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<font face="Arial,Helvetica" color="#FFFFFF">PMC Conference Call - August 9,
<p>Attending: Christophe Ney, Jochen Krause, David Williams, Bjorn
Freeman-Benson, Naci Dai, Arthur Rhyman</p>
<p>Requirements Group report&nbsp; from Jochen</p>
<li>Requirements group has been functioning for one week</li>
<li>Using a wiki to gather their thoughts</li>
<li>Will publish a draft of requirements on the website next week
(August 16th)</li>
<li>Should we use 3.0 or the latest 3.1 milestone? Consensus was that we
should track the latest milestone.</li>
<p>Planning Group report by Christophe</p>
<li>One response to the email asking for help with reviewing the initial
<li>Code camp is being considered but nothing definite yet</li>
<li>Planning document similar to the
<a href="">
Eclipse platform plan</a> is a good idea, but there is no commitment to
produce one.</li>
<p>Architecture Group report by David</p>
<li>Rough draft of the architecture document on the website by the end
of the week</li>
<li>There was a lot of discussion about perhaps people have too high of
expectations for the document?</li>
<li>Conclusion: earlier and incomplete better than later and perfect</li>
<p>Web Standard Tools by Naci</p>
<li>M0: the first public build - should be available via the website by
next week. Including the Cruise Control build status page, etc.</li>
<li>Further discussion of the build process, what to do when builds
break, etc. will take place on the wtp-dev mailing list.</li>
<p>Postponed by Bjorn</p>
<li>We'll talk about scope expansion/reduction/etc next week.</li>
<li>We also need to get an M0, M1, M2 plan onto the website so that
everyone knows our dates and goals. The Planning Group should put this
together or else we'll have to find an alternative solution next week.</li>
<p><font size=-1><i>Minutes posted by Bjorn Freeman-Benson, August 9 2004</i></font></p>