blob: a84ca00dba724a90fb48bb4a47c01b08a5ffdcb6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.xsd.util;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDAnnotation;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDAttributeDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDAttributeGroupDefinition;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDAttributeUse;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDComplexTypeDefinition;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDCompositor;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDConcreteComponent;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDDerivationMethod;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDElementDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDFacet;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDFactory;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDIdentityConstraintDefinition;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDImport;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDInclude;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDModelGroup;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDModelGroupDefinition;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDNotationDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDPackage;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDParticle;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDRedefine;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDSchema;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDSimpleTypeDefinition;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDTerm;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDTypeDefinition;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDWildcard;
import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDXPathDefinition;
* XSDSchemaBuildingTools is a collection of convenience methods
* for building simple schemas.
* <p>These are suitable to show examples of how to build convenience
* methods to more easily manipulate components in a schema. They also
* serve as useful examples of usage of the library's functions.</p>
* <p>Note that these methods are somewhat simplistic, especially
* in terms of support for namespaces. To simplify the calling
* signatures, and to account for the 80% case where you don't have
* multiple namespaces, most method simply take a localName that's
* assumed to be correct in the current context. However it should
* be simple to copy & paste these methods and add namespaceURI's to
* each method if desired.</p>
* @author
public abstract class XSDSchemaBuildingTools
* Add named simpleTypeDefinition to the schema.
* <p>This method shows the simplest way to add a global named
* XSDSimpleTypeDefinition to an existing schema object.</p>
* @param schema to add the simpleTypeDeclaration to
* @param localName for the type
* @param type localName of base of type within this schema
* @param userInfo if non-null, will be added as a documentation
* element in an annotation element
* @return the simpleTypeDefinition created, after having been
* added to the schema; null if any error occoured
public static XSDSimpleTypeDefinition addSimpleTypeDefinition(XSDSchema schema, String localName, String type, String userInfo)
if ((null == schema) || (null == localName) || (null == type))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("addSimpleTypeDefinition called with null schema/type/name");
// Get the factory and create the type
XSDFactory xsdFactory = XSDFactory.eINSTANCE;
XSDSimpleTypeDefinition simpleType = xsdFactory.createXSDSimpleTypeDefinition();
// Set the name and set it's baseType by resolving
// a definition from the local schema
// Add the simpleTypeDefinition to the object
// Optionally add an userInfo if asked, since this
// is a freqent operation as well; note that you must add
// the type to the schema *first* before adding this
if (null != userInfo)
addUserInformation(simpleType, null, userInfo);
// Return the simpleTypeDefinition itself, so the user can
// make further modifications if desired
return simpleType;
* Add a named complexTypeDefinition to a schema.
* <p>This method shows the simplest way to add a global named
* XSDComplexTypeDefinition to an existing schema object. It
* also provides basic attribute and type support. Note that
* this method does not handle namespaces although that support
* would be simple to add.</p>
* @param schema to add the complexTypeDefinition to
* @param localName localName for the type
* @param type localName of base of type; in this method must be
* resolveable within this schema
* @param attrs HashMap of attributes to add; keys are names
* and values are the type of each one; if null, none added
* @param userInfo if non-null, will be added as a documentation
* element in an annotation element
* @return the complexTypeDefinition created, after having been
* added to the schema; null if any error occoured
public static XSDComplexTypeDefinition addComplexTypeDefinition
(XSDSchema schema, String localName, String type, HashMap<String, Object> attrs, String userInfo)
if ((null == schema) || (null == localName) || (null == type))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("addComplexTypeDefinition called with null schema/type/name");
// Get the factory and create the type
XSDFactory xsdFactory = XSDFactory.eINSTANCE;
// Create the type and set name, etc
XSDComplexTypeDefinition complexType = xsdFactory.createXSDComplexTypeDefinition();
// Add the complexType to the schema; it's typically a good
// practice to do this sooner rather than later
// Create simple anonymous type to extend
XSDSimpleTypeDefinition anonSimpleType = xsdFactory.createXSDSimpleTypeDefinition();
// Be sure to set the contents as well (obviously if this
// were a reference it would be different)
// If asked, create a number of attributes on this type
if (null != attrs)
for (Iterator<String> iter = attrs.keySet().iterator();
iter.hasNext(); /* no-op */)
String attrName =;
Object attrType = attrs.get(attrName);
addAttributeDeclaration(complexType, attrName, attrType);
// Optionally add an userInfo if asked, since this
// be a freqent operation as well; note that you must add
// the type to the schema *first* before adding this
if (null != userInfo)
addUserInformation(complexType, null, userInfo);
// Return the complexTypeDefinition itself, so the user can
// make further modifications if desired
return complexType;
* Add a an attribute declaration to a component.
