blob: 5f3ae0c277c235a8991841f573e117c1efc70553 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015 fortiss GmbH
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* Alois Zoitl
* - initial implementation and rework communication infrastructure
#include "fortelist.h"
#include "stringdict.h"
#include "mgmcmdstruct.h"
class CFunctionBlock;
namespace forte {
namespace core {
class CFBContainer{
CFBContainer(CStringDictionary::TStringId paContainerName, CFBContainer *paParent);
virtual ~CFBContainer();
CStringDictionary::TStringId getName() const{
return mContainerName;
/*!\brief Gets a function block from the container or recursively from its subcontainers
* @param paNameList itartor to the name hierarchy the requested function block, if retval is not 0 it will point to the the item which found the FB
* @return pointer to the requested function block, returns 0 if function block is not in the list
CFunctionBlock* getContainedFB(forte::core::TNameIdentifier::CIterator &paNameListIt);
/*!\brief Adds a created function block to the FB-List
* @param pa_poFuncBlock new function block to add to the FB-List
* @return response of the command execution as defined in IEC 61499
EMGMResponse addFB(CFunctionBlock *pa_poFuncBlock);
typedef CSinglyLinkedList<CFunctionBlock *> TFunctionBlockList;
TFunctionBlockList &getFBList(){
return mFunctionBlocks;
/*!\brief Create a new FB instance of given type and name
* @param paNameListIt iterator to the current position in the name list for the FB to be created (e.g., SubApp1.SubApp2.FBName, FBName2)
* @param paTypeName the type name of the FB to be created
* @param paRes the resource this container is contained in and in which the fb should reside
* @return response of the command execution as defined in IEC 61499
EMGMResponse createFB(forte::core::TNameIdentifier::CIterator &paNameListIt,
CStringDictionary::TStringId paTypeName, CResource *paRes);
/*!\brief Delete a FB instance with given name
* @param paNameListIt iterator to the current position in the name list for the FB to be deleted (e.g., SubApp1.SubApp2.FBName, FBName2)
* @return response of the command execution as defined in IEC 61499
EMGMResponse deleteFB(forte::core::TNameIdentifier::CIterator &paNameListIt);
/*! get fb contained in this fbcontainer
CFunctionBlock *getFB(CStringDictionary::TStringId paFBName);
CFBContainer *getFBContainer(CStringDictionary::TStringId paContainerName);
//! Change the execution state of all contained FBs and also recursively in all contained containers
EMGMResponse changeContainedFBsExecutionState(EMGMCommandType paCommand);
typedef CSinglyLinkedList<CFBContainer *> TFBContainerList;
/*!\brief Retrieve a FBContainer with given name. If it does not exist create it.
* @param paContainerName name of the container
* @return pointer to the container or 0 if an FB with the same name exists in this container
CFBContainer *findOrCreateContainer(CStringDictionary::TStringId paContainerName);
CStringDictionary::TStringId mContainerName; //!< name of the container
CFBContainer *mParent; //!< the parent FBContainer this FBContainer is contained in. The parent of a resource is 0
TFunctionBlockList mFunctionBlocks; //!< The functionblocks hold in this container
TFBContainerList mSubContainers; //!< List of subcontainers (i.e, subapplications in this container)
} /* namespace core */
} /* namespace forte */
#endif /* FBCONTAINER_H_ */