| ###################################################################### |
| #Copyright (c) 2002 IBM Corporation and others. |
| #All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| #are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 |
| #which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| #http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html |
| #Contributors: |
| #Adrian Colyer, Andy Clement, Tracy Gardner - initial version |
| #... |
| ###################################################################### |
| |
| pluginName=AspectJ Development Tools UI |
| providerName=Eclipse.org |
| |
| ajNature=AspectJ Nature |
| ajPerspective=AspectJ |
| |
| AspectJ=AspectJ |
| org.eclipse.ajdt.ui.tools=Aspect&J Tools |
| |
| ajBuilder=AspectJ Builder |
| |
| # Actions |
| # -------- |
| ajActions=AspectJ Actions |
| convertToAJP=Con&vert to AspectJ Project |
| removeAJNature=&Remove AspectJ Nature |
| manageBreakpointActionInRulerContextMenu=Toggle Breakpoint |
| convertExt=&Convert File Extensions... |
| convertExtToAJ=Convert File Extension to .&aj |
| convertExtToJava=Convert File Extension to .&java |
| Refactoring.menu.label= Refac&tor |
| CreateAntBuildFile=Create Ant Build File with &AspectJ Support |
| OpenTypeInHierarchyAction.label=Open AspectJ Type in &Hierarchy.. |
| OpenTypeInHierarchyAction.tooltip=Open AspectJ Type in Hierarchy |
| OpenTypeAction.label=Open &AspectJ Type.. |
| OpenTypeAction.tooltip=Open AspectJ Type |
| ActionDefinition.openType.name=Open AspectJ Type |
| ActionDefinition.openType.description=Open a type in a Java or AspectJ editor |
| ActionDefinition.openTypeInHierarchy.name=Open AspectJ Type in Hierarchy |
| ActionDefinition.openTypeInHierarchy.description=Open a type in the type hierarchy view |
| renameAJFiles=Re&name... |
| |
| |
| # Ruler context menu - Actions copied from JDT |
| # ---------------------------------------------- |
| AddBookmark.label=Add Boo&kmark |
| AddBookmark.tooltip=Add Bookmark... |
| AddTask.label=Add &Task |
| AddTask.tooltip=Add Task... |
| Folding.label= F&olding |
| JavaBreakpointProperties.label=Breakpoint P&roperties... |
| EnableBreakpoint.label=&Toggle Breakpoint Enabled |
| |
| # Views |
| # ------ |
| ajOutline=AspectJ Outline |
| eventTraceView=AJDT Event Trace |
| |
| # Editors |
| # ------- |
| buildConfigEditor=Build Configuration File Editor |
| ajEditor=AspectJ/Java Editor |
| ajPropertiesEditor=AspectJ Properties Editor |
| propertiesFileEditor=Properties File Editor |
| jarDescriptionEditor=JAR Description Editor |
| |
| pointcutSourceHover=Pointcut Definition |
| pointcutSourceHoverDescription=Shows the definition of the selected AspectJ pointcut. |
| |
| # This doesn't seem to be shown to the user anywhere |
| AJEditorActionsLabel=AspectJ editor action |
| |
| # Filters |
| # ------- |
| ajsymFilter=Ajsym Filter |
| ajFileFilter=.aj resource filter |
| ajFileFilterDesc=Prevents .aj files from appearing twice |
| |
| pointcutFilter.name=Pointcuts |
| pointcutFilter.description=Hides AspectJ pointcuts |
| adviceFilter.name=Advice |
| adviceFilter.description=Hides AspectJ advice |
| introductionFilter.name=Introductions |
| introductionFilter.description=Hides AspectJ introductions |
| declarationFilter.name=Declarations |
| declarationFilter.description=Hides AspectJ declarations |
| |
| # Resources |
| # --------- |
| ajProject=AspectJ Project |
| buildConfigFile=Build Configuration |
| buildConfigDescription=Create a new AspectJ build configuration |
| |
| # Wizards |
| # -------- |
| ajAspect=Aspect |
| ajExportWizard=Deployable plug-ins and fragments with AspectJ support |
| ajExportWizard.description=Export the selected plug-ins and/or fragments in a form suitable for deploying in an Eclipse product. Includes support for AspectJ. |
| ajJarExportWizard=JAR file with AspectJ support |
| ajJarExportWizard.description=Package resources into a JAR file in the local file system. Includes support for AspectJ projects. |
| |
| OpenAJProjectWizardAction.label=AspectJ Project... |
| OpenAJProjectWizardAction.tooltip=New AspectJ Project |
| |
| ajProjectWizard.description=Create an AspectJ Project |
| ajAspectWizard.description=Create an Aspect |
| |
| |
| # AspectJ Menu |
