blob: 1bff4e5b40112bb42fa2ebf2e83d2455f9827979 [file] [log] [blame]
# /**
# * <copyright>
# *
# * Copyright (c) 2002-2008 IBM Corporation and others.
# * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# *
# *
# * Contributors:
# * IBM - Initial API and implementation
# *
# * </copyright>
# *
# * $Id:,v 1.4 2008/05/05 21:24:44 davidms Exp $
# */
pluginName = XSD Edit
providerName =
_UI_CreateChild_description = Create a new {0} under the selected {1}
_UI_CreateChild_tooltip = Create New {0} Under Selected {1}
_UI_CreateSibling_description = Create a new {0} as a sibling of the selected {1}
_UI_CreateSibling_tooltip = Create New {0} as Sibling of Selected {1}
_UI_XSDAnnotation_type = Annotation
_UI_XSDAttributeDeclaration_type = Attribute Declaration
_UI_XSDAttributeGroupDefinition_type = Attribute Group Definition
_UI_XSDAttributeUse_type = Attribute Use
_UI_XSDBoundedFacet_type = Bounded Facet
_UI_XSDCardinalityFacet_type = Cardinality Facet
_UI_XSDComplexTypeDefinition_type = Complex Type Definition
_UI_XSDDiagnostic_type = Diagnostic
_UI_XSDElementDeclaration_type = Element Declaration
_UI_XSDEnumerationFacet_type = Enumeration Facet
_UI_XSDFractionDigitsFacet_type = Fraction Digits Facet
_UI_XSDIdentityConstraintDefinition_type = Identity Constraint Definition
_UI_XSDImport_type = Import
_UI_XSDInclude_type = Include
_UI_XSDLengthFacet_type = Length Facet
_UI_XSDMaxExclusiveFacet_type = Max Exclusive Facet
_UI_XSDMaxInclusiveFacet_type = Max Inclusive Facet
_UI_XSDMaxLengthFacet_type = Max Length Facet
_UI_XSDMinExclusiveFacet_type = Min Exclusive Facet
_UI_XSDMinInclusiveFacet_type = Min Inclusive Facet
_UI_XSDMinLengthFacet_type = Min Length Facet
_UI_XSDModelGroupDefinition_type = Model Group Definition
_UI_XSDModelGroup_type = Model Group
_UI_XSDNotationDeclaration_type = Notation Declaration
_UI_XSDNumericFacet_type = Numeric Facet
_UI_XSDOrderedFacet_type = Ordered Facet
_UI_XSDParticle_type = Particle
_UI_XSDPatternFacet_type = Pattern Facet
_UI_XSDRedefine_type = Redefine
_UI_XSDSchema_type = Schema
_UI_XSDSimpleTypeDefinition_type = Simple Type Definition
_UI_XSDTotalDigitsFacet_type = Total Digits Facet
_UI_XSDWhiteSpaceFacet_type = White Space Facet
_UI_XSDWildcard_type = Wildcard
_UI_XSDXPathDefinition_type = XPath Definition
_UI_Unknown_type = Object
_UI_XSDElementDeclaration_type_reference = Element Reference
_UI_XSDAttributeDeclaration_type_reference = Attribute Reference
_UI_XSDModelGroupDefinition_type_reference = Model Group Reference
_UI_XSDAttributeGroupDefinition_type_reference = Attribute Group Reference
_UI_XSDModelGroup_type_all = All Model Group
_UI_XSDModelGroup_type_choice = Choice Model Group
_UI_XSDModelGroup_type_sequence = Sequence Model Group
_UI_XSDSimpleTypeDefinition_type_atomic = Atomic Simple Type Definition
_UI_XSDSimpleTypeDefinition_type_list = List Simple Type Definition
_UI_XSDSimpleTypeDefinition_type_union = Union Simple Type Definition
_UI_XSDIdentityConstraintDefinition_type_key = Key Identity Constraint Definition
_UI_XSDIdentityConstraintDefinition_type_keyref = Keyref Identity Constraint Definition
_UI_XSDIdentityConstraintDefinition_type_unique = Unique Identity Constraint Definition
_UI_XSDXPathDefinition_type_selector = Selector XPath Definition
_UI_XSDXPathDefinition_type_field = Field XPath Definition
_UI_XSDWildcard_type_attribute = Attribute Wildcard
_UI_XSDWildcard_type_element = Element Wildcard
_UI_XSDAnnotation_type_annotation = Type Annotation
_UI_XSDAnnotation_type_contentAnnotation = Content Annotation
_UI_XSDAnnotation_type_derivationAnnotation = Derivation Annotation
_UI_XSDElementDeclaration_new_object = myElement
_UI_XSDAttributeDeclaration_new_object = myAttribute
_UI_XSDModelGroupDefinition_new_object = myModelGroup
_UI_XSDAttributeGroupDefinition_new_object = myAttributeGroup
_UI_XSDSimpleTypeDefinition_new_object = mySimpleType
_UI_XSDComplexTypeDefinition_new_object = myComplexType
_UI_XSDIdentityConstraintDefinition_new_object = myIdentityConstraint
