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<title>JAX-WS Tools Proposal</title>
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<h2>JAX-WS Tools Proposal</h2>
<i>1st Draft</i>
<br />
<i>25 Sep 2008</i>
<p>JAX-WS Tools is a proposed open source component under the Eclipse WST subproject.</p>
<p>This component proposal is similar to a Project Proposal (as defined in the Eclipse Development Process document)
and is written to declare its intent and scope. This proposal is written to solicit additional participation and input
from the Eclipse community.</p>
<p>Comments can be made in bug <a href="">248630</a>.</p>
<p>Eclipse is one of the worlds most popular and ubiquitous IDEs. It is well known for its Java and C development
tools, and there are many plugins available from Eclipse that provide support for tasks as diverse as web development,
database development, design and issue tracking.</p>
<p>Eclipse also supports the common use-case of creating, testing and provisioning Web Service applications. This support
is provided by the Web Tools Platform (WTP) project. The primary purpose of that project is to provide a set of common
tools for web technologies; the
foundations for Web service applications laid down by WTP are excellent, and include the WSDL editor, a suite of XML editors and support for JAX-RPC Java-first development. However, Eclipse WTP does not at this time include first-class support for the creation, testing and provisioning of JAX-WS compliant Web services.</p>
<p>This proposal seeks to address this issue by building upon and extending where necessary the existing WTP development frameworks to provide first-class support for developers of JAX-WS Web services.</p>
<p>The goal of JAX-WS Tools is to provide Eclipse WTP with first-class support for JAX-WS Web service development.</p>
<p>This will be achieved by augmenting WTP with support for creating JAX-WS Web services, within the context of the existing WTP frameworks.</p>
<p>The frameworks used and extended by the JAX-WS code contribution are also suitable for the implementation of similar Web services standards, such as JAX-RS. It is for this reason that we consider JAX-RS assistance to be within the scope of this component.</p>
<p>JAX-WS Tools will achieve its aims by making the following contributions to WTP:</p>
<li>Web services runtime extension for <a href="">Apache CXF</a></li>
<li>Preferences added under the web service category</li>
<li>Bottom-up and Top-down support</li>
<li>Bottom-up support for starting from a Java class or interface</li>
<li>Supports selecting or extracting an SEI if starting from a class.</li>
<li>JAX-WS annotations added automatically. Configurable in the preferences and also in the Web service wizard.</li>
<li>Undo support for all operations executed in the wizard</li>
<li>JAX-WS annotation validation provided. (JDT APT extension)</li>
Initial contribution will be made from the EPL-licensed <a href="">FUSE Integration Designer</a> project at the <a href="">FUSE Community</a> supported by <a href="">IONA</a>. IONA holds the IP, and the initial committers include the authors of the contribution.
<h4>Tentative Plan</h4>
<p>Initial presence in Sep 2008</p>
<li>Creation of WTP Incubator component</li>
<li>Construction of Website with Video tutorials for use</li>
<li>CVS repository, seeded with source code from contribution attached to bugzilla</li>
<li>Bugzilla repository</li>
<li>Builds to be available for public consumption as soon as practicable</li>
<li>Support for semantic analysis of JAX-WS standard Java annotations</li>
<li>Assistance for creation of standard JAX-WS Handlers</li>
<li>Assistance for creation of standard Binding declarations</li>
<li>Final release into Galileo June 2009</li>
<h4>Initial committers</h4>
<h5>Component Lead/Committer</h5>
<ul style="list-style-type: square">
<li><b>Shane Clarke</b> - <a href="">IONA</a> <br />
<i> Shane is a Senior Software Developer at IONA. He has a great deal of experience developing
Eclipse-based software, including source editors, GEF editors, GMF editors and RCP applications. He has contributed several patches to WTP. </i></li>
<ul style="list-style-type: square">
<li><b>Ois&iacute; Hurley</b> - <a href="">IONA</a><br />
<i> Ois&iacute;n is an Open Source Tools Architect at IONA. He is PMC lead for the SOA Tools Project and a committer in the SCA Tools and Orbit projects.</i></li>
<h5>Committer - Mentor</h5>
<ul style="list-style-type: square">
<li><b>Naci Dai</b> - <a href="">Eteration</a><br />
<i>Naci is a member of WTP PMC and has an interest in webservices, this project, and will be the primary WTP mentor.</i></li>
<h4>User community</h4>
<p>The user community includes many current Eclipse WTP users, but may also attract new Web services developers who will start using WTP for this new JAX-WS support.</p>
<h4>Related Bugs</h4>
<a href="">163334</a>
<a href="">176564</a>
<a href="">243286</a>
<a href="">243290</a>
<a href="">245991</a>
<a href="">245993</a>
<a href="">202816</a>
<a href="">[Example use videos]</a>
<a href="">[Eclipse Web Tools Project]</a>
<a href="">[FUSE Community]</a>
<a href="">[JAX-WS Spec]</a>
<a href="">[JAX-RS Spec]</a>