* <p>Either adds a global attributeDeclaration to the schema,
* or a specific one (and a basic useage thereof) to a complex
* type. Note that users must add any other constraints
* or the like themselves. This method also does not handle
* namespaces, although that support would be simple to add.</p>
* @param component to add annotation to; must be a XSDSchema or
* a XSDComplexTypeDefinition object
* @param localName of the attributeDeclaration
* @param type either an XSDAttributeDeclaration, in which case
* we set a ref= to it, or a String localName of the base type
* @return the attributeDeclaration created, after having been
* added to the schema; null if any error occoured
public static XSDAttributeDeclaration addAttributeDeclaration(XSDConcreteComponent component, String localName, Object type)
if ((null == component) || (null == localName) || (null == type))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("addAttributeDeclaration called with null component/type/name");
// Get the factory and create the attributeDeclaration itself
XSDFactory xsdFactory = XSDFactory.eINSTANCE;
XSDAttributeDeclaration attrDecl = xsdFactory.createXSDAttributeDeclaration();
// Set it's localName
// Set it's type depending on argument
if (type instanceof XSDAttributeDeclaration)
else if (type instanceof String)
// Note that this will only correctly resolve to a
// local name within this schema; most users would
// want to resolve from perhaps a namespace *and*
// a localName
throw new IllegalArgumentException("addAttributeDeclaration illegal type, is: " + type);
// Add the attribute to the component, depending on type
if (component instanceof XSDSchema)
else if (component instanceof XSDComplexTypeDefinition)
// Note that complexTypes must have an attributeUse
// container for the attribute itself; we then add
// the attribute to the concrete contents of the type
XSDAttributeUse attrUse = xsdFactory.createXSDAttributeUse();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to addAttributeDeclaration to type: " + component);
return attrDecl;
* Add a local annotation with userInfo to the given item.
* <p>Note: We take an XSDConcreteComponent, however we must
* then cast it to one of the types that has a setAnnotation
* call defined, since it doesn't have a clear 'parent'
* interface for annotations.</p>
* <p>Also note that UserInformation and ApplicationInformation
* objects can only be added <b>after</b> the parent of the
* annotation has been added to an XSDSchema object. This is
* because these objects are modeled in the concrete DOM
* layer only, and otherwise will throw a DOMException.<p>
* @param component to add annotation to; may be any kind of
* XSDConcreteComponent object including an XSDSchema
* @param sourceURI to set for the userInformation
* @param text text to add as the userInformation
* (xsd:documentation) node to the annotation
* @return the XSDAnnotation object created, after having been
* added to the component; null if any error occoured
public static XSDAnnotation addUserInformation(XSDConcreteComponent component, String sourceURI, String text)
// Note that null is a legal value for the sourceURI
if ((null == component) || (null == text))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("addUserInformation called with null component or text");
// First get the factory from the component: this is
// roundabout, but saves the user from having to
// pass it in
XSDFactory xsdFactory = XSDFactory.eINSTANCE;
// Create an XSDAnnotation object to hold everything
XSDAnnotation xsdAnnotation = xsdFactory.createXSDAnnotation();
// Depending on the XSDConcreteComponent type, cast to
// the appropriate type and add the annotation
if (component instanceof XSDAttributeDeclaration)
else if (component instanceof XSDAttributeGroupDefinition)
else if (component instanceof XSDElementDeclaration)
else if (component instanceof XSDFacet)
else if (component instanceof XSDIdentityConstraintDefinition)
else if (component instanceof XSDImport)