| # ------------- |
| buildConfig=Display build configuration choice |
| runTestSuite=Run Test Suite |
| about=About |
| |
| # Visualiser |
| # ------------ |
| aspectVisualizationPerspective=Aspect Visualization |
| |
| Visualiser=Visualiser |
| |
| Aspect_Visualiser=Aspect Visualiser |
| Aspect_Visualiser_Menu=Aspect Visualiser Menu |
| |
| ajdtProvider=AJDT Provider |
| aspectJProvider=AspectJ Provider |
| aspectJProvider.description=Provider that shows where AspectJ advice applies on Java packages and classes. |
| aspectJProvider.emptyMessage=Nothing to display. Select a project, package, or class from the Package Explorer. |
| |
| ajdtPalette=AJDT palette |
| |
| # Cross-Reference |
| # ---------------- |
| pointcutMatches=pointcut matches |
| adviceXRef=advises / advised by |
| ajXRefProvider=AspectJ XReference Provider |
| |
| # Preferences |
| # ------------ |
| ajCompilerOptionsPrefName=Compiler |
| |
| # Markers |
| # ---------- |
| aspectjproblem=AspectJ Problem |
| sourceAndTargetMarker=Source and Target Marker |
| dynamicSourceAndTargetMarker=Dynamic Source and Target Marker |
| beforeAdviceMarker=Before Advice Marker |
| aroundAdviceMarker=Around Advice Marker |
| sourceOfAdviceMarker=Source of Advice Marker |
| sourceOfAroundAdviceMarker=Source of Around Advice Marker |
| sourceOfBeforeAdviceMarker=Source of Before Advice Marker |
| sourceOfAfterAdviceMarker=Source of After Advice Marker |
| |
| ajdtErrors=AJDT Errors |
| ajdtWarnings=AJDT Warnings |
| |
| dynamicAdviceMarker=Dynamic Advice Marker |
| dynamicBeforeAdviceMarker=Dynamic Before Advice Marker |
| dynamicAfterAdviceMarker=Dynamic After Advice Marker |
| dynamicAroundAdviceMarker=Dynamic Around Advice Marker |
| sourceDynamicAdviceMarker=Source Dynamic Advice Marker |
| sourceDynamicBeforeAdviceMarker=Source Dynamic Before Advice Marker |
| sourceDynamicAfterAdviceMarker=Source Dynamic After Advice Marker |
| sourceDynamicAroundAdviceMarker=Source Dynamic Around Advice Marker |
| declarationMarker=Declaration Marker |
| intertypeDeclarationMarker=Intertype Declaration Marker |
| intertypeDeclarationSourceMarker=Intertype Declaration Source Marker |
| |
| advice=Advice |
| aspectDeclaration=Aspect Declaration |
| |
| # Build configuration |
| # ------------------- |
| activateConfig=&Activate Build Configuration |
| saveAsAJProperties=&Save as .ajproperties File |
| saveAsLst=&Save as .lst File |
| BuildConfigDecorator.label=AspectJ Build Configuration and Advice Indicator |
| BuildConfigDecorator.description=Decorates packages and source files to indicate whether or not they are included in the active build configuration, and decorates the active configuration file. Also decorates Java elements to show whether they are advised. |
| excludeFromBuildConfig=&Exclude from active build configuration |
| includeInActiveBuildConfig=&Include in active build configuration |
| |
| |
| # ajdoc |
| # ----- |
| generateajdoc=G&enerate AJdoc... |
| |
| # Launching |
| # --------- |
| launcherDescription=Create a configuration that will launch a Java virtual machine. Supports aspect paths and main methods in aspects. |
| launcherName=AspectJ/Java Application |
| AspectJApplicationShortcut.label=AspectJ/Java Application |
| AspectJApplicationShortcut.description.debug=Debug AspectJ/Java Application |
| AspectJApplicationShortcut.description.run=Run AspectJ/Java Application |
| ltwLauncherDescription=Create a configuration that will launch a Java virtual machine with support for AspectJ load-time weaving. |
| ltwLauncherName=AspectJ Load-Time Weaving Application |
| |
| # Crosscutting Comparison |
| # ----------------------- |
| AJMapEditor=AspectJ Crosscutting Map File Editor |
| CompareCrosscutting.submenu.eachOther=Compare Crosscutting With &Each Other |
| CompareCrosscutting.submenu.currentBuild=Compare Crosscutting With &Current Build |
| CompareCrosscutting.view=Crosscutting Comparison |
| SaveCrosscuttingMapAction=&Save Crosscutting Map... |
| SaveCrosscuttingMapActionGroup=Crosscutting Comparison |
| |
| # Property Pages |
| # -------------- |
| aspectj=AspectJ |
| javaBuildPath=Java Build Path |
| aspectJInpath=AspectJ InPath |
| aspectJAspectPath=AspectJ Aspect Path |
| aspectJCompiler=AspectJ Compiler |
| |