_UI_XSDNotationDeclaration_new_object = myNotation
_UI_AbstractOfElement_description = Whether an instance of the element may appear a document
_UI_AbstractOfType_description = Whether the type may be used to declare an element
_UI_Abstract_label = Abstract
_UI_AnnotationOfElement_description = The annotation of the element
_UI_AnnotationOfAttributeGroup_description = The annotation of the attribute group definition
_UI_AnnotationOfAttribute_description = The annotation of the attribute
_UI_AnnotationOfFacet_description = The annotation of the facet
_UI_AnnotationOfIdentityConstraint_description = The annotation of the identity constraint
_UI_AnnotationOfImport_description = The annotation of the import
_UI_AnnotationOfInclude_description = The annotation of the include
_UI_AnnotationOfModelGroupDefinition_description = The annotation of the model group definition
_UI_AnnotationOfModelGroup_description = The annotation of the model group
_UI_AnnotationOfNotation_description = The annotation of the notation
_UI_AnnotationOfType_description = The annotation of the type
_UI_AnnotationOfWildcard_description = The annotation of the wildcard
_UI_AnnotationURI_description = The annotation URI of the diagnostic
_UI_AnnotationURI_label = Annotation URI
_UI_Annotation_label = Annotation
_UI_AttributeDeclaration_description = The attribute declaration being used
_UI_AttributeDeclaration_label = Attribute Declaration
_UI_AttributeFormDefault_description = The default value of attribute form for the schema
_UI_AttributeFormDefault_label = Attribute Form Default
_UI_AttributeWildcardOfAttributeGroup_description = The wildcard of the attribute group definition
_UI_AttributeWildcardOfType_description = The attribute wildcard of the type
_UI_AttributeWildcard_label = Attribute Wildcard
_UI_BaseTypeDefinition_description = The base type definition of the type definition
_UI_BaseTypeDefinition_label = Base Type Definition
_UI_BlockDefault_description = The default value of block for the schema
_UI_BlockDefault_label = Block Default
_UI_BlockOfElement_description = The aspects that are blocked for the element declaration
_UI_BlockOfType_description = The aspects that are blocked for the type definition
_UI_Block_label = Block
_UI_Bounded_description = The bounded fundamental facet of the type
_UI_Bounded_label = Bounded
_UI_Cardinality_description = The cardinality fundamental facet of the type
_UI_Cardinality_label = Cardinality
_UI_Column_description = The column of the diagnostic
_UI_Column_label = Column
_UI_Compositor_description = The style of composition of the model group
_UI_Compositor_label = Compositor
_UI_ConstraintOfAttributeUse_description = The style of constraint of the attribute use
_UI_ConstraintOfAttribute_description = The style of constraint of the attribute
_UI_ConstraintOfElement_description = The style of constraint of the element
_UI_ConstraintOfFeature_description = The style of constraint of the feature
_UI_Constraint_label = Constraint
_UI_ContentTypeCategory_description = The style of content supported by the type
_UI_ContentTypeCategory_label = Content Type Category
_UI_ContentType_description = The content type supported by the type
_UI_ContentType_label = Content Type
_UI_DerivationMethod_description = The derivation method used with respect to the type's base type definition
_UI_DerivationMethod_label = Derivation Method
_UI_DisallowedSubstitutions_description = The substitutions that are not allowed for the element
_UI_DisallowedSubstitutions_label = Disallowed Substitutions
_UI_ElementFormDefault_description = The default value of element form for the schema
_UI_ElementFormDefault_label = Element Form Default
_UI_Element_description = The element associated with the component
_UI_Element_label = Element
_UI_FinalDefault_description = The default value of final for the schema
_UI_FinalDefault_label = Final Default
_UI_FinalOfElement_description = The aspects that are final for the element declaration
_UI_FinalOfType_description = The aspects that are final for the type