else if (component instanceof XSDInclude)
else if (component instanceof XSDModelGroup)
else if (component instanceof XSDModelGroupDefinition)
else if (component instanceof XSDNotationDeclaration)
else if (component instanceof XSDTypeDefinition)
else if (component instanceof XSDWildcard)
else if (component instanceof XSDXPathDefinition)
else if (component instanceof XSDSchema)
// Note that this adds a global annotation to the
// schema itself, not to any subcomponent
// Whoops, asked us to annotate an unannotateable item
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to addUserInformation onto type: " + component);
// Now that the xsdAnnotation is added to a parent
// XSDConcreteComponent, go ahead and create the
// UserInformation node (xsd:documentation) and
// add a DOM textNode to it containing the information
Element userInfo = xsdAnnotation.createUserInformation(sourceURI);
// Add the finished userInfo object to the concrete
// element of the xsdAnnotation
return xsdAnnotation;
catch (Exception e)
System.err.println("addUserInformation threw an Exception:");
return null;
* Add a named modelGroup(Definition) to a container.
* <p>This method creates a single XSDModelGroup that contains
* a list of XSDParticles for each item in the list. It can
* simplify your code by performing the creation of each particle
* for each group item. Note that this method does not set any
* additional items for the particles, like min/maxOccours etc.</p>
* <p>If passed an XSDSchema, we then add this as a global
* XSDModelGroupDefinition. If passed an XSDModelGroup, add this to the contents,
* If passed an XSDModelGroupDefinition, set this as the model group,
* Otherwise, if passed an
* XSDComplexTypeDefinition we set this group to be the
* single content of the typedef.</p>
* @param component to add the modelGroupDefinition to
* @param localName for the group
* @param compositor to use for the group
* @param groupTerms List of XSDTerm objects to put in the
* group, in list.iterator() order; we throw an exception
* if any of these objects are not valid
* @return the modelGroup created, after having been
* added to the schema; null if any error occoured
public static XSDModelGroup addModelGroupDefinition(XSDConcreteComponent component,
String localName, XSDCompositor compositor, List<? extends XSDTerm> groupTerms)
if ((null == component) || (null == localName) || (null == groupTerms))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("addModelGroupDefinition called with null component/name/list");
// Get the factory and create the type
XSDFactory xsdFactory = XSDFactory.eINSTANCE;
XSDModelGroup modelGroup = xsdFactory.createXSDModelGroup();
// Also set the compositor for the group itself
// Iterate through the list, creating XSDParticles and
// adding them to the group itself
for (Iterator<? extends XSDTerm> terms = groupTerms.iterator();
/*no-op */ )
Object tmp =;
// Get each XSDTerm object (a wildcard, model group,
// or element) and add it to a particle
XSDTerm termItem = (XSDTerm)tmp;
XSDParticle termParticle = xsdFactory.createXSDParticle();
// Add the particle to the modelGroup
catch (ClassCastException cce)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("addModelGroupDefinition illegal list type: " + tmp);
// Add the group either to a type by adding it as a
// particle or to a schema by adding a definition
if (component instanceof XSDComplexTypeDefinition)
XSDParticle modelGroupParticle = xsdFactory.createXSDParticle();
else if (component instanceof XSDSchema)
XSDModelGroupDefinition modelGroupDef = xsdFactory.createXSDModelGroupDefinition();
else if(component instanceof XSDModelGroupDefinition)
else if(component instanceof XSDModelGroup)
XSDParticle particle = xsdFactory.createXSDParticle();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("addModelGroupDefinition doesn't know how to add it to component: " + component);
// Return the modelGroup itself, so the user can
// make further modifications if desired
return modelGroup;
* Remove a named *TypeDefinition.
