classpath Variables’ item
under the Java list. You SHOULD SEE the values such as ‘JBOSS300’ and ‘TOMCAT5’ etc,
which will point to the application server directories.
All server definitions have these variables. You can now choose a name for the
classpath variable you would like to use and set the path for this variable.
These settings will be used to add a classpath variable, which you can verify
by looking at the Java classpath variables page as described above. The jar
files and libraries you will chose in the next few steps will be relative to
this classpath variable.
<P><img src="serverruntime2.jpg" width="553" height="446"></P>
<P>Use <strong>Classpath Tab </strong>to choose the java libraries that are required
to launch this application server. Classpath variables that we have set in
the previous section
will be used here. Server classpath ise used to launch the application server,
where the Client path is used for the client applications (i.e. Ejb Test Clients).
You can add or remove libraries from these lists. At the end remember to click
<P><img src="serverruntime3.jpg"> </P>