_UI_Final_description = The aspects that are final for the type definition
_UI_Final_label = Final
_UI_Fixed_description = Whether the facet's constraint is fixed
_UI_Fixed_label = Fixed
_UI_FormOfAttribute_description = The value of form for the attribute
_UI_FormOfElement_description = The value of form for the element
_UI_Form_label = Form
_UI_IdentityConstraintCategory_description = The style of identity constraint
_UI_IdentityConstraintCategory_label = Identity Constraint Category
_UI_ItemTypeDefinition_description = The item type definition of the list type definition
_UI_ItemTypeDefinition_label = Item Type Definition
_UI_LexicalFinal_description = The aspects that are final for the type definition
_UI_LexicalFinal_label = Lexical Final
_UI_LexicalNamespaceConstraint_description = The lexical namespace constraints specified by the wildcard
_UI_LexicalNamespaceConstraint_label = Lexical Namespace Constraint
_UI_LexicalValueOfAttributeUse_description = The constrained value of the attribute use
_UI_LexicalValueOfAttribute_description = The constrained value of the attribute
_UI_LexicalValueOfElement_description = The constrained value of the element
_UI_LexicalValueOfFacet_description = The lexical value of the facet
_UI_LexicalValueOfFeature_description = The constrained value of the feature
_UI_LexicalValue_label = Lexical Value
_UI_Line_description = The line of the diagnostic
_UI_Line_label = Line
_UI_LocationURI_description = The location URI of the diagnostic
_UI_LocationURI_label = Location URI
_UI_MaxOccurs_description = The maximum number of occurrences of the particle
_UI_MaxOccurs_label = Max Occurs
_UI_Message_description = The message of the diagnostic
_UI_Message_label = Message
_UI_MinOccurs_description = The minimum number of occurrences of the particle
_UI_MinOccurs_label = Min Occurs
_UI_Mixed_description = Whether the content type is mixed
_UI_Mixed_label = Mixed
_UI_Name_description = The name of the component
_UI_Name_label = Name
_UI_NamespaceConstraintCategory_description = The namespace constraint category specified by the wildcard
_UI_NamespaceConstraintCategory_label = Namespace Constraint Category
_UI_NamespaceConstraint_description = The namespace constraints specified by the wildcard
_UI_NamespaceConstraint_label = Namespace Constraint
_UI_Namespace_description = The namespace of the import
_UI_Namespace_label = Namespace
_UI_Nillable_description = Whether the content of the element can be set to nill
_UI_Nillable_label = Nillable
_UI_Node_description = The node of the diagnostic
_UI_Node_label = Node
_UI_Numeric_description = The numeric fundamental facet of the type
_UI_Numeric_label = Numeric
_UI_Ordered_description = The ordered fundamental facet of the type
_UI_Ordered_label = Ordered
_UI_PrimitiveTypeDefinition_description = The primitive type definition of the type definition
_UI_PrimitiveTypeDefinition_label = Primitive Type Definition
_UI_ProcessContents_description = The style of content processing specified by the wildcard
_UI_ProcessContents_label = Process Contents
_UI_ProhibitedSubstitutions_description = The substitutions prohibited for the type
_UI_ProhibitedSubstitutions_label = Prohibited Substitutions
_UI_PublicIdentifier_description = The public identifier of the notation
_UI_PublicIdentifier_label = Public Identifier
_UI_ReferencedKey_description = The key referenced by the identity constraint
_UI_ReferencedKey_label = Referenced Key
_UI_Required_description = Whether the attribute use is required
_UI_Required_label = Required
_UI_ResolveAttributeDeclaration_description = The attribute declaration to which the attribute resolves
_UI_ResolveAttributeDeclaration_label = Resolved Attribute Declaration
_UI_ResolveElementDeclaration_label = Resolved Element Declaration
_UI_ResolveElementDeclaration_description = The element declaration to which the element resolves
_UI_ResolvedAttributeGroupDefinition_description = The attribute group definition to which the attribute group definition resolves