* <p>This method shows the simplest way to remove a named
* type definition of any type (we automatically search for
* both simple and complex types). Note that removing or
* replacing an actual schema component requires working in
* the concrete model directly.</p>
* @param schema to remove the *TypeDefinition from
* @param namespace for the type
* @param localName for the type
* @return true if successful; false otherwise
public static boolean removeTypeDefinition(XSDSchema schema, String namespace, String localName)
if ((null == schema) || (null == localName))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("removeTypeDefinition called with null schema/localName");
// Let the schema try to find an appropriate type definition
// for you - this will either return the actual type if it
// already exists, or a placeholder for one if it does not
XSDTypeDefinition typeDefinition =
schema.resolveTypeDefinition(namespace, localName);
// Get the specific container of the typeDefinition
XSDConcreteComponent container = typeDefinition.getContainer();
// Check to ensure that this is a real type that lives in
// the schema, and not just a placeholder that was created
if (null == container)
// It's just a placeholder; nothing to do
return false;
// else, continue to remove the real component
// Note that each type of container must be typecast to
// get the appropriate contents method
if (container instanceof XSDSchema)
return ((XSDSchema)container).getContents().remove(typeDefinition);
else if (container instanceof XSDRedefine)
return ((XSDRedefine)container).getContents().remove(typeDefinition);
// NB: can any other objects be containers for
// typeDefinitions?
return false;
* Worker method to get a simple 'blank' schema.
* <p>This creates a simple schema with just some namespace
* information attached. More detailed programs may also
* wish to set other schema attributes.</p>
* @param factory to create objects from; if null we will use
* our own sample {@link #getXSDFactory() getXSDFactory} method
* @param targetPrefix to use
* @param targetNS to use
* @param annotationText to set as a documentation element
* on an annotation (if null is not set)
* @param annotationSource to use if annotationText is not null
* @return false if we should abort the test; true otherwise
public static XSDSchema getBlankSchema
(XSDFactory factory, String targetPrefix, String targetNS, String annotationText, String annotationSource)
if (factory == null)
factory = getXSDFactory();
XSDSchema schema = factory.createXSDSchema();
// Set target namespace
// Choose the prefix used for this schema's namespace,
// and the schema for schema's namespace
Map<String, String> namespaces = schema.getQNamePrefixToNamespaceMap();
namespaces.put(targetPrefix, schema.getTargetNamespace());
namespaces.put(schema.getSchemaForSchemaQNamePrefix(), XSDConstants.SCHEMA_FOR_SCHEMA_URI_2001);
// Add an annotation if asked to
if (null != annotationText)
addUserInformation(schema, annotationSource, annotationText);
return schema;
* A cached XSDPackage: one per lifetime.
* @see #getXSDFactory()
protected static XSDPackage m_xsdPackage = null;
* A cached XSDFactory: one per lifetime.
* @see #getXSDFactory()
protected static XSDFactory m_xsdFactory = null;
* Worker method to initialize various XSD and etools prereqs.
* <p>The initialization sequence depends on some specific
* versions of Eclipse and may depend on how your application
* is run (as an Eclipse plugin or as a headless program, etc.).
* Note this caches the package and factory objects, and does
* not bother to re-call init() unless needed. This actual
* implementation is meant to be run as a standalone headless
* program although it may be suitable for other applications.</p>
* @return an XSDFactory already initialized; or a cached one
* if we've been previously called
public static XSDFactory getXSDFactory()
// If cached, return previous factory
if (null != m_xsdFactory)
return m_xsdFactory;
// This is needed because we can't have the following in the plugin.xml
// <extension point = "com.eclipse.emf.ecore.extension_parser">
// <parser type="xsd" class="org.eclipse.xsd.util.XSDResourceFactoryImpl"/>
// </extension>
Resource.Factory.Registry.INSTANCE.getExtensionToFactoryMap().put("xsd", new XSDResourceFactoryImpl());
// Also get the factory implementation here as well
m_xsdPackage = XSDPackage.eINSTANCE;
m_xsdFactory = XSDFactory.eINSTANCE;
return m_xsdFactory;