blob: 5940c0956bee42e3648cc5a3b0b314b7cf6805c5 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Version: $Id: build.xml,v 1.5 2006/07/05 21:18:34 nitind Exp $
Ant build script for WTP Web Site people folder.
Change Log:
2005-09-15: Lawrence Mandel <>
- Removed Xerces specific validation features.
2005-05-02: Arthur Ryman <>
- Created.
<project name="people" default="main" basedir=".">
<target name="main" depends="html" description="Builds WTP Web site people folder." />
<target name="html" depends="xhtml" description="Transforms XHTML to HTML, and deletes the XHTML.">
<xmlvalidate lenient="true">
<fileset dir="." includes="*.xhtml" />
<xslt style="../wtp.xsl" includes="*.xhtml" destdir="." />
<fileset dir="." includes="*.xhtml" />
<target name="xhtml" description="Transforms XML files to XHTML">
<xmlvalidate lenient="yes">
<fileset dir="." includes="*.xsl, *.xsd" />
<xmlvalidate failonerror="yes" lenient="true" warn="yes">
<fileset dir="." includes="*.xml" excludes="build.xml" />
<attribute name="" value="true" />
<attribute name="" value="true" />
<attribute name="" value="true" />
<attribute name="" value="true" />
<xslt style="person.xsl" includes="*.xml" excludes="build.xml, people.xml" extension=".xhtml" destdir="." force="true" />
<xslt style="index.xsl" in="people.xml" out="index.xhtml" force="true"/>
<xslt style="contributors.xsl" in="people.xml" out="contributors.xhtml" force="true"/>