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<title>JavaServer Faces Tools Project v0.5.0 Release Notes</title>
<h1>JavaServer Faces Tools Project v0.5.0<br>Release Notes - 06/30/06</h1>
<h2>Notable Issues</h2>
<li> <a href="">148498</a>: Problems when configuration selected before project named in New Project wizard</li><br><br>
<p>Currently, the project name must first be specified on the New Dynamic Web Project first page before selecting the JSF facet configuration. If not, the JSF facet installation page will not be available in subsequent screens and the JSF project will not be created correctly. It will be necessary to close the wizard and start again because of this issue.<br><br></p>
<li> <a href="">124354</a>: [faces-config editor] Out of SWT Handles Error </li><br><br>
<p>The Faces Configuration editor is not disposing SWT resources correctly which could eventually lead to a crash if the editor is opened and closed many times during a session.<br><br></p>
<li> <a href="">147988<a>: [faces-config editor] All code is identified as API </li><br><br>
<p>API's have not yet been defined for the three faces-config editor plugins: .common, .edit and .ui. The lack of internal package names is not meant to imply that all code is API. <br><br></p>
<li><a href="">148730</a>: Plug-in org.eclipse.jst.jsf.facesconfig inadvertently declares API before it's time</li><br><br>
<p>The faces configuration EMF model has not used "internal.provisional" package names to identify the API in this release as it should have. Any non-internal packaged classes are considered API but should be treated as provisional.<br><br></p>
<li><a href="">148071</a>: [faces-config editor] From-Outcome browser from Link property sheet always displays empty list.</li><br><br>
<p>The non-EL problem still exists in the 0.5.0 release. The patch was applied in CVS but was not released in time for the final build.<br><br></p>
<li><a href="">142056</a>: JSF library referenced in a web project does not act as true reference</li><br><br>
<p>Projects referencing JSF Libraries are not updated when the libraries change.<br><br></p>
<li><a href="">144006</a>: IllegalArgumentException when removing a JSF library reference</li><br><br>
<p>This problem occurs whenever a projects JSF library references are updated but seems to have no negative effect.<br><br></p>
<li><a href="">149221</a>: Boolean bean properties can result in incorrect error at design-time</li><br><br>
<p>Boolean property getters starting with "is" are being incorrectly flagged as errors by the EL validator currently. Things are fine at runtime.<br><br></p>
<h2>Notable Limitations</h2>
<li><a href="">133965</a>: ISSUE: Handling includes</li><br><br>
<p>How JSP fragments and includes will be handled has not yet been resolved.<br><br></p>
<li><a href="">144525</a>: LIMITATION: Loadbundle variables not found without package qualifier</li><br><br>
<li><a href="">145288</a>: LIMITATION: Bundle localization not supported </li><br><br>
<li><a href="">145936</a>: LIMITATION: No EL list support</li><br><br>
<li><a href="">145938</a>: LIMITATION: no array expression support </li><br><br>
<li><a href="">145939</a>: LIMITATION: No symbol support for h:dataTable</li><br><br>
<li><a href="">146921</a>: LIMITATION: Java instance objects cannot be fully populated with design time map info</li><br><br>
<li><a href="">147911</a>: LIMITATION: Symbols framework cannot be directly extended </li><br><br>