blob: 8a0eec51548294aa3d96c87abd16d8fd5dce29c6 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../../development/news/new_and_noteworthy.xsl"?>
<release name="3.3" root="../../../..">
<component name="XML">
<item title="Outline Content Filtering">
<description>The Outline for the XML editor (and similarly the HTML and JSP editors) now supports content filtering. Start filtering out
your favorite--or least favorite as it may be--nodes today! The filter is accessible through the Outline's view menu.
<img src="se/outline_filter.png" alt="XML Outline filter menu item"/>
The filter dialog has a few pre-defined filterable elements, plus the capability of filtering based on name patterns.
<img src="se/outline_filter_dialog.png" alt="XML Outline filter dialog"/>
<item title="Content Assist Auto Activation Delay">
<description>The auto activation delay for content assist can now be configured via the XML Content Assist preferences. This available
from the <b>XML</b>-><b>XML Files</b>-><b>Editor</b>-><b>Content Assist</b> preference page.
<img src="se/autoactivation.png" alt="XML Content Assist auto activation configuration"/>
<item title="Project-level Validation Settings">
<description>Project-level validation settings can now be configured for the XML validator.
<img src="se/validation_project.png" alt="XML Validation project preference page"/>
<item title="Validation Indicator for Empty Documents">
<description>The XML validator can now indicate when a document does not contain a root element. The severity of this problem can be changed from the <b>XML</b>-><b>XML Files</b>-><b>Validation</b> preference page.
<img src="se/validation.png" alt="XML Validation preference page"/>
<item title="Content Model View">
The Content Model View displays the content model of the currently selected node of the XML Editor. The content model can be navigated to explore
Attributes and Elements and the min/max occurrences along with any datatypes that may be associated with the Elements.
<img src="se/content_model.png" alt="The Content Model view"/>
<item title="Documentation View">
The Documentation View displays any associated documentation for the currently selected node of the XML Editor along with its content model.
<img src="se/documentation.png" alt="The XML Documentation view"/>
<item title="Editor: Design Page Menu">
The XML Editor's Design page now has a context menu that can be contributed to. The menu ID to make contributes to is <code>org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.editor</code>.
New to this menu is the ability to adjust the sizes of the XML Editor's columns.
<img src="se/menu.png" alt="The new menu"/>
<component name="JSDT">
<item title="Rhino Single-Click Launching">
<p>There is new support now to launch Rhino JavaScritp debugging with a single click!</p>
<p>Selecting a script file in an explorer or working in a JavaScript editor allows you to press the debug button
and have the script be debugged instantly using our built in Rhino support.</p>
<p>A running debug session
<img src="jsdt/debugging.png" alt="Debugging session"/>
<p>Context launching
<img src="jsdt/context_launch.png" alt="Context launching"/>
<p>Rhino debug configurations
<img src="jsdt/rhino_config.png" alt="Rhino debug configurations"/>
<item title="External Source Project Layout">
The layout and usability of the 'External JavaScript Source' project has been updated. It is no longer filtered by default and
is also no longer deleted whenever Eclipse is shut down.
The format of the source within the project has been changed to make it easier to find scripts. Scripts are now
added to the project in sub-folders corresponding to their URL rather than the often cryptic hash code of the source.
<img src="jsdt/ext_project.png" alt="The External JavaScript Source project"/>
<item title="Core Debug Preferences">
You can now configure some of the core debug preferences on the <b>JavaScript</b> > <b>Debug</b> preference page.
<img src="jsdt/js_debug_pp.png" alt="Core debug preference page"/>
<item title="Rhino Debug Preferences">
You can now configure some of the Rhino debug preferences on the <b>JavaScript</b> > <b>Debug</b> > <b>Rhino</b> preference page.
<img src="jsdt/js_debug_rhino_pp.png" alt="Variable value hover"/>
<item title="Formatted Function Variable Source">
If the source for a function variable is available, it will be formatted when displayed in the details pane of the Variables
<img src="jsdt/js_func_vars.png" alt="Variable value hover"/>
<component name="JSP">
<item title="More control over Expression Language">
<p>The JSP Validator. The validation severity preference is available from the JSP <b>Validation</b> Preference page.
<img src="se/jspel_validation.png" alt="JSP Validation Preferences"/>
<component name="HTML">
<item title="Content Assist Auto Activation Delay">
<description>The auto activation delay for content assist can now be configured via the HTML Content Assist preferences. This available
from the <b>Web</b>-><b>HTML Files</b>-><b>Editor</b>-><b>Content Assist</b> preference page.
<img src="se/autoactivation_html.png" alt="HTML Content Assist auto activation configuration"/>
<item title="Formatting">
The HTML formatter has been reworked significantly to indent block-level elements to one deeper level than the parent element. A list of inline elements
can be configured through preferences. These inline elements do not have its child nodes indented at a deeper level.
The preference can be found under the <b>Web</b> > <b>HTML Files</b> > <b>Editor</b> node from <b>Window</b> > <b>Preferences</b>.
<img src="se/formatted_html.png" alt="Formatting preferences for inline elements"/>
Formatting preferences for inline elements.
<img src="se/html_formatting_prefs.png"/>
<component name="DTD">
<item title="Polite with the Properties view">
<description>Showing the Properties view is now optional when opening the DTD Editor. This option is available from the <b>XML</b>-><b>DTD Files</b>-><b>Editor</b> preference page.
<img src="se/dtd.png" alt="DTD Editor preference page"/>