_UI_ResolvedAttributeGroupDefinition_label = Resolved Attribute Group Definition
_UI_ResolvedModelGroupDefinition_description = The model group definition to which the model group definition resolves
_UI_ResolvedModelGroupDefinition_label = Resolved Model Group Definition
_UI_SchemaLocationOfDirective_description = The location of the target schema
_UI_SchemaLocationOfSchema_description = The location of the schema
_UI_SchemaLocation_label = Schema Location
_UI_ScopeOfAttribute_description = The scope containing the attribute
_UI_ScopeOfElement_description = The scope containing the element
_UI_ScopeOfFeature_description = The scope containing the feature
_UI_Scope_label = Scope
_UI_Selector_description = The XPath selector of the identity constraint
_UI_Selector_label = Selector
_UI_Severity_description = The severity of the diagnostic
_UI_Severity_label = Severity
_UI_SimpleTypeDefinition_description = The simple type definition containing the facet
_UI_SimpleTypeDefinition_label = Simple Type Definition
_UI_SubstitutionGroupAffiliation_label = Substitution Group Affiliation
_UI_SubstitutionGroupAffiliation_description = The substitution group with which the element is affiliated
_UI_SubstitutionGroupExclusions_description = The element substitutions that are excluded for the element
_UI_SubstitutionGroupExclusions_label = Substitution Group Exclusions
_UI_SystemIdentifier_description = The system identifier of the notation
_UI_SystemIdentifier_label = System Identifier
_UI_TargetNamespaceOfSchema_description = The target namespace of the schema
_UI_TargetNamespace_description = The target namespace of the component
_UI_TargetNamespace_label = Target Namespace
_UI_TypeDefinition_description = The resolved type definition of the attribute
_UI_TypeDefinitionOfElement_description = The resolved type definition of the element
_UI_TypeDefinition_label = Type Definition
_UI_URI_Reference_description = The URI reference associated with the component
_UI_URI_Reference_label = URI Reference
_UI_Use_description = The category of attribute use
_UI_Use_label = Use
_UI_ValueBoundedFacet_description = Whether the type's value space is bounded
_UI_ValueCardinalityFacet_description = The cardinality of the type's value space
_UI_ValueEnumerationFacet_description = The enumerator value of the facet
_UI_ValueFractionDigitsFacet_description = The number of fraction digits for the facet
_UI_ValueLengthFacet_description = The constrained length of the facet
_UI_ValueMaxExclusiveFacet_description = The constrained exclusive maximum of the facet
_UI_ValueMaxInclusiveFacet_description = The constrained inclusive maximum of the facet
_UI_ValueMaxLengthFacet_description = The constrained maximum length of the facet
_UI_ValueMinExclusiveFacet_description = The constrained exclusive minimum of the facet
_UI_ValueMinInclusiveFacet_description = The constrained inclusive minimum of the facet
_UI_ValueMinLengthFacet_description = The constrained minimum length of the facet
_UI_ValueNumericFacet_description = Whether the type of the facet is numeric
_UI_ValueOrderedFacet_description = The style of order supported by the type of the facet
_UI_ValuePatternFacet_description = The pattern of the facet
_UI_ValueTotalDigitsFacet_description = The total number of digits specified by the facet
_UI_ValueWhiteSpaceFacet_description = The style of whitespace processing specified for the facet
_UI_Value_label = Value
_UI_VarietyOfXPath_description = The role of the XPath of the XPath definition
_UI_Variety_description = The style of simple type definition
_UI_Variety_label = Variety
_UI_Absent_label = 'absent'
_UI_DefaultValue_label = ({0})
_UI_DotDotDot_label = ...
_UI_Annotations_label = Annotations
_UI_AttributeGroups_label = Attribute Groups
_UI_Attributes_label = Attributes
_UI_Elements_label = Elements
_UI_IdentityConstraints_label = Identity Constraints
_UI_ModelGroups_label = Model Groups
_UI_Notations_label = Notations
_UI_Types_